
The Tall guy heard his words but he didn't respond and continued to point his pistol at Ryusei's face, it wasn't known what he was thinking by observing his expression. Ryusei was smiling whole time behaving as if he was the one who was in complete control of the situation.

He knew that the men in front of him weren't idiots so if he distracted himself or showed a single weakness for a single moment or if they detected even a single loophole in his words then he won't even know when he will be killed.

He was thinking 'When will you come Inspector? I'm literally dying waiting for you to come.' After some moments, he heard some sirens, it was the voice of the sirens from the police car and a Gunshot was heard in the area.

Ryusei was shot at his heart and the last thought before dying was 'I told you Inspector that you shouldn't use the Siren, it alerts the criminals.' His eyes turned heavy as the darkness swallowed his consciousness.

After an unknown amount of time, he heard a voice say, "You have slept for a long time. Now, wake up." Ryusei opened his eyes and his eyes turned wide when he noticed that the sky was yellow.

It was a weird phenomenon as he had never heard any of the countries have a golden sky, it certainly astounded him. He turned his head and saw that he was on some sort of a creature going flying somewhere.

He turned towards the other side and saw a man looking at him with a kind smile on his face. He heard the man say, "You finally woke up. Well, I wanted to say, good job in doing those deed in your life."

Ryusei wasn't really sure what the man was talking about but he didn't interrupt him as he continued to listen, "You must be thinking about where we are? And where are we going?"

He nodded as he was indeed thinking about it, no point in lying to someone when it's going to be your first reaction. The man looked at him and said, "We are in the Netherworld Realm, here I am taking your soul out on a what do you humans say, oh right, stroll."

Ryusei was a bit astonished by his words and turned down his head and saw that he was indeed flying in the air. It wasn't even in his control right now, this was the thing that no scientific technology claim to make right now unless it had become too advanced. He knew that the man in front of him was most probably telling the truth.

He stared at the man asked, "Who are you?"

The man smiled in his direction and said, "I am a GOD, young boy." Ryusei's eyes widened when he called himself a GOD, he was a bit too simple to be a GOD.

He was still confused by some things and said, "Then why am I with GOD-sama. It isn't like I did something unique in my life that hasn't already been done by someone. Why would you specially appear in front of me like this?"

The GOD smiled and said, "True, even though you saved the kids from being sold off and these kids in the future will save many others it doesn't require my appearance in front of you. The thing which caught my interest was how you managed to defy your fate for 10 minutes and due to that you changed the fate of your whole world."

Ryusei raised his eyebrow as he repeated his words, "Defied my fate for 10 minutes." What's the big deal with that?"

The GOD said, "You don't know boy but nobody in the history of the mankind managed to defy fate. It is something which is ever-existing and never changing. Since, I have become the GOD, this is the 1st time I have seen something like this."

The GOD then started explaining in detail and said, "The fate that you changed was the one in which you managed to delay these guys which should be impossible according to the previous fate.

In the previous fate, these children died and so they didn't annihilate this organization. By delaying them merely for 10 minutes, you have managed to change the entire fate of the World. This event has really astounded me and I have decided to give you another chance life. So, do you accept it?"

Of course, he accepted. He also wanted to have another chance at life if he could. He nodded and he heard the GOD say, "I can send you to that world but remember we can't contact each other at all. This will be the last time you see me. Now, go."

After the GOD's voice fell, his eyes started to get heavy and he felt as if the world started spinning in front of him.

Soon enough, he heard a male voice say, "My son is finally born!" He opened his baby eyes and looked around, and noticed a man of nearly 30 years of age in front of him. He had a good amount of physical fitness which was quite obvious considering his muscles and his body.

The man had black hairs reaching up to his shoulders, with sharp eyes, and he was a handsome person. If what he could be called in his previous life was handsome then this man in front of him was almost at the same level.

He was picked up by the man, who was most likely his father and he turned his head towards his mother. Who was comfortably sleeping on the bed, his father started to play with him, and whenever the situation required, he also took great care of my mother.

After some time, the door of the room opened and two people, preferably wife and husband stepped inside the room, his father also observed them and out down his head as heard him say, "Mother, father, your grandchild is finally born."

Both of their faces lit up, it was kind of like that of Christmas tree, he could feel that these were the genuine emotions of them, he was picked up was by his grandmother who said some sweet words to him.

She said in a full of loving voice, "My good grandson is finally here. Listen to your grandmother, ok. Don't worry about anything, if you want something, tell this grandmother about it." She continued to talk, even though she knew if he could understand her or not.

He liked this feeling, and then he heard his Grandfather say to his grandmother in a voice which I could easily identify as if he was very excited, "Are you going to keep him all to yourself. Let me talk to my grandson for a bit."

His grandmother seemed to have ignored him, she continued to speak about various things to Ryusei. By watching them, he deduced that his grandmother was the one who was the one in power in the relationship between them.

After some time, she finally passed him to his grandfather who looked at him with a loving gaze, the love in his eyes was as deep as ocean. Ryusei heard him speak in his somewhat rough tone but he could still feel the love towards him.

It was the familial love as he heard him, "My good grandchild, I will place all my hopes on you. I will make you the strongest in the world." At his declaration, it seemed as if he split the heavens themselves and a loud sound of Thunder was heard.

Ryusei tried to speak but couldn't do so as his vocal cords weren't formed and all that came out of his mouth was, "Wawawawawa." His Grandfather seemed to have misunderstood as if his grandson was agreeing with him, and he started crying in happiness.

What he wanted to say was "Grandfather, I don't want to become the strongest in the world. I will just be satisfied to be living peacefully with you all." Well, his words weren't understood by anyone in the room so his words might as well be dead.

After some time, he was passed to his own mother, she held him very carefully as if she was afraid to hurt him. He felt her soft hands touch him as she softly said, "You name will be Lei Feng."

Suddenly, he heard some noise and turned his small head towards the noise and saw his father and grandfather were on the ground while his father muttering something like, "But but…. I wanted to be the one to name our son."

All the people started laughing as they heard his words, they knew that he was only joking but it was still a bit entertaining hearing him complain about that.