News reaches the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan

Ryusei asked his grandfather, "Grandpa, will nobody try to spread the information about me and my spirits?" His Grandfather heard his words and was astonished that the one asking him was not his father but rather him.

His grandfather knew that he was more mature than other kids of his age and often asked some intelligent questions but right now the question he asked had struck at the heart of the matter. It was the question with which many lives of the clan members were related.

He didn't reply to Ryusei and continued to brood over the matter as he glanced at the people in the room. While Ryusei started thinking of common traits in those who could betray them, he had already lived through one life where he had already seen cases of family betraying each other for various reasons.

It wouldn't hurt to be extra cautious against some people, he started thinking 'My Parents and my grandfather should be someone I can completely trust. I mean who would want to kill their 6-year-old son or grandson.

'Surely no one, they will definitely try to keep it a secret but I can't be sure if father say anything about this accidentally to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. My first Uncle and my second Uncle are the ones from whom I should be extremely careful, they are the ones who are most suspicious among the people here.'

'They could try something or betray us because I have much greater talent that of their sons. Right now, all I can do is be cautious and not to slip up anything in front of him. The rest of the things, I can't do because of my young age, otherwise it would definitely gather attention on myself.'

He stopped his thinking when he saw everyone leaving the room, apparently nobody thought of giving him a reply. They felt that the words of the 6-year-old boy shouldn't be taken seriously.

He went inside his own room when he heard his mother saying to his father, "So, you are going to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan to give them the information. Will you tell them about the Azure Dragon Spirit?"

He then heard his father's response, "I won't be telling all of them about the Azure Dragon Spirit, I will tell them that our son has unlocked the Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit. I am thinking of telling the Clan head about the Azure Dragon because it wouldn't be good if they learned about this Spirit through some other source."

When Ryusuke heard his father's words, he frowned as he knew that what his father was doing may seem correct on the surface but it could also make the secret to spread. As the Clan head of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan may tell it to his wife or the Clan Elders.

He sighed as he couldn't prevent the secret from spreading in the world, but he wasn't too worried about the external attacks, he was more worried about the people from Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan and also from the attacks from the Lei Family.

He went inside his own room and started to sleep as he was pretty tired by the events before, it must be known that he was still just a 6-year-old-boy with the brain of that of a Teenager.

The next day, his father went to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan where he was received by a clan elder who was a friend of his mother's parents and led him inside the clan.

His father met up with the Clan Head and all the other Elders in the Clan Hall of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. His father, Lei Yun told them all about the Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit of Ryusuke.

The Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan was indeed interested in him when they heard Lei Kun describe the Heavenly Phenomenon during the Awakening of the Purple Lightning Dragon. They understood that the Bloodline of the Purple Lightning Dragon Spirit was at least at the same level as their Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit.

They were thinking of bringing Ryusuke in the Clan when they heard Lei Yun ask for permission to talk alone with Clan Head for something. All the people started to think about the reason and whispered something to each other, soon enough, the Clan Head raised his hands and signaled them to be quiet.

After all the Elders left the room, Lei Yun started speaking about the matter of his Dual Spirit, of course the Clan Head asked about Ryusei's second spirit and when he heard his reply he was shocked beyond extreme.

He was so shocked that he stood up then and there, why, because Ryusei's second Spirit was Azure Dragon Spirit. It was accepted as the strongest spirit in the whole world, it wasn't just trash talk that the one who had the Azure Dragon Spirit could conquer even the Heavens themselves.

He knew that he had to bring Ryusei in the clan right now and make him Loyal to the clan, one way or the other. He didn't want Ryusei as an enemy if they could be friends, he then remembered that his mother was also from their clan and planned to make her someone influential in the clan.

He then told Lei Yun that after a week, he can bring Ryusei here so that they can meet each other. Lei Yun was very excited as he knew that it would be much easier for his son to become stronger and he would have a strong background behind him.

He returned back to his clan and informed his father, Lei Kun about the talk with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan. His father informed his grandfather that the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan wanted to meet him after a week.

HIs grandfather was pretty excited by the news and had a smile on his face. He called Ryusei and said to him, "Grandson, you will be going to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, make sure to have some friends there. They are one of the great clans on the continent."

Ryusei nodded as he couldn't really do anything about this. He was a bit helpless in front of his family, with all the excitement around him, it would be pretty bad if he didn't go to the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan.

Ryusei once again went back to his room and soon a young girl of his age entered his room and closed his eyes and mischievously said, "Guess, who?" Ryusei felt the softness of her hands and knew who she was, she was the granddaughter of the Strongest Elder under Grandfather.

She and him were together while growing up and were pretty close to each other. Her name was Zhi Rou. Her grandfather and his grandfather were pretty close friends, they could even be said to be best friends.

He smiled and said, "Rou-Rou, who else can it be except you?" She pouted as he easily guessed it was her and she said to him, "Brother Feng, how can you always guess correctly that it is me?"

Ryusei thought 'How about the fact that I recognize your voice, then the sensation from the hands and then the smell that your body emits, and last of all who other than you dare to do this?'

He answered her, "Well, it is because of your soft voice." She was happy when she heard his words and both of them started playing with each other and peacefully slept in their room. Their parents were happy to see them interacting to intimately with each other.

The next 2-3 days were very peaceful in the Lei Clan but how could they know that it was a calm before the storm. Why, because two elders of the Spirit Hall were slowly making their way towards the Lei Clan.

They were Gui Mei and Yue Guan, with having Rank 95 Titled Douluo and Rank 94 Titled Douluo respectively. They possessed an invincible strength here since nobody in the Lei Clan was strong enough to oppose them.

They reached near the Lei Clan, Yue Guan said in a loud voice, "Lei Kun come out right now." All the people in the clan were astonished when they heard his voice, Ryusei was astonished thinking 'Who is this guy that has such guts to call out Grandfather? Is he someone from the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan?'

'But didn't they only want us to go there after a week, why are they coming like this right now. It doesn't seem appropriate, whoever it is wanted to offend Grandfather. I wonder who they are?'

After some time, a Lightning flashed in the area and Lei Kun stood in front of Yue Guan and Gui Mei. Yue Guan stared at Lei Kun and smiled as he said, "The Spirit Hall heard word of your Grandson's immense talent. Let him come out so that we can take him to the Spirit Hall."

Lei Kun stayed silent as he didn't know which Spirit he was talking about as both of Ryusei's Spirits were astounding but it didn't matter right now, suddenly a Lightning and Fire Flashed in the Area and two more individuals were seen in the area.

They were Lei Yun and the Supreme Elder, the best friend of Lei Kun, Zhu Yang were with him. They were both at 82 Rank Spirit Douluo and 91 Rank Titled Douluo respectively. Even though they were quite strong, their opponents were even stronger, they weren't someone just the three of them could match.