First Ally

Tang Hao grew more and more shocked when he heard him speak, he started thinking his own questions 'Who is this kid? From, where is he? How did he manage to deduce this much when we just met each other for half an hour? He is even more intelligent and dangerous than Ning Fengzhi. I don't think that even Ning Fengzhi would be able to figure these things out within half an hour if he didn't know me.'

He looked towards Ryusei and said, "You are really intelligent. So, why did you tell me all this? You could have just walked away and gone to whoever sent you without me ever having an idea that my identity is exposed."

Ryusei chuckled at his words and said in a dangerously calm voice, "Indeed, I could have done that but do you know there is one thing that we have in common? The hatred for the Spirit Hall."

Tang Hao raised his eyebrow and asked, "What did they do to you for you to hate them?" Ryusei looked at him and started speaking in an angry voice, "What did they do? They took everything away from me, my mother, my father, my grandmother, my grandfather, all of family members. They didn't even spare children while massacring my Clan."

"My own childhood friend was killed by them, you hear a 6-year-old girl was killed by them and do you know why, it was because of my own Fucking great talent. They destroyed us just because of their pathetic insecurities regarding us standing on the side of neutrality."

Tang Hao gasped as he heard his words and a cold killer intent started overflowing from his body, he remembered how his wife had to sacrifice herself to save him and their son. His deep hatred which was buried for these 6 years slowly started to surface once again.

He then heard Ryusei saying in a cold voice, "I will make them feel despair, so much despair that they wouldn't even be able to REGRET!!" Tang Hao felt anger, hate and the feeling of Vengeance from his voice.

He was angry at the Spirit Hall that they did such an act just because of their insecurities, he then heard him take a deep breath as if to calm down and said, "I am sorry, I was just a bit too emotional there."

Tang Hao smiled as he said, "Don't worry, I understand. I also have a deep amount of hatred with the Spirit Hall. They were the ones who forced my wife to sacrifice herself."

Ryusei's eyes widened even though he had already guessed that this was the most probable reason but he was still shocked when he heard Tang Hao's words but he soon regained control on his emotions and nodded.

He then started speaking, "My real name is Lei Feng the son of Lei Yun and Yu Qing. I am from the Lei Clan which is known for our Lightning Spirit Beasts. My Clan was destroyed today, but before my Clan was massacred, my grandmother managed to use her Spirit Ability and teleported me away."

Tang Hao was surprised that he was the from the Lei Clan, it wasn't a Weak Clan, it was just below the top clans like the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan, Clear Sky Clan etc. He asked Ryusei, "Why did they destroy your Clan? I know you told me about their insecurities but what was the reason."

Ryusei was silent for a few minutes contemplating whether he should tell him or not and then looked into his eyes and said in a cold voice, "I can tell you so that it can be a sign of our trust but understand that if you spread it to anyone then you will definitely hear the news of Tang San's death."

Tang Hao released his Titled Douluo Aura and said to him in a cold voice, "Boy, are you threatening me with my son?" Ryusei shook his head and replied to him, "No, it's more like a warning to you and an insurance for me. It would be quite stupid to tell you about my secret without having your weakness."

Tang Hao stopped releasing his Aura and nodded as he heard his reply and thought 'He is correct. If it was someone else other than me and he revealed his secret without thinking then it could have been a disaster.'

Ryusei looked at Tang Hao used his Azure Dragon Spirit, his aura completely changed to Azure Blue and he looked towards Tang Hao who was pretty shocked when he saw his Spirit, he gulped down as he had also heard about the rumours of the Azure Dragon Spirit.

This was the Strongest Spirit in the world, no other spirit could ever hope to surpass it. Even now, he could feel a strong aura from the Spirit. He now knew that the reason why the Lei Clan was massacred was probably because of this Azure Dragon Spirit.

Ryusei then said, "This is my 1st Spirit and possibly the reason for the destruction of my clan. I have another spirit Purple Lightning Dragon." And soon, his Azure Dragon Spirit went back in his right hand and his left hand started to release his Purple Lightning Dragon. His hand released a few sparks of Purple Lightning and called it back.

Now, Tang Hao was pretty shocked to see both of his spirits as both of his spirits were strong. Even the Purple Lightning Dragon was a Strong Spirit as it was on the same level of Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit.

He understood that with his talent it would possible to destroy the Spirit Hall, he just needed time, time to get stronger. Ryusei looked at his dazed expression and said, "I have told you about my secret, I think it is your turn."

Tang Hao nodded and released all of spirit rings and with 2 yellow rings, 2 purple rings, 4 black rings and 1 Red Ring. This was the strength of Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Douluo. He spoke in a powerful voice, "I am Rank 96 Titled Douluo with my spirit as Clear Sky Hammer."

Ryusei nodded as he heard his words and then said, "I ask you once again, will you help me destroy the Spirit Hall?" Tang Hao chuckled and said, "You have said so much and still have the nerve to ask me. Of course, I will help."

Ryusei chuckled as well, he said, "It wouldn't hurt to double check, you know." Tang Hao smiled and then asked him, "So, what is your plan right now? I mean, you should have some sort of plan, right?"

Ryusei shook his head and said, "Not really, I met you completely due to a coincidence. I was thinking of living here for some time before leaving this village to train but now I am thinking of leaving this place to train myself."

Tang Hao nodded as without power everything was useless, he then asked him, "Where are you going to train? If you don't have a good place in your mind right now, then I recommend you to come with me and train at the Star Duo Forest."

Ryusei raised his eyebrow as he asked him, "So, you are taking me with you, then what about Tang San. Is he also coming with us?" Tang Hao shook his head and said, "No, he will go to the academy in a nearby village. I will be with you till you are a Rank 30 Spirit Elder then you should be able to protect yourself better and then I will leave to train on my own and take care of my son."

Ryusei nodded as this was what he thought of as well, it was the best plan at the moment. He also wouldn't have to worry about food or any of the necessities. With Tang Hao, he also wouldn't have to worry about someone killing him as he was indeed too weak at the moment.

They both waited for Tang San for some time, when they suddenly hear the Old Jack coming back towards the house with an excited face, "Tang Hao, Good news. Tang San is going to become a spirit master."

He then asked him in an excited tone, "When will you send him to school?" Tang Hao turned his head towards the excited Old Jack and was about to say something that he was cut off by him who said, "Forget it, you are useless, I will make Tang San enter the school in a nearby village. I shouldn't expect anything from you."

Ryusei held back his chuckle when he saw Old Jack saying this to one of the strongest men on the continent. He knew that the old man was a kind-hearted fellow and said these words because he was worried about Tang San's future.

Old Jack then turned towards Tang San and said, "Xiao San, I am leaving right now. Come to me, if there is any trouble." To which Tang San nodded and Old Jack left the house. Tang San then closed the door and turned towards Ryusei and Tang Hao.

He started speaking, "Father, I wanted to talk to you about something." Tang Hao raised his eyebrow as he wondered what his son wanted to talk about. Ryusei was also curious about the thing that Tang San wanted to talk about but he noticed the hesitant look on his face and knew that he wanted to talk with his father alone.