Ning Fengzhi's Invitation

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Ning Fengzhi was surprised at his sharp words. When he heard him say that, he asked him curiously, "How do you know that he is here? Can you detect him?" Ryusei shook his head in a negative manner and said plainly, "No, I can't but Uncle Hao can. Since we reached this place, he seemed to look towards at the Western direction and I thought that there were only two reasons, either a strong Beast or a strong person was in that direction." He somehow felt that Ning Fengzhi was an idiot to ask such obvious questions.

"A strong Beast wouldn't be there as it would most likely run away or would have already attacked you. And as for the person, he could have been an enemy but why would he be waiting for such a long time to attack, I mean if he was strong or even someone at your level then he would have attacked already as his opponent is with his daughter and it would be pretty difficult for you to fight him and protect your daughter at the same time."

Tang Hao didn't find it odd that he managed to observe all that and deduced these things with just a glance but Ning Fengzhi started clapping as he heard his words filled with sound logic and praised him, "Brilliant! You are indeed correct. Kid, who are you?" Ryusei emotionlessly replied with a faint derision in his eyes, "My name is Long Tian."

Ning Fengzhi was silent for a few moments and proceeded, "I haven't heard of a Long Clan. Is it a hidden Clan?" Ryusei shook his head slowly, and replied in a flat tone, "No, it isn't a hidden Clan. We are just a small family with Long surname."

"Oh, well, meet my daughter." He then stepped aside to display her as his daughter was hiding behind him from the strangers in front of her. Her innocent eyes looked at Ryusei's face and let out a meek voice as she once again hid behind her father.

Ning Fengzhi and Tang Hao chuckled at her shy behaviour as Ryusei stepped in front of Rongrong and said with a kind, coaxing tone, "Hello, nice to meet you. I am Long Tian."

"I am Ning Rongrong." She said in a faint voice as she was still shy around a stranger. Ryusei heard it clearly with his enhanced senses. He smiled at her shy nature and thought of something which could be used to coax little children. He proceeded to fake an excited voice and replied, dramatically changing his expression to look cute, "You know Rongrong, I have a really cool spirit! It is the Purple Lightning! Zap!"

He then raised his left hand and some sparks of Purple Lightning could be seen dancing on top of his hands between his fingers. Rongrong looked at his Purple Lightning curiously eyeing the sparks flitting between his fingers and she really liked the wondrous sight. She started speaking in an excited tone, "Wow! So, you are also a spirit master!"

She then said in a proud voice, "My spirit is the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda of my Clan." Ryusei narrowed his eyes when he heard it and looked at the man besides him, he now knew that this man was the Clan head of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, the richest Clan among the top three upper sect Clans. He had expected them to be nobles after observing them before, but it was indeed surprising to know that they were literally one of the people that stood at the apex of the food chain.

He started thinking 'Judging from Tang Hao's expression, there is only one possible reason that a Titled Douluo came here to protect both of them. As I deduced earlier, this man is either a very high ranking elder in the family or the Clan Head himself.' He further deduced that the girl in front of him was most probably the princess or an elder's daughter of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. He looked at Tang Hao's face and saw no shock present on his face and knew that he was already aware that they were from the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and perhaps he also knew the designation of Ning Fengzhi.

Within Ning Rongrong's right palm already sat a tall Seven Coloured pagoda. When Ryusei saw the Seven Coloured pagoda, he asked her in a soft and polite voice, ignoring the earlier proud tone as the harmless bragging of a kid, "So, what does your spirit do?"

Rongrong turned down her head, visibly depressed. She said in a soft voice with a sad undertone, "It still doesn't have any ability. I actually came here for my 1st spirit ring." Ryusei nodded as he heard her words and found the Lolita looking at the unconscious Ape.

He coaxed her once again and said in a soft voice, "Well, kill the Beast and absorb its spirit ring. I wonder, what ability you will gain after absorbing it?" She timidly looked at her father who nodded and started slowly moving towards that big ape. She was totally scared to be able to kill the ape and Ryusei noticed her hesitation.

He smiled towards her and said encouragingly, "You don't need to hesitate about it. The Beast is already unconscious, it can't harm you. Besides, I am also here. If the Beast tries to do something, I will zap it before it has a chance." He introduced some childish words in his way of speaking in order to stroke her proud mentality of being ahead of her age group and faked himself trying to put a brave front while shaking.

She firmly nodded and felt better when she heard encouragement from a fellow peer. She felt the need to surpass the boy trying to act brave in her opinion. She pulled out a knife that her father had given her and sliced off the Beast's head. The Beast died leaving behind a yellow coloured spirit ring.

Rongrong started absorbing the spirit ring, while Ning Fengzhi said, "Uncle Sword, please come out now. You have already been discovered." Soon, a thin old man with a head of silver hair neatly combed behind his back, with a simple and unadorned appearance was seen walking towards the gathering of people.

He turned towards Tang Hao and said, "I never imagined that I would meet Tang Hao, the Clear Sky Douluo here." Tang Hao laughed and said, "The same could be said for me. I never imagined that I would meet the head of the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and Sword Douluo, Chen Xin here." Upon verifying the middle-aged man's designation, he proceeded to think about the so-called Sword Douluo.

Ryusei looked at Chen Xin and observed how the man gave of a similar feeling as that of Tang Hao. It meant that he was a Titled Douluo and also of the same level as Tang Hao. He didn't know the finer details such as who was stronger between them but he somehow felt that Tang Hao should be slightly stronger with his Clear Sky Hammer. It was unknown whether his observation was free from bias. It was also unknown whether supporting factors could alter the results of his observation, whether he could defeat Chen Xin if he was boosted by Ning Fengzhi.

After 10 minutes, Ning Rongrong finally got her 1st Spirit Ability: Strength Amplification. She was excited when she got her very first Spirit Ability and looked at Ryusei competitively and asked him waving both her hands, "Brother Tian, can I use my spirit ability on you? I really want to use it right now. Father and Grandpa Sword are very powerful so I can't use it on them. Please!" She looked at him with an absurdly cute expression and Ryusei nodded.

She then brought out her Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Pagoda and cutely said, "Strength Amplification!" Ryusei felt a mysterious strength enter his body as he felt his Strength had actually risen. He felt that the rise of his Strength was around 20% or so after recalculation of his parameters.

He exclaimed in a fake surprised voice, "Wow, I actually feel a increase of 20% in my Strength!" She was happy when she heard his praise and proudly said, "Really, I am so happy!"

Ning Fengzhi smiled as he saw his daughter was socializing with a friend about her age. He was a bit surprised to see his Purple Lightning as he felt a strong, dormant power from it but he ignored it and thought that it was just his natural talent.

Ning Fengzhi looked towards Ryusei and asked him, "So, do you want to come to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and live there for some time? We can take care of the accommodations." Ryusei was a bit suspicious of their motives as he couldn't really understand the reason for the show of goodwill. He hadn't even revealed his talent or combat prowess so he wasn't sure why did Ning Fengzhi want to invite them to Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan. It would have been normal to invite Tang Hao for old time's sake but not him.