The Fourth Examination

All of them got ready for the upcoming match, Dai Mubai announced, "The match starts now!"

Ning Rongrong summoned her spirit and used her Spirit Abilities: Strength and Ability: Agility. It boosted their strength and agility by 30% for a short period of time.

Zhu Zhuqing suddenly disappeared from the view and appeared in front of Ryusei and tried to do surprise attack on him. Ryusei stretched out his finger and blocked her punch. This created a shockwave around them and the others could feel that the power in that finger was just as equal to Zhu Zhuqing's power more or less.

The most shocking thing was how he was able to counter her so quickly and with such precision, Ryusei smiled at them and said, "Good, it seems that you guys are taking this seriously. Looks like I won't need to remind you guys about it."

He then flicked her forehead and threw her away, Xiao Wu caught Zhu Zhuqing on the way and said, "You said, you would only use the strength of Rank 29 against us but you are surely using your full strength otherwise how could your finger do that."

Before Ryusei could say anything, Tang San said, "No, Xiao Wu, he really did use the strength of Rank 29 Spirit Grandmaster, he has almost complete control over his Spirit Energy."

Ryusei was a bit surprised by his observation and thought 'Heh, so you can detect this too Tang San. I am now much more interested in fighting you.' He looked towards them and said, "Alright, enough of the chit-chat and come attack me. Remember you have to fight me till I am satisfied with your performance or you can give up before."

He looked at Xiao Wu and Zhu Zhuqing as they rushed at him together with Xiao Wu in lead, Xiao Wu suddenly jumped up and Zhu Zhuqing came in front of Ryusei and used her Spirit Ability: Hundred Hell Claws.

Ryusei smiled a bit and started countering her moves with pure speed. He countered her every claw with his palms and then used his last attack to send her back. Suddenly, he was attacked by Xiao Wu from above him and he found out that his legs were tied down by a blue silver grass.

Ryusei was a bit surprised that Tang San's Blue Silver grass was strong enough that it could even tie down his legs with such strength and then looked at Ning Rongrong and understood, this was due to the increase in 30% strength from Ning Rongrong's Spirit Ability.

He let out a sigh and blocked Xiao Wu's attack, it created a shockwave in the area and he noticed Tang San and Zhu Zhuqing rushing towards him.

He broke through the Blue Silver Grass while he pushed Xiao Wu away and turned towards Tang San and swiftly kicked him in stomach before he could react, his kick was so powerful that it blasted Tang San through the wall while Zhu Zhuqing used her Ability: Hell Stab.

It doubled her speed as she attacked his back which was open for the moment as he countered Tang San. Suddenly, he disappeared and appeared besides her and caught her hands and threw her away, it was so fast that she couldn't even register what happened.

This was because Ryusei used his Lightning Flash 3 times consecutively in a single moment, the 1st time was when he disappeared from her point of view, the 2nd time was when he used it to catch her hand and the third time was when he threw her away.

Zhu Zhuqing was shocked right now because her speed was useless against him, she thought 'It's impossible to defeat him. He is just toying with us.'

Tang San emerged from the rubble and pushed his hands to the ground and suddenly a huge amount of Blue Silver Grass gathered around Ryusei's body and tried to trap him within the huge amount of Blue Silver Grass.

Ryusei sharpened the edges of his palms by using extremely thin & sharp Spirit Energy and slashed apart the Blue Silver Grass around him. This surprised everyone as he just used his hands to cut apart the Blue Silver Grass but Tang San was not finished yet and all the Blue Silver Grass from the surrounding started to move towards him.

All of them whether it was Ning Rongrong, Dai Mubai or Zhu Zhuqing were very shocked by the power of his Blue Silver Grass. Ryusei was about to move but suddenly Xiao Wu appeared in front of him, she tried confusing him by her Ability: Charm.

He frowned a bit as this ability didn't really confuse him but it did delay his reaction and within that moment all of the Blue Silver Grass started enclosing around him and tried to seal him in a cocoon made by the Blue Silver Grass.

But the cocoon surrounding Ryusei started to loosen up bit by bit as he was using his Spirit Energy to create gaps in the cocoon and slowly expanded the gaps by increasing the output of his Spirit Energy.

He looked at Tang San and thought 'Good job, Tang San. You really made a great use of this Spirit but this is still insufficient for our fight against the Spirit hall. Show me all of your power.'

He then looked at Xiao Wu and thought 'I have to take her out right now, it would be pretty bad if they somehow catch me again and I have to use my 2nd Spirit Ability against them.' He used his Lightning Flash Ability one last time and appeared in front of her and punched her in the gut. He whispered something for her to hear and Xiao Wu's eyes widened as she felt a tremendous impact on her as coughed some blood and was sent crashing to the ground.

Ryusei then looked at Tang San and looked at his eyes, his eyes looked calm but he could feel wrath hidden deep within them. He raised his hands and said, "That's enough. Everyone will be entering the Shrek Academy. Well, everyone except Tang San."

Everyone was shocked by his statement; Tang San was one of the best among them and only one that could hold his own against him so why wasn't he part of the Shrek Academy. Zhu Zhuqing looked at Ryusei and asked him, "Why is he not going to be in the academy when he was the one who nearly trapped you? I don't understand this decision of yours."

Ryusei didn't even look at her and just stared at Tang San and said, "Before starting this examination, I told you guys that your performance was what mattered the most for getting in the Shrek Academy."

Zhu Zhuqing retorted, "Then he should be even more qualified to enter the Academy, he was the one who nearly trapped you." Ryusei then looked at her and said, "What trapped me? What a good trap that I didn't even need to use any of my Spirit Ability to get out of it. He should have expected me to burst it open or get out of that cocoon but when I was escaping, he should have felt that I was slowly loosening the bounds of his Blue Silver Grass and he just stood there watching me escape his trap. And lastly, he didn't use all his abilities, as I said earlier that performance is what matters the most and not showing your complete strength in front of me is not good enough.

"The reason you are selected was because you took the opportunity when I let my guard down and took the opportunity to attack me with appropriate abilities. There were no wasted movements in them. The reason Xiao Wu is selected is because she was the one who delayed me for a second and let me get trapped in that cocoon of Blue Silver Grass. Well, Rongrong is selected because she supported everyone with her ability boosting everybody's strength and speed. The strong endurance of the Blue Silver Grass was due to her ability Strength."

Everyone stayed silent as he gave them the reasons of their selection, they were now wondering what they should say to him but Ryusei started speaking once again and said, "Well, the things that Tang San did were still good so I think I can let him have one more chance but this time he will have to fight me alone."

Everyone's eyes widened when they heard his statement even Tang San was surprised and looked at him, Ryusei said, "Show me your true ability now. Not this bullshit, I know that you are capable of much more. You didn't even use that little hammer of yours."