Meeting the Grandmaster

The next day, Principal Flender and Zhao Wuji were talking about the events of the Star Dou Forest. Zhao Wuji laid back on his chair as he said to Principal Flender, "Looks like Long Tian was correct. The news that the beasts in the Star Dou Forest became mad and started a rampage has spread all around the world."

Principal Flender nodded in agreement and said, "Yes, that is correct. I think that you all were lucky to escape the forest without any injuries." Zhao Wuji shook his head and said, "It wasn't luck but Long Tian's Ability. He towed all of us with him and led us out of that forest otherwise we would have been killed inside the forest."

Principal Flender was about to speak something when the door to his room suddenly opened up and a calm voice came through the door, "Long Tian, huh. I would like to meet this boy." This voice was very familiar to Principal Flender as it was the voice of his best friend, Yu Xiaogang, the grandmaster, the best theoretician and the knowledge bank when it came to the Spirit Beasts.

Zhao Wuji was stunned and got angry that someone just barged in the principal's room while they were talking, he stood up and said in an angry and arrogant voice, "How dare you try to enter this room?"

Principal Flender smacked him on top of his head and quickly said, "Zhao Wuji, shut the hell up! He is Tang San's master and my old friend. He is also the world's greatest Philosopher, he is Yu Xiaogang, also known as The Grandmaster." Zhao Wuji was dumbstruck and nervous as he could have just offended an old friend of the Principal and nervously laughed as he said, "Hahaha… Please forgive this lowly bear who couldn't recognise the famous Grandmaster."

Principal Flender started preparing some tea for Yu Xiaogang and said in a low-spirited voice, "If Tang San wasn't in Shrek Academy, you wouldn't have come to meet me in the Academy, isn't that right?"

Yu Xiaogang didn't reply to his question as both of them knew the answer to this question, and Principal sighed as he said, "I understand why you are here. I too believe that we should keep our differences aside for that kid."

Yu Xiaogang took a sip of the tea made by the Principal and said calmly, "I also agree, I too want to put aside our differences for Tang San's future."

In the evening, principal gathered everyone as he wanted to introduce Yu Xiaogang to them. He wanted to let them know that Yu Xiaogang would be teaching them in the school from the next day.

All the 7 Devils and the Demonic Lord were assembled and Principal Flender looked at them and started speaking, "All of you, I am about to introduce you to your new teacher. He is my old friend, also known as the Grandmaster, the best philosopher in the continent. He knows almost everything related to the Spirit Beasts. His name is Yu Xiaogang."

Nobody in the seven devils had much of a reaction to his presence except Tang San and Xiao Wu as Yu Xiaogang was Tang San's Master. What they didn't notice was that Ryusei's head was down as his eyes were fully widened in disbelief.

He was wondering, 'Uncle Xiaogang is actually here, but why? Mother told me that he was also just like her and didn't awaken the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Spirit so he too was ignored like mother and they were good friends in the Clan. After mother's marriage, he came to visit her after I was born so I faintly remember his face but his looks are a bit different than before.'

'Is he here because he got some information about me from the Principal? He said that they were old friend, did he tell him about the similarities between my spirit and the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan?'

'What should I do now? Should I reveal them everything as it would be better if everyone hears the truth from my mouth rather than some suspicions from Uncle's or Principal's mouth. Otherwise, the trust that I have built up in these days will go to waste.'

He then looked towards Yu Xiaogang and said with a bitter smile on his face, "It's good to see you Uncle Xiaogang." Yu Xiaogang's eyes widened as he heard his words and then said while maintaining a calm expression, "Why are you calling me uncle? I don't think that I know your parents."

Ryusei chuckled sadly at his words and said, "Hehe, is the name Yu Qing familiar to you?" Yu Xiaogang looked at him intently and as with urgency, "How do you know that name?"

Ryusei's eyes watered up a bit as he thought about his mother from this life and said, "She was my mother. Of course, I would know about her." Yu Xiaogang was absolutely shell-shocked and couldn't believe what he was hearing as he staggered backwards and said, "You, you are actually alive! How did you survive that massacre? Is your mother still alive?"

Now, everyone else besides them were astounded because it seemed that their new teacher was shocked that their friend 'Long Tian' was still alive. All of them started thinking about his past and knew that there were many things that did not connect, many questions whose answers that they did not have.

Ryusei had a Melancholic expression as he thought about that day and shook his head and said, "No, nobody except me lived through that day." Yu Xiaogang felt sad that he let him remember those sad memories, he said, "I still grieve about Qing'er's death. She was like a sister to me and played with me in our childhood years."

Tang San and the others were pretty confused by his words, Tang San glanced at Yu Xiaogang and inquired him, "Master, did you know brother Tian's family?"