
Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, one the richest of three upper tier Clan, even though it was weakest in terms of combat strength but it had the largest number of allies supporting them and were willing to fight for this Clan.

Ning Fengzhi, father of Ning Rongrong was the Clan Head of this Clan. He was sitting on a chair set in front of a round table, there were 4 more individuals sitting on the other chairs beside him as they were discussing about the important issues of the clan.

They were talking about the most important issue that the Clan was facing recently. One of them said, "Clan head, the Clear Sky Clan has not replied to our invitation for the alliance while the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan has accepted our offer to discuss the alliance. Their Clan head has requested a meeting with you to discuss about terms and condition."

Ning Fengzhi nodded and replied back man in a calm manner, "Set the meeting after a few days. Invite them to the Clan, it's been so long since I last met with the Clan head of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan."

Everyone stayed silent as they heard his words, they knew why he asked them to invite the Clan head a few days later, because Elder Bone had to leave for some matters and would return back to the Clan in a few days.

And also, the reason behind inviting the Clan head of the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan to the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan, it was so that he could hold an advantage in the terms and conditions of the alliance.

Another middle-aged man among the four, Ning Shouyin, he spoke with a weird expression, "I would like to inform the Clan head that something weird is going on." Ning Fengzhi raised his eyebrow in surprise and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ning Shouyin started speaking, "As the Clan head knows that I manage the finances of our Clan. In last month or so, many cheques have been withdrawn with our Clan's name. The weird thing is that they are all of small amount and are being used around all over the continent."

Ning Fengzhi asked him, "What is the total amount that was withdrawn from the Clan from these cheques?" Ning Shouyin replied, "The total amount that has been withdrawn has amounted up to nearly 400,000 Gold Coins. If it were only 1000 or 2000 Gold Coins then I wouldn't have disturbed the Clan Head about such an insignificant matter but the amount has reached to up to 400,000 Gold Coins within a matter of month."

Ning Fengzhi looked confused and asked, "Whose signature were on those cheques and what do you mean by the fact that they are being withdrawn from all over the continent?" Ning Shouyin immediately replied, "It had the signature of Young Miss on them and I mean that the amount is withdrawn from different secret branches in the Town and the cities in the Heavenly Dou Empire and the Star Luo Empire and other small cities."

Ning Fengzhi silently thought about this matter, 'What could have happened that forced Rongrong to use so many cheques and why do they have small amount on them. If she needs money then why not get all of it at the same time. It's as she wanted to confuse the Clan so she used different cheques at dozens of cities that are very far away. But why did she do something like this?'

He closed his eyes as he thought deeply about it, when he suddenly remembered meeting a young boy of 6 years of age with the bearings of a mature man. He smiled as he thought about that kid.

That kid was one of the most intelligent persons he ever met, he was quite observant and astute for his young age, even more sharp than many adults. Even he, the Clan Head of one of the three upper tier clans, felt speechless in front his sharp observation and the logical deductions of that young boy.

He smiled as if he finally understood what it meant, he said to the four of them, "Ignore this financial matter of the withdrawing such small amount of money from the Clan and do not investigate this matter."

Ning Shouyin was even more confused as he asked him, "What do you mean Clan head? The amount has already reached up to 400,000 Gold Coins and if we ignore it further, then it could reach up to a Million Gold Coins without even knowing about the reason."

Ning Fengzhi smiled at him and said, "I know of the reason or at least have some idea about this reason." All of them were looked with confusion, but Ning Fengzhi smile grew even wider as he said, "This is a message to me. A message to let me know that he has started moving. This is also his test for me, he wants to check whether I will support him or not."

It seemed as if Ning Fengzhi was getting excited as he said this while the rest of the men in the room couldn't understand the reason for his excitement. Ning Shouyin couldn't help but ask, "Who is this person Clan Head speak of?"

Ning Fengzhi replied with a smile, "You all don't know him, but I met him few years ago through a complete coincidence. Let me tell you, he is going to be the most terrifying man in the near future and from the looks of it, he is raising a terrifying existence that would triumph over the Spirit Hall."

As Elder Sword, Chen Xin stepped inside the meeting and heard Ning Fengzhi speaking about Ryusei, he asked with interest, "Heh, I wonder whom do you think so highly of."

Ning Fengzhi smiled but didn't say anything as even though Chen Xin had met him, it seems like he had forgotten about him, but he didn't want to spread the information about Ryusei to the Clan. It would be much better if all of them remained oblivious to this.

But he was also astonished when he thought about the young boy, he had meet all those years ago had actually developed to such extent that here he was spreading his own influence and making his own organization.

'That was a good plan of that kid. He anticipated that if I supported him then I would most likely hide his actions from others as well as from the Clan and would continue to financially support his organization till it could stand on its own.'

'He must have also anticipated that even if I didn't support him, he would be safe because the money has already been withdrawn from the Clan and we can't just go around asking for our Gold Coins back like idiots.'

'It would cause negative rumours to spread about the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan and others might look at the Clan with disfavour. Even though I know about this plan, I just do anything about it. A simple plan yet thorough plan.'

'How nice would it be to have a son-in-law like him? It would definitely lessen the burden on our Clan, so much that the Clan won't ever have to worry about it. There is still the matters of the Spirit Hall, I still cannot believe that they would just destroy the Lie Clan on a whim without any rhyme or reason.'

'It would be better if the Alliance with the Blue Lightning Tyrant Dragon Clan is successful, but we must find a way to get the Clear Sky Clan in the alliance. But, how?'. As he was seriously thinking about the issue, suddenly he remembered Ryusei's relationship with Tang Hao.

He smiled up with a sly expression whilst thinking 'Hmm, it seems you have to show me one more miracle, little magician. You will soon find out about the condition of our Clan, so will have to to get the Clear Sky Clan to open its door once again for the alliance.'