
The rest of the fruits didn't have any information about the Spirit Hall and Ryusei just threw them in the garbage. He then put all the fruits in a bag and stored them away as these fruits could be used in the future.

Then he thought, 'Ning Fengzhi should have realized about this Organization by now. So, what are you going to do now? Silently support me or report me to the Spirit Hall. Hehehehe… he should know that all the cheques had Rongrong's signature and that Rongrong is willing to support me. From the love that he holds for his daughter, there is great chance that he would support me. That is why I was willing to take such a risk.'

He looked towards Rongrong and smiled as he said, "Looks like we got some really good information." Rongrong was confused when she heard that as she only read that the Supreme Pontiff had one 100,000-year-old Spirit Ring and that the Supreme Pontiff had the greatest talent in the history of Spirit Hall.

She asked him in a curious tone, "What do you mean by that Brother Tian? I know that it was good information but it wasn't that important." Ryusei looked at her and then asked her, "Alright then, why do you think that this Supreme Pontiff has the greatest talent in the history of Spirit Hall?"

Rongrong stayed silent and thought about his question and said, "It must be because of she reached Titled Douluo at such an young age. Or maybe because she is very hardworking and her Spirit is very good." Ryusei smiled towards her and said, "Alright then, do you think that previous Supreme Pontiffs didn't work hard or they didn't have strong Spirits? Then explain to me, what makes the current Supreme Pontiff the most talented till now?"

"There is only one way to explain her great talent and that is either she has Twin Spirits or she encountered some of sorts of heavenly encounter that changed her life. But I think that the possibility of her having Twin Spirits is much higher than her encountering a Heavenly Encounter, so that's why I think that it's a great news."

"I now know that the Supreme Pontiff is more powerful than we believed, so we should only attack the Spirit Hall when we have done enough preparations. This will prevent us from making any miscalculations in the fight against the Spirit Hall. So, I believe it's a valuable information."

Rongrong looked stunned as she heard his deduction, she felt like she was stupid as to why couldn't she think of such things, Ryusei saw her sad expression and hugged her while comforting her, "You don't have to feel sad that you can't think like this. I didn't bring you with me to think for these things, I wanted you to come with me, support me, take care of me."

"It warms up my heart knowing that you're here to support me so I you don't need to worry about these things. You were a princess in your Clan but here you are living in an average inn just to support me. It really means a lot to me. Thank you."

Rongrong perked up at this and blushed with a lovely smile as she heard his praise. She really liked this feeling and thought while she put her arms around him 'You're also with me Brother Tian, you're also supporting me, taking care of my every need, something that I don't have in my Clan. You are really nice Brother Tian; your words really make me feel happy.'

Ryusei saw that her smiling with a lovely smile and once again started to think about the information on the slip, he thought 'So, Supreme Pontiff hunted Xiao Wu's mother 6 years ago. But why did they leave her alive? Did they not know that she was a Spirit Beast? But that should be impossible, then the only explanation would be that her mother had already sent her away from that place to Da Ming or to Er Ming and prevented her death.'

'Or it was possible that she wasn't there to begin with. But at that time, Xiao Wu was really young for a Spirit Beast that has just turned human and it should have been impossible for her mother to leave her alone so it was that she was sent away by her mother or she was already playing with her Spirit Beast friends.'

He sighed as he thought about her, he knew for sure that with the relationship between Tang San and Xiao Wu, he would try to take revenge against the Spirit Hall. Not to mention that even his own mother died because of Spirit Hall and his father Tang Hao is also against the Spirit Hall.

He looked towards Rongrong and thought 'Looks like I will have to wait for another month before I can know for sure if the Seven Treasure Glazed Tile Clan is going to support me or not.'

'For now, I should just train along with Rongrong. I wonder how the training is going on in the Shrek Academy. I hope that we didn't create a huge setback for them and hope that next year someone could clear all the requirements for the Shrek Academy.'

Then he whispered to Rongrong, "Alright, let's go to the fields nearby and start our training. We haven't trained today." Rongrong nodded and left his embrace before they left to the empty field nearby.


Right now, they were also in fields as there was no one besides them. Ryusei found this place when he was exploring the area around the Town. It was a place where People didn't usually come as it was situated a bit farther from the Town.

From that day, both Rongrong and Ryusei started using this place as their training ground because it was the best place where they could train without worrying about anything else and no one would disturb their training session.

They started doing their basic training. During this training session, Ryusei broke through to the 64th Rank of the Spirit Emperor.

But Rongrong also broke through to the 30th Rank and reached the bottleneck of her rank. It was to be expected as she had already reached the 27th Rank when she was in the Star Dou Forest when she absorbed the Purple Spirit Energy.

Ryusei was wondering about which Spirit Beasts would be suitable for her after she had reached her bottleneck. 'The previous abilities are Strength and Agility, these are good enough for assisting the allies. I wonder, if her Spirit support allies by restricting her enemies. If yes, then which Spirit Beast should I find for that. Perhaps the one with a spiritual attack.

'I guess I will just ask my informants to search for the beasts within hollow fruits next time I will put them in the cart so that those informants can find some information about the beasts in their nearby area. I can have various choices and go to the location with beasts that suits her the best.'

'The cart will arrive tomorrow, so I can put the slips in the hollow fruits and then wait for 2-3 days and receive some information about the Spirit Beasts.'


This was exactly what he did the next day, he put the slips inside the hollow fruits and put them in the cart which will go to different cities with the cart and gather information from the informants of Ryusei.

Ryusei knew that he would have to wait for 2-3 days for the information to come back to him. Rongrong approached him and said to him in a nervous voice, "Brother Tian, I have reached my bottleneck and I am at rank 30 right now. I was wondering if you could help me to gather a spirit ring."