Feng Cai'er

Ryusei called back his Azure Dragon's Aura as he saw that the complexion of the girl getting better and he knew she would be able to recover by herself as his Azure Dragon's Aura would only limit her body and wouldn't enhance the recovery rate of the girl.

He looked towards the External Spirit Bone of the Phoenix and lightly touched it. Suddenly, fire started to come out of it and it disappeared from his view and he started to feel some pain in his back.

The pain wasn't too much as the Phoenix Wings were just fusing with his body. In about half an hour, the Phoenix Wings fused with his body and at the same time, the girl also recovered her Blood Essence and her Life Energy.

She opened her eyes and innocently blinked her eyes. She saw Ryusei sitting in front of her had also opened his eyes. She didn't know why but she felt a strong attraction towards him and felt as if he was very close to her.

She moved closer to him and innocently looked towards him, she said, "Big Brother, where are we right now?" She looked around and just saw a lot of fire and lava around them. Ryusei understood that she had perhaps lost her memories when she was in coma for that one year so it was not that shocking that she had an amnesia.

He was just surprised that she called him 'Big brother'. Right now, he didn't even say anything and the imagination of hers already caused her to call him 'Big Brother'.

He sighed as he replied to her in a monotonous tone, "We are in a volcano right now. It is your home." She seemed surprised as she heard him but didn't refute him, it seemed like she completely believed his words.

Ryusei looked at her and then curiously asked her, "Don't you remember anything about yourself? Anything about your family." She innocently looked towards him and answered him in an innocent voice, "You hurt me Big Brother. Aren't we family? How can I forget about you?"

Ryusei knew that everything else was useless and just looked towards her and said, "Alright, let's get out of here. It isn't a good idea to talk here and besides we should buy some good clothes for you later."

Right now, she was wearing clothes which seemed to be made from the Phoenix's skin. He knew that it was perhaps the Phoenix cutting apart its skin and making some clothes out of it with its flame control.

These clothes were good enough for this temperature but they were a bit weird as they revealed too much skin and it wouldn't be good if she goes in the town like this.

Even he felt that her body was too good and mature as it was almost perfect in every way, big breasts and big ass and a thin waist. He looked towards her and gestured her to come close.

She didn't hesitate for a moment and they were inch close to each other, his hand snaked along her waist and pulled her close to him. The girl blushed as she felt his hands contact with her waist and he pulled her close to himself.

He concentrated for a moment and the Phoenix Wings came out from his back as he started to fly up in the air. It looked like the Phoenix didn't lie to him as his Flying speed was quite fast, much faster than he expected.

The girl tightly held him and she was a bit frightened when he was travelling with such high speed. Ryusei didn't let it divert his attention and covered his body with a Lot of Azure Blue Fire and started to clear out the path for himself to fly out of this place.

It took him about a minute to get out of this whole mountain along with the girl. After he got out of the place, he looked around and couldn't deduce where he was at the moment and started to fly up in the air.

The girl looked around and felt that the scenery beneath her was beautiful and squealed, "Kya… so beautiful." Ryusei heard her voice and smiled a bit as the scenery beneath them looked really good.

He looked towards his left and could see the cliff from where he jumped. He started flying in that direction and after about half an hour of flying in the air, he finally saw the Bright Silver Town and he lowered his altitude.

It was because of two reasons, the first was because he didn't want anyone to see him get down with his phoenix wings and the second was because he was using too much power to fly using the Phoenix Wings which caused his energy to be exhausted.

They both reached near the ground and she excitedly jumped down on the ground. She looked towards Ryusei and beautifully smiled towards him and excitedly said, "Hurry up, big brother."

Ryusei sighed at her excitement and also stepped on the ground. He then pulled out a cloak from his Spatial Belt and covered her body with it as it would be inappropriate for her to go in the town with those clothing. It would also attract a lot of attention which wouldn't be good for them.

He knew that due to her memory problem and the fact that she thought of him as her brother, he couldn't let make her stay in another inn. She will just have to come in the same inn as him and he will have to explain himself to Rongrong.

He knew that she won't just accept it that he would bring a girl back with him, she would definitely be angry with him. He was cautious while they were going back towards the Bright Silver Town as according to the Phoenix, they met up with that man on their way back.

And the Phoenix wouldn't be foolish enough to continuously release its aura so whoever that man was, he knew that they were Phoenixes and they were coming in the town in their human forms.

He continuously observed his surroundings as he searched for something, something with which the Dark Lord could use to keep an eye on them. He looked towards the girl and said to her, "Listen, since you don't know your same. I will name you Feng Cai'er. Is it alright?"

Feng Cai'er nodded excitedly as this name was chosen by her big brother, she thought that this was the best name in the world. She hugged him in excitement while Ryusei looked towards the extreme end with the corner of his eyes and thought 'If you are watching this then find her if you can, Dark Lord. I wonder if you find her when I am masking her aura with mine.'

He was a bit attacked to Feng Cai'er as she had also lost her mother and the only family she had. That was also one of the reasons he was willing to take care of her and take on the wrath of Rongrong.

Since he had taken the decision, he would definitely go through with it. He knew that Rongrong wasn't an unreasonable person and she would definitely understand if he explains to her about Feng Cai'er's story.

On the way to the Star Luo Inn, Ryusei's eyes turned completely golden as he wanted to know of any suspicious movements around him without letting the person know that he knew that they were following him.

Fortunately, it seemed as if there were no suspicions movements around him and he finally entered the Star Luo Inn where Rongrong was peacefully sleeping right now.

He knocked her door and soon enough Rongrong opened her door in half-sleepy state. He glanced at Ryusei and Feng Cai'er and all her sleep went away as she thought 'Who is this girl with Brother Tian.'