
Feng Cai'er seemed really excited after buying the clothes, it was because these clothes were chosen by Ryusei and it was like he was gifting her those clothes. She liked them a lot and was absolutely giddy.

She was lost in her own thoughts and happiness that she didn't notice that they had left the Town and had actually neared the outskirts of the Town. Even for the outskirts of the Town, this place seemed as if it was barren without anyone in the near distance.

Ryusei leisurely walked towards the place with one hand in his pocket as he continued up straight ahead and Feng Cai'er followed him. When they reached the place, Ryusei looked down and saw the bodies of the Titled Douluo lying there with one body on top of another.

It looked like the people didn't come back here and nobody put the body away after the incident. The bodies were on top of each other and Ryusei knew that the bodies were set up this way by those from the Nightfall Organization.

He went near the bodies and crouched down as he started to analyse them. He could see the wounds on the body and it was normal to have these wounds. He still didn't have any idea how they were killed silently.

The power of 5 Titled Douluo was beyond what anyone could imagine, they should atleast have struggled a bit before dying. But from the looks of it, they died without any struggle. Ryusei thought 'Why am I thinking that they died without any struggle? This is what the Town Lord and others think. Why am I thinking like that? Maybe they were silently killed by the poison and made it look like they were killed.'

Suddenly, he felt as if something was wrong. He was missing something, something which shrouded the truth in front of his eyes. He looked towards the wounds on their hands and saw that there were some signs of struggling. So, it was safe to assume that all of them fought against someone or a group of men and struggled for some time before they died.

They heard the footsteps of someone and Ryusei turned in that direction. He looked towards that direction and saw a man coming towards them. It looked as if he was possessed and he was coming towards them with a hollow look in his eyes.

Ryusei didn't even take out his hands from his pocket as he used his Spirit Ability Illusion and disguised his Purple Lightning with the Blue Lightning. He used the Purple Lightning and electrocuted the man.

The man stopped for some moments before he started to move once again, Ryusei furrowed his eyebrows as he was now sure that the man was controlled by someone else. He smirked and said, "Why don't you come out, Mr. Puppeteer."

He turned towards the West Direction and released a terrifying amount of Blue Lightning which shot towards the Puppeteer. The man sensed the attack and jumped up in the air to avoid it, he didn't know that doing this, he basically signed himself a death contract.

Ryusei disappeared from his position and within a second was near the man's position and held him tightly. He released a terrifying amount of Purple Lightning from his left hand which caused the man to be shocked to near death.

Feng Cai'er was still there looking towards Ryusei as she asked him in a curious tone, "Big brother, who is he?" Ryusei simply looked towards her and said with a smirk, "He is our guest for today."

Feng Cai'er looked towards Ryusei said in a low tone, "Big Brother, you are too handsome with your smile." Ryusei deadpanned at her words as he secretly admired her ability to think of something else on another topic.

He thought that she would be surprised that he was the guest and all but here she was saying that he was too handsome. He wondered if she had this as an innate ability and then shook his head as he stopped these random thoughts.

He looked towards the man who was controlled by the puppeteer and saw that just the body of the Dead man was controlled. It seemed that the puppeteer couldn't control those that had life. Or there were some restrictions in his ability.

He didn't care about that as he knew wasn't going to let him get away, he was going to interrogate him soon enough. He looked towards Feng Cai'er and inquired her in a soft voice, "Cai'er can you do something for me?"

Feng Cai'er was curious as to what her big brother wanted her to do and nodded as she said, "Of course, I will do it." Ryusei then instructed her, "I want you to return back to the Star Luo Inn and stay with Rongrong. She should have woken up by now and must be bored. Also tell her that I am going to come back in the evening, I want to do some work here."

She seemed reluctant to leave him but, in the end, she nodded as she didn't want to disappoint her big brother. Ryusei told her the direction for the Star Luo Inn and also instructed her that she could ask someone if she didn't find it.

She nodded as she started to move in the east direction where the Star Luo Inn was situated. After she went away, Ryusei turned his head towards that unconscious man and held his clothes as he disappeared from the view.


The puppeteer woke up as he looked around. He felt a terrifying pain in his chest, arms and his legs. He heard a cold voice from behind him, "Heh… you woke up really quick. Looks like the pain was greater than I expected."

He turned around and saw someone standing with a full cloak to cover his body and a mask on his face. The man asked, "Where am I? Where have you brought me?" Ryusei looked at him like he was an idiot. What kidnapper tells the victim about his location? Surely, an idiot would ask such a question.

He started speaking, "You shouldn't worry about that. Instead, we are about to play a game." The man seemed confused as he heard his words, he asked in a curious voice, "What game?"

Ryusei answered him, "You will know soon enough…" A purple Lightning flickered above his hands and he sent the lightning inside the body of the man.

The man started screaming in full volume as he felt the Lightning destroying his body. Every cell inside his body was being annihilated by the Lightning and he felt an unimaginable pain inside his body.

His mind went blank as he couldn't think anything for some moments. Ryusei started speaking with some mirth in his voice, "So, this is the game. Whenever I ask you a question, you will have to tell the truth otherwise the penalty is that the power of the Lightning within your body would sharply increase."

He then started speaking in a cold voice, "Tell me who you are." The man weakly replied, "Hu Zhong is my name. I am a lowly merchant with the Puppet Spirit." Ryusei coldly smiled at his words and increased the power of his lightning, he said in a cold voice, "You think I know nothing about you. Tell me, who you really are?"

He said it with a powerful voice, it made Hu Zhong realize that he couldn't bluff his way out of this. The pain had already clouded his mind which made him slightly unable to think rationally about this. Right now, he was thinking of all the ways with which he could reduce the pain inside his body and since Ryusei had already given the solution.

He weakly started speaking, "I am the one who observes the bodies of the Titled Douluo from the Spirit Hall and make sure that nobody takes them away. I am the outer member of the Phantom Brotherhood."

Ryusei widened his eyes at that name as he now atleast knew the real name of the Nightfall Organization. It was the Phantom Brotherhood; this name didn't ring any bells within his mind as it was a very unfamiliar name.