Returning back to the town

He was thinking about the conversation he held with the Dark Lord, he was thinking of some error that the Dark Lord had spoken in his conversation. Something that would be very useful in finding out his real identity and finding out his location.

He also thought about the things that he himself said and his actions, he knew that his advantage was still safe and sound and the Dark Lord wouldn't expect him to be a Spirit Sage soon enough.

He knew that he would have to find out about their base and planned in his head. A few minutes later, he glanced towards Rongrong and Feng Cai'er and saw them happily talking with each other.

It was as if talking with Rongrong helped Cai'er forget about the Dark Lord and she was finally showing her real personality once again. Ryusei knew that he would have to tell Rongrong about the matter in her mindscape.

He was going to tell her soon enough. But the first thing he did was say, "Let's get out of this place now, I think we have had enough of this place. For Cai'er's Spirit Ring, we can go to the Infernal Forest some other time."

Rongrong nodded as she knew that now wasn't the time for collecting the Spirit Ring for Cai'er. They had to take her back and make sure that she was safe. Actually, the real reason that Ryusei wanted her to get back was because of the Dark Lord.

He felt that if the Dark Lord could send his consciousness in Feng Cai'er's mind from so far away, then what was stopping him to sense her location through his own consciousness. It shouldn't be such a big deal, so as a cautious person that he was, he wanted to get out of this place because he was still not ready to fight head to head against the Dark Lord.

He was angry at himself that he had to run away right now after saying all that but he knew his limits, he knew that he wouldn't be a match for the Dark Lord right now and would just be throwing away his life at this moment. It would instead be much better if he could fight against the Dark Lord when he was better prepared.

He picked up the Skull Spirit Bone of the Sky Shattering Eagle and kept it in his Spatial Belt. He was interested in fusing with it but not now…

He looked towards Rongrong and said to her, "Alright Rongrong, come with me. We will fly back together and Cai'er already has her own wings, she can follow us back." His words reminded Cai'er of her own wings as she was very excited and used her Wings Spirit Bone.

She was really happy as she started to fly up in the air with her wings, she would sometimes increase her speed, sometimes decrease it. Flying was pretty much natural to her as she didn't feel any difficulty in flying in the sky.

Ryusei theorized that it must be because she was a Phoenix in reality, it must be due to that her body has remembered how to fly and it was providing her a great amount of help right now.

Ryusei also held Rongrong by her waist and started to fly up in the sky as he shouted towards Cai'er, "So…follow us Cai'er if you do not want to be left behind. I won't slow down for you."

And suddenly, he started to fly with nearly half of his full speed towards the Bright Silver Town. He was flying with half od his full speed because of two reason, first reason was because Rongrong wouldn't be able to take on such a large amount of speed at such a high altitude.

And the second reason was because he didn't want to be so fast that he would disappear from Cai'er's sight. He knew that no matter if she had her instincts or not, his flying speed was much greater than her due to the Phoenix Wings.

He was still a bit shocked that she was able to catch up to him. She pouted as she saw Ryusei holding Rongrong in such a close hug and also wanted to hug him. She looked towards her own wings and had a feeling that it wasn't so good to have these wings.

She sighed like any mature person does and didn't complain; both Ryusei and Feng Cai'er slightly increased their speed and continued to fly their way towards the Bright Silver Town. It took them about half a day to get back to the Town and it was nearly night time now.

All three of them started sleeping as they were quite tired from this day. Especially Ryusei, he was thinking about that Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor and the Dark Lord. He wondered if there was some sort of relation between them.

He thought that because he saw the wounds of the Nine Headed Abyssal Dragon Emperor letting out a similar feeling as that of the Dark Energy of the Dark Lord. He knew that if someone could answer that question was the Dark Lord himself.

He went to sleep while thinking these things. The next day, he woke up early in the morning as he went to do his daily routine to train his own body. After coming back, he covered himself in his dark cloak and went out towards the fields where the Eclipse Tower Members were training right now.

He was curious as to what those people were doing during these days that he had left them alone. He sighed as he walked towards the Fields with a heavy heart. The issue of the dark lord didn't lighten his heart but this time, he was ready.

Ready to step towards that mysterious organization. Soon enough, he reached the fields and peeked the fields from a tree. He was astonished as he saw the member's bodies completely drenched with sweat as they were training hard.

Almost each and every member was doing some sort of training, some were running with their weights and the others were catching him. He looked around and saw Wan Lei and Wan Jun sparring each other, Wan Jun had that exotic and attractive Spear in his hands that seemed to thine brightly.

While Wan Lei's sword seemed to be magnificent in its own perspective, it was almost perfect from the way it was shaped, it was given a slight bend which made its shape look even more attractive.

He could sense a Cold Aura from that sword and guessed that it must be related with some Ice Affinity… Soon enough, he was proven right as he saw Wan Lei attacking Wan Jun with his ability, "Cold Blade!"

Suddenly, the whole blade was covered with a White light and Ryusei could feel the cold energy from so far away, he was curious as to how Wan Jun would deal with it because he didn't think it would be a good idea for him to take it head on.

And, Wan Jun's Spear flared up with intensity as the fire burned on his spear, he also uttered the name of his ability, "Flaming Judgement Stab." As he uttered the name, his sword burned with a great amount of intensity.

Ryusei was a bit taken back as on one side of the field he saw that it was completely covered with a White aura while on the other side, it was completely covered with the Red Aura.

He saw that it was affecting the other members of the Eclipse Tower but not a single one shouted anything, not a single one stopped their training. He was shocked as well as happy at that fact.

He knew that it wouldn't work if he kept forcing them to train, they had to train themselves and looks like those Spirit Bones that he gave away were a huge help in motivating all of them.