Met up with the girls

But he wasn't satisfied with the speed of their increment of their ranks so he started using his ability, the Heavenly Energy of Azure Dragon Spirit. It was incredibly mysterious as it let all 26 of them to start experiencing breath-through with the speed of the rocket taking off in the sky.

Many reached their 50th Rank Bottleneck, many reached their 40th Rank Bottleneck and required another Spirit Ring to advance further. The Wan Brothers and Lin Yanluo's increase in Spirit Rank also stopped at the 30th Rank Bottleneck.

Ryusei ordered them in a loud and clear voice, "All of you will go to the nearby Spirit Forest known as Thundering Plum Forest. I have heard about this forest from the people in the town and only the beasts that have lived up to the 5000 years reside there. They shouldn't be a challenge for you and if by some off chance you meet up with a 10,000-years-old Spirit Beast then leave everything and run away…"

Everyone nodded and Ryusei had one last thing to say, "Alright you all are dismissed. And remember, not a single one of you must die on this trip." His words were replied with a loud, "YES LORD!!" that seemed to boom in the area.

Ryusei sighed as he disappeared from the area, it was as if he was an illusion. But nobody thought much about it, they knew that as strong as their Lord was, it should be some sort of his Ability.

They went back towards their inn and started to pack up the things such as the food and water and other resources that would be useful in this expedition in the forest. Even though each and every single one of them was proficient to live in a forest, they weren't as proficient in fighting a Beast.

This was what Ryusei wanted to change, he wanted them to have a good combat power so that if they couldn't fight against the Spirit Ranks with a higher level than them but they could atleast defeat the ones with the same Spirit Rank as them.

He wasn't really satisfied with that yet but he knew that it wouldn't yield a good result in a short time. He had to be patient and stubborn about it… He reached the Inn where Rongrong and Feng Cai'er were sleeping on their beds with a blissful expression on their faces.

He knew that he would have to travel to the Infernal Forest for the Spirit Ring for Feng Cai'er or a Bird Type Beast's Spirit Ring, like the one he had absorbed would be perfect for her. He entered his room as he saw her sleeping with a slight smile…

He caressed the back of her head and remembered about the Dark Lord…He had a cold expression at that time and thought 'Soon…I will step towards that organization and unveil it to the world. I will see what you will do at that point! Don't you fear your identity being exposed, every person in the world would know your face!'

Feng Cai'er suddenly threw her hands up and opened her beautiful illusion like eyes, they seemed to twinkle like the stars and her innocent smile further made her look like a fairy.

She rubbed her eyes as she turned her head towards the window and saw that it was Afternoon and was surprised, "OH…It is afternoon now! I slept for too long!" She looked towards her right and saw Ryusei sitting besides her with his soft smile.

He muttered in a low voice, "Why must you come to my room? I thought we both told you that you would have to sleep in Rongrong's room with her. Her bed is large enough so what is the problem."

She had an innocent expression on her face as she mumbled, "I wanted to sleep here because of Big Brother's Scent. I can smell it all over this room and I like it very much. Her room is filled with a chilly air and I don't like it that is why I come in this room."

Ryusei understood the matter, his room had some residues of the Aura that he would unconsciously release when he was in the room, it would be left in the room and Feng Cai'er found it comfortable as it was a Dragon's Presence which also had a Fire Element while Rongrong's room contained a chilly aura due to her Absolute Ice Spirit.

He sighed as he knew that it couldn't be helped and went out of the room, he instructed her, "Take a bath and get dressed now. I will go and wake up Rongrong, I don't think she has woken up."

Well he stood corrected, Rongrong was comfortably sleeping on her bed without a care in the world. Her pink and beautiful hairs were messy as she took another turn right in front of Ryusei and turned her face towards him.

Ryusei smiled as he went near her and kissed her cheeks, he softly announced in her ears, "It's time to wake up my princess!" When his voice entered her ears, she quickly opened her eyes and saw Ryusei in front of her.

She let out a Yawn as she sat up on the bed and looked towards him with her beautiful face. She put her head on his chest as she asked him, "So, when are we going in the Infernal Forest?"

Ryusei replied to her without a paused, "Tomorrow. We will leave for the Infernal Forest. We have to be careful as the Grandmaster told us that their lives an Infernal Flame Owl with a great affinity with flames and is one of the Strongest Beast on the continent."

Rongrong nodded her head as she didn't plan on meeting up with such a strong Beast right now, she knew that they wouldn't be able to go against such a Beast and would have to run away or would be killed.

Even with Ryusei's Azure Dragon Spirit, he wouldn't be able to protect all three of them at the same time. It would be hard for him to save his own life let alone protect their life. She held his hand and used his strength as her support and stood up.

Both of them were standing up and smiled towards each other as he instructed her, "Go get inside the bath and wash up your body. Get dressed and meet up with me down the inn."

Rongrong lazily nodded as it was due to the fact that she had slept for too long. Ryusei stepped out of her room without a care and went down the inn and noticed a group of young teenagers sitting in a round circle on a table and talking.

He didn't have anything to do right now so he went near them and sat down and heard their words. From their words, he deduced that they were from the Heaven Dou Empire, he was curious as to what was happening in that Empire and hadn't even checked out the messages from his Information Network.

He decided that he would check it out soon enough, after some time, he sighed in disappointment as it seemed that these youngsters were gathered because they wanted to discuss about the marriage of one of the smartest kids among them.

He didn't listen to their talks and turned his head here and there After 10 minutes, he heard someone coming down the stairs, he was familiar with the sound of the footsteps and turned his head towards the staircase.

He saw two beautiful women step down from the stairs, Rongrong was wearing a Yellow dress which seemed as if it was particularly put made for her. It was short where it should be short and large where it should be large.

It complimented her beauty which made her shine a bit, it was as if it was a fairy was coming and looking down on the mortals. Besides her was a Red-haired seductress, it was as if she had come to take the hearts of all the men in the world.