Men return after Advancement

That was all he needed to say before she jumped up from the bed and attacked his lips with her own. Since she was kissing him, he decided to take some advantage and grabbed those bountiful breasts with his hands.

Cai'er did feel good as he did that but she frowned as he soon released her from the kiss and also released those breasts. He smiled towards her, "Alright then, I will go to manage those guys. Take care and have fun with Rongrong."

Cai'er suddenly hugged him from behind, she didn't want him to go alone, she wanted to go with him and clearly expressed her desire, "Brother Tian, I also want to come with you. I am bored of staying together with Sister Rongrong with nothing to do. Take us with you!"

Ryusei sighed as he had anticipated that this was soon going to come, he knew that both of them would definitely want to come with him. He thought that it would be better if it came at a later date but he nodded to her and agreed, "Alright, both of you come with me. Don't complain to me when I can't stay with you or talk with you."

Cai'er excitedly nodded her head as she mischievously stuck out her tongue as if she had just done a mischief. She went towards Rongrong's room as she wanted to tell her about the good news that Ryusei had agreed to her request.

Even Rongrong wanted to go near the members once again, she didn't want to stay at this one place, it was too boring to stay in the inn all the time. As soon as Rongrong heard her words, she did wonder why Ryusei would agree to let them come.

From what she knew about him, he was cautious, extremely cautious and intelligent. So why was he letting them come together with him. Was it because he was confident that there wasn't a spy among them or due to some other reason?

She looked towards Feng Cai'er, "Alright Cai'er, get ready. You wouldn't want to meet his members of the Organization in these clothes, war some clothes and wear a cloak on top of them.

Feng Cai'er nodded as she heard that and went to wear her clothes while Rongrong herself went towards Ryusei's room. She saw him sitting on the bed while his hands under his chin as he seemed to be thinking deeply.

He didn't even glance towards her as he asked her, "So, what happened Rongrong? Don't you want to come along, go and get ready too." Rongrong wasn't surprised to hear him saying that as she asked him, "What happened Brother Tian? What has changed that you have decided to let us meet up with them besides, should we come while hiding ourselves or reveal ourselves?"

Ryusei smiled towards her, "Don't worry about that. I have decided to change some of my ways, come in whatever clothing that you like." Rongrong heard his answer and nodded as she went in her own room and changed her clothes.

Ryusei waited for them down the inn, after some time, both of them came down the inn and saw Ryusei standing there with his casual clothes. Rongrong still didn't understand why he had decided to stop using disguise but she didn't question him and followed him towards the fields.


Before reaching the fields, Ryusei could hear the sound of his men cheering, it seems as if they were too happy with the advancement they had experienced after adding another Spirit Ring to their Spirits.

He knew that they must be delighted right now, their powers have increased so much that they were ready to surprise their leader. They felt as if today's Training would be much more beneficial and they were going to gain more benefits today.

They heard some clapping noise and turned towards the direction and saw Ryusei coming towards them in his casual clothes. They were slightly surprised to see two beauties besides him but they didn't think it was strange.

Their lord was a strong person, he must know some beauties so who would think that it was strange for him to be around beauties. Maybe they were his wives so everyone was cautious to not make any comments about them.

They knew themselves, they knew that they were not in any position to comment on their Lord. He was the strongest, he was the one who was managing them so it would very rude of them to comment on him.

Besides, the most important thing was his age, he was such a young child that seems to have entered the phase of teenager, he had never made any rash decision in these 2 months.

The other lords would have atleast tried to establish a sense of prestige in the town but their Lord was essentially going away form it, it seemed as if he didn't want to be famous before training them.

He was training them so that they could grow strong enough before he makes some great impact on the Douluo Continent, from their short time they spent with him, they knew one single thing.

He was someone who had large and wild ambitions, he wanted to build up an army, it was like he was about to wage war on the whole world. Some of them were scared but many of them were excited, who didn't have an ambition to conquer the world.

Who didn't dream of wealth? Of Power? Of Status? If this was indeed their lord's plan then they felt as if they could rise further. They knew that the life of the Spirit master was filled with countless difficulties, they could die at any point, then why not die before making a large impact on the Douluo Continent.

Ryusei saw their delighted mood and softly smiled, he didn't introduce Rongrong and Feng Cai'er as from their eyes, there didn't seem to be anyone who wanted to ask him about them…

They seem to understand that they were his women and there wasn't anything left to tell them. It wasn't like they could do anything even if they knew their names. He looked over all of them and was slightly surprised as they all seemed to have broken through their bottle-neck.

He could feel that many of the people had entered the 50th Rank and they were already on the 51st Rank right now. Many other members were on the 41st and very few members were in the 30's right now.

Wan Jun and Wan Lei were in Rank 32 and Rank 31 respectively, he turned his head towards the one who he believed had the most potential among all of them. Lin Yanluo, he was at an astounding Rank 32…

Ryusei couldn't hold back his smile as he sensed his rise in Power. He knew that Lin Yanluo had the potential to atleast be on the same level as the Shrek Devils, it remains to be seen whether he would be able to come close to his own power.

Lin Yanluo saw the proud expression on Ryusei's face and felt his feelings uplifted, he wanted his recognition. He didn't care about the flattery words of anyone among the members, he wanted to be recognized as great by Ryusei.

Ryusei looked towards all of them as he ordered them, "Listen, I will give you this day to test and get used to your newfound power. Don't waste this one day because I may give you some good benefits tomorrow. In fact, you can spar with Ning Rongrong and Feng Cai'er."

He turned around and saw them a bit surprised as they heard that they would have to spar with them, he informed them, "I decided it because you also don't have combat experience of fighting against humans. It would be better if you fight against them."

He then turned around and made a rule, "Oh... and the fighting will be in pairs. So, Ning Rongrong and Feng Cai'er would team up and fight two of you, after the fight, they will get a half an hour rest and continue to fight against the next two."