
The second Thunderfire Dragon not only injured them but besides the one with the Beast Spirit, no person was able to take that attack head on. The one with the Sword Spirit felt as if some sort of crack had appeared, this crack appeared right on his spirit so he felt an unimaginable pain.

He kneeled down while howling in pain and Ryusei turned towards the one with Nether Grass Spirit Essence and kneed him on his stomach. Some blood was thrown out of his mouth before he glanced at Ryusei…

Ryusei held his face and flew down as he rubbed that face of the man alongside ground and continued till the man lost consciousness. He turned towards Bear Spirit Essence User and saw him supporting the Sword Spirit Essence guy.

He knew that he would have to let one of them go but he wanted it in such a way that they would die suddenly, his eyes twinkled as he got an idea and suddenly disappeared from his position and hit the Bear Spirit Essence User with his Purple Dragon's Claw.

It caused him to be thrown back and hit into many trees and get unconscious, Ryusei turned towards the Sword Spirit Essence guy and knew that he was the perfect one for his task, he suddenly made a Small Thunderfire Dragon, it was so small that even he himself was having trouble seeing it with his naked eyes.

He sent it inside the guy's body, the Sword Spirit Essence Guy didn't feel anything and observed the situation, he noticed that his time to escape had come and closed his eyes for the inevitable death. But he was surprised as he opened his eyes and saw Ryusei looking at him with a surprised expression.

He felt as if his time had come and suddenly head-but Ryusei on his stomach and let him fall down on the ground as he used an ability that he could use right now, Sword Light. He ran away from that position like it was the last day of his life and returned back to his base.


As the Nether Sword User returned back to his base, he wasn't stopped by the guards as they knew him, they knew his face and this ability. Nobody got in the way as they knew that they would die without knowing if they tried to stop him now.

The Sword Light continued its way till the Dark Lord's Hall and finally stopped, he voiced out, "Dark Lord, Dark Lord, someone has attacked us four while we were trying to get the resources."

The Dark Lord's expression didn't change, it was like it was all within his expectation, but he did wonder the one responsible for attacking them. He knew that these four were quite strong, so who was capable of fighting them for so long and actually defeating them.

He didn't know why but his mind went towards the Azure Dragon Spirit's User, that boy, that expression and that power that he had. He felt as if he was related with this scene, he didn't know why he thought that, it was just a feeling.

He let the Sword Spirit User Speak, "Lord, it was a Purple Lightning Dragon, that person's spirit was a Purple Lightning Dragon and he thrashed all four of us. I was nearly gonna be killed but he head-but him and used my Spirit Ability and ran away from there."

Dark Lord frowned as he heard this, "Why are you lying Elder Sword?" Elder Sword was confused, he was sure that he had spoken the events as they happened, it was the absolute truth.

'Are my truthful words being thought as a lie, is this world even fair?' He thought with a dumbfounded expression while keeping his face down. He did ask the Dark lord, "Why do you think that Dark Lord? You do know that I would never lie to you."

Dark Lord had that same cold face as he spoke, "This lie is not due to your will. It's being said because of being manipulated by the person who sent you…" A very ancient and Dark aura spread all around them as he stated, "Good, it seemed as if he didn't want to follow you."

"If this wasn't to know about our base then why would he send you back? You could have never run away from that person if he beat all four of you at the same time. It is impossible for you to run away from such a person!" He voiced out with a completely stoic expression.

Suddenly, a faint Purple Lightning was released from Sword Spirit User's body and Dark Lord noticed that, his eyes widened as he didn't think that this would be the plan of that person even in his dreams.

He didn't even have time to use his Spirit to suppress this energy that suddenly a Great Explosion took place. The Thunderfire Dragon suddenly exploded with a BANG! The whole place was caught in the explosion.

As soon as the Thunderfire Dragon exploded, Ryusei turned his face towards the direction of the secret base of the Dark Lord. Even though he couldn't control the Thunderfire Dragon from such a large distance.

He could sense it at the time of explosion, he wondered if it caught the Dark Lord in the explosion and he got some injuries or not. The whole base of Dark Lord which was looking quite a magnificent palace was now the same as ruins.

Many people were caught in this explosion including some of the Greatest and Elite soldiers of the Phantom Brotherhood. As for the Dark Lord, he was covered by covered in a barrier at an appropriate time by a young girl.

The explosion still impacted them both and made them understand the power of Thunderfire Dragon. It was a time bomb, the more time it took, the greater its power. Not just the more time but also because it had also further evolved after the evolution of Ryusei's Spirit Ring and its power was significantly greater than before.

Ryusei coldly smiled as he was staring at that direction, he thought 'How did you like my greeting Dark Lord? This is the starting… Be prepared to have more of these from now on.' Dark Lord was very vexed right now, from the power of that attack, he knew that it wasn't a regular ability.

He knew that someone strong has set his eyes on him, he didn't know who was this guy with Purple Lightning Dragon. He had never heard of this Spirit even with his vast experience, he felt as if something strange was going on.

The times were changing, the loss accounted to his organization wouldn't be covered in a short time. He had to change his base and start operating from somewhere else and also inform all the members.

He knew that many members would also leave the organization due to the fear of this incident. His position that had been at the top of the Organization due to his power and influence had suffered greatly due to this incident.

He also knew that this wasn't the end of his stroke of bad luck… There must be something more, something more that the person might want while he did this. It was like a warning, warning to him that he should leave this place.

He also knew that it was impossible to remain here as this amount of explosion wouldn't remain hidden from the world. Soon enough, the Spirit Hall would send its people to investigate it.

He sighed as he knew that he would have to set up another base but he was slightly relieved that atleast he would have some of his old members. Atleast it wouldn't be a start from the scratch.

What he didn't know was that, he had forgotten about one issue, it was that two of his members were still alive and were captive for Ryusei. He had broken their arms, legs and some of the bones near the rib area.