Little Hearts

20:30 | Selina Johnson

It was getting late. Not that I was keen on leaving but you would think for a person who just got some extra time to spend, he should be home as early as possible. Jane was a good and kind kid. I didn't want to make myself get much involved with her at first; cause being friendly with a five years old kid didn't seem like a healthy idea for me then. Piaget's "ages and stages" developmental model is a blueprint that describes the stages of normal intellectual development, from infancy through adulthood. There are five branches to simplify and Jane should be in preoperational. I couldn't have wanted to let her get involved with me too much. But she didn't understand that.

-It's almost past the bedtime for you, right?

-Hmm(looks at the clock)..yeah. But I am not sleepy yet. Let's draw something! I know! I'm gonna draw you!

-But you know Dad's gonna be upset if he finds out that you still haven't gotten into bed?

-Hmm..but if you can tell him not to. You are friends. Mom used to say friends believe each other.

-Maybe he won't. Okay you are giving me the drawing after you finish.

-Okay. But I want to have a picture of you with me. You are so beautiful.

-Oh why thank you very much.

-I know!! I can get a photo of you in my phone; wait let me get it,- I would be lying if I said it was the best day of my life, right now. But it's what I felt like in that evening.

I couldn't but assume that right then, that moment was the best thing I could have. Past made me want to die out of the regrets...future would make me depressed out of anxiety. So I guess I was just happy.

-You have your own phone? And your Dad doesn't.

-Yes. Now sit right! I'll be taking photos until I get the best of best.

-'Best of best'? (Chuckles)okay. I don't know you may need to take a bunch of photos to get it.

-...(clicks)...(clicks)...(clicks). Okay I have got some good ones. You look like a doll in this. Here!

-Oh that's great,- I literally meant it when I said I stopped looking at mirrors. Gazing at my photo, it felt like I was seeing someone else. Someone who is deprived of all hopes and wishes. But I covered it up. For the obvious reasons. It was surprising how kids can find beauty in something that that.

-Yes. Now before I start I think I'm hungry.

-Oh, okay. Let's get you something. It's just that I thought you said earlier that you had finished your dinner.

-Hmm...but all these running made me hungry.

-Okayyy, let's see what you have in freezer. Some snacks will be good?

-No. I know! We need to cook us something tasty.

-I guess that can be better,- I said that while betraying all of my exhausted muscles. My body had no energy left to even get back to my apartment.

-Do you wanna see our photos? I don't think that would be appropriate. You know, it's not right to poke into other people's stuffs.

-But it's alright. I am letting you see it.

-(Sighs)...okay show me.