Will for new life

Selina | Shen | Apartment

-I'm sorry Shen. Your fortune telling turned out to be true.

-You're welcome.





-...Shen? What's wrong?

-You tell me. Are you sick?


-Or perhaps..afraid?


-(Sighs)...I'm heading out Sel.


-Don't know. I just feel like you need some time alone. Not some weird kid.

-I am actually the burden you've been carrying since the first day, Shen.

-No, never thought of you as burden. Maybe enemy, once. Hated you too.


-You know if I think about it, the biggest burden I was forced to carry would be my own life. Always asking myself..why? Just end it. There's no one to enjoy this life with. What's the purpose of this hardship?

-...I..know that feeling.

-You saved me Selina. And for that you deserve something better than just a mere thanks from me. I just wish I could do that properly.

-You can. Just don't leave me Shen. This is enough already. Promise me!

-I don't believe in promises.


-..This must be frustrating. See you later.

-Don't make me look for you in these skin joints throughout the town.

-Sounds like fun. Bye.

I knew I was being selfish. Within these few days, aided by Shen, Jerry, Layla and Jane I've come to understand what it means to have true friends. And there's no way I could cloud their feelings towards me by revealing my past, the sins, those ugly deeds to them. I am willing to lie, hide my despicable side in order to keep this boat afloat.

A love story and how I turned it into a nightmare for Han and me both. This tale of mine will be kept hidden. What happened that night is past. 'You don't build your life based on your past' as Frank used to believe.

I will find Han no matter what. I am going to keep my promise to Frank. Violet shall have a mother.




Barry Jefferson | Selina Johnson | Apartment

-Yes Jerry.

-You feeling okay now?

-Hmm. Sorry, Shen made you come all the way from club to help.

-You should talk to us, Selina. If there's anything we could help you with..

-Thanks but give me some time.

-I understand. Anyway I need to get back to station.

-Did you talk to Layla yet?


-I see.

-There's been a murder Sel...