
The doctors within the lounge were busy. It wasn't because there were patients nor was it because there was trouble. It was because of a certain girl that lived in the hospital for most of her life. The topic was about her education. She had not made a step outside the hospital's premise since she first started living there and they worried that she might not have a decent future if such situation were to continue. And so, they thought about whether or not the girl should go to school. As doctors, they knew that the girl shouldn't live in an isolated world in all her life. She needed education for her future, peers that she could relate to, and a life that she would be contented about. What's more, they worried about what would happen if they were to leave the hospital. Some were becoming too old to work and it won't be surprising to retire after a few years. As for the newcomers, they wouldn't sometimes interact with her due to her appearance and condition. Though there were ones that did talk and play with her, they were only a handful of them.

When the topic was brought up to the girl, the girl began thinking. She answered that she didn't know what school was like and she also answered that she might not be suited in a place like it. All her life she was a sheltered girl, she didn't know how to talk to kids the same age as her. She wasn't even confident that she might be interesting to talk with. After the doctor told the others on what the girl answered, they were heartbroken. They knew that they too were the cause on why she was like that. But within their sadness, one doctor brought up an idea. He was young and he was new in the hospital. But even with that considered, they listened to him and there they decided that follow his plan.

While walking through the hallways with a female nurse, the girl asked where they were heading. The nurse answered that they were heading outside, and the girl quickly stopped. When the nurse asked why she stopped, she answered that she shouldn't. She was told that she shouldn't leave the hospital's grounds. The nurse smiled and answered. She told the girl with white eyes that it was alright. That the day was a special day, that was why she was allowed to leave for a while. The girl became excited as she puts her trust at the nurse. First thing's first, the nurse decided that the girl should have a change of clothes. She had always worn the common hospital gown since she was little. Thinking that troubles may- will occur if she were to wear that outside, the nurse bought a set of clothes. It was a dolly styled blue dress, the size was perfect for the girl. In the nurse's room, the girl began to turn more excited as she saw the dress. The nurse answered that it was a gift for her, and the girl quickly thanked her.

As they got out of the hospital, well clothed and ready to go, they headed towards the hospital's parking lot. There, the nurse's car was parked and besides it was a doctor. The girl knew who the doctor was. The doctor asked them where they were heading and wished them a good trip on their travel. The two headed inside the car and there the nurse noticed the girl's excitement. The girl began telling that it was her first time inside a car and it was more than she had imagined after reading the books that she would receive. The nurse smiled to her and told her to sit beside her. They fastened both of their seat-belts. After making sure if the girl was ready, the nurse turned the car on and they began to travel. As they exited the hospital's grounds, the girl looked through the window. Smaller and smaller, the hospital building became smaller until it wasn't seen. The nurse knew that the girl was feeling a bit worried since it was her first time doing it, but the nurse gave her a smile and told her that it will be alright.

Arriving in town, the girl noticed that there was an event. There were things hanging above them and there were lots of people walking by the streets. The girl became worried, she knew that she wasn't the same as her. As the car parked at a corner, the nurse gave the girl something. The girl noticed that it was a mask. The nurse began telling the girl that there was occasion occurring in town and that it was a special event. People would wear mask and enjoy themselves with the strangers around them. The girl again trusted the nurse and she began putting the mask on. After wearing it, the girl noticed that the nurse was wearing a similar mask as that of hers. The nurse offered her hand and the girl took it. As the girl exited the car, she blinded by the bright light. Her eyes adjusted to the brightness outside and there she was surprised. She could hear people laughing, talking, shouting, crying, cheering, and more. What's more, she saw people performing by the streets, playing a certain game, selling food that she didn't know, and many more. The girl became excited, it was her first time seeing and experiencing such event. Feeling glad that the girl was excited, the nurse began to walk, taking her to the place she wanted to go.

As the two continued to walk, the girl's curiosity was at its peak. The nurse took noticed and began to think of something. As the nurse saw a group of people, she quickly knew that something was worth watching. She pulled the girl and ran at the crow, and there they saw a magician performing tricks to behold. Rabbits appearing out of hats, doves flying off the magician's sleeves, and even people disappearing as they entered a box. As the girl with white eyes watch the spectacle, she was at awe as her eyes sparkled. The crowd made an applause to the magician, both the nurse and the girl clapped their hands as well for the performance shown. As the show was over, the people around began to walk away. The nurse tucked the girl's shoulder, but the girl continued to stare at the magician. The magician took notice of her and he smiled. He approached the girl and asked her to hold a stick. The girl became excited and she held the stick within her hands. The magician covered the stick with a sheet, its shape was obviously seen. But the magician's confidence didn't disappear from his face. He gave out his magic words and quickly removed the sheet. When the girl looked at what was in her hand, she gasped. The stick was no longer there but instead it was a bouquet. The nurse clapped her hands as she saw the little girl speechless after the performance. The magician made a bow and said that they could keep it. Leaving his last words, he turned his back and began to gather his tools for the next show.

The girl was still speechless, in her hand was a bouquet. The nurse couldn't help but giggle as they continued their way. The nurse decided that it was near lunch and so asked the girl if she was hungry. As the girl replied yes, the nurse quickly led the way to a restaurant. Inside, the girl with white eyes watched the decorations. There were old lanterns hanging from the wall and the furniture were all made of wood. They walked towards a table and took the menu. The girl became confused as she saw the things listed within the menu. Words that she didn't know of and food she hasn't heard of were written. The nurse sighed and told her to relax. As for the girl, she noticed something. Compared to the noise outside, the place was soothing as an old guitar music was being played at the background. After waiting for a few minutes, their food had arrived. On the nurse's plate was a simple burger dish. Meanwhile, the girl looked at her plate, curious on what it was. The girl asked the nurse what the lines were and the nurse answered that it was spaghetti. The girl began to recall what spaghetti was. She had read of it before but it was the first time she had seen it. Curious, the girl did what the character in the book did. Using a fork, the girl swirled the spaghetti around it and began eating. To her surprise, it was delicious. It was the girl's first time tasting such flavor, and so she decided to continue eating. The nurse smiled as the girl continued to eat her lunch. As the nurse began to eat her own food, she began to think about the girl.

After eating their lunch, the girl and the nurse headed out for the festival again. As the two walked at the sides, the girl noticed a bunch of children doing something at a stand. The girl wanted to see, she asked the nurse if she could and the nurse kindly granted her request. As the girl approached the place, she finally knew what they were doing. A boy was holding a rifle with a cork at its end. As the boy presses the trigger, the cork flew, and missed the box that he was aiming. The boy sulked as he places the gun on the table. As the girl looked at the others, the owner noticed her and began to approach her. The owner asked if she wanted to try as well, the girl fell silent. It was her first time talking to a person outside the hospital, she didn't know what to say. But, she wanted to do it. She replied with a yes and the owner began to tell her about the game. It was a simple game, you shoot the prize that you want and if it falls, it's yours. The girl looked at the prizes that lined up on the shelf, most of them she didn't know what they were. But as the girl continued to look, there she saw something similar to her stuff bear in the hospital. She wanted the large bear and she began to ask the owner if she could try. The owner replied that there was a fee. The girl had no money and she was saddened. But while the girl was sulking, another person answered the owner and paid him, it was the nurse that had brought her. The owner gave the nurse the gun, and the nurse gave the gun to the girl. The girl felt happy as she receives the gun. She quickly aimed at the bear and fired the gun. Pop, the cork flew and missed the target. The owner laughed at her efforts and gave her another cork. Two more tries he said, the girl's confidence grew. But as the girl looked at the gun, she didn't know how it worked. The nurse made a smile and asked her if she could hold it. After the girl gave the gun, the nurse returned it, a cork was now at its end. Again, the girl aimed at the bear. She presses the trigger and the cork flew. The cork hits the bear's chest. The girl smiled widely as she had hit her target. But her happiness quickly disappeared when the owner handed her another cork. The nurse noticed it and began to complain to the owner. But the owner only folded his arms and began to say the rule of the game. If it falls, it's yours, that was the rule of the game. The girl wanted to cry, but she knew that it wouldn't help. Instead, the girl aimed at the bear once again. As she concentrated, she felt her nose was itchy. Without being able to react, she made a small sneeze. Pop, the sound of the gun was made. The girl quickly looked where the cork flew, but it had disappeared. As the girl was about to sulk that she had wasted her last try, she noticed the bear on the floor. The owner arrived and took the bear. The owner hands the bear towards the girl and praised her for her good job. Receiving the bear, the girl was surprised. She smiled widely as she felt happiness within her heart. As the girl smiled at the nurse, the nurse smiled back after seeing her heartwarming reaction.

The sun had not yet set but the nurse began to tell the girl that it was time to go home. The girl felt sad knowing that they were about to leave, but she shook the feelings away. In her whole life, the girl spent her days within the hospital. She didn't know what the world outside was and what were the people living there. But after seeing everything with her white eyes, the girl felt that it wasn't bad. The nurse noticed her lonely expression but she made a gentle smile as she took her hand. They began to walk back towards the car. As they walked, the girl would point out the thing she was seeing. The nurse felt happy knowing that the girl enjoyed the day with her. They arrived at the car. As they drove away from town, the girl looked through the window and saw the town getting farther and farther away. Seeing the girl, the nurse began speaking. One day, she will bring her with her into town again. Hearing her, the girl became glad and she made a nod to the nurse's offer. After a few moments, they had arrived at the hospital. A doctor was there in order to pick the girl up. As the two exited the car, the nurse waved her hand goodbye. After it, the girl will drive back home and spend her time inside her room alone. Comparing it to the fun she had gotten with the girl during the day, she felt sad.

"Goodbye, thank you for the colorful day!"

The nurse was surprised when she heard the girl shout. The girl was now at a distance away from her and she was close to the hospital's entrance. But even so, the nurse heard her shouting farewell. It wasn't because she was far that surprised it, it was because of what she had said. She remembered the girl's condition and she couldn't help but begin to tear up. For her, it was something worth remembering. The event that had happened on that day had remained inside the nurse's chest until her end of days.