I Entrusted This To You First

A few days had passed and finally Friday had arrived. Elle awoke peacefully that morning. She blinked against the early sunlight that streamed through a gap in the curtains.

Adam laid still next to her in the bed, still asleep. Elle stared at him, admiring his messy hair, his soft lips, and his strong chest that rose and fell with his even breathes. After a moment, as if feeling her gaze on him, his eyes fluttered open.

"Good morning." He murmured, his voice still rough with sleep.

"Good morning, my love." Elle answered happily, burying herself into his ams.

"Did you sleep well?" He asked in his gruff voice.

"Mmm, it was okay."

That seemed to wake him up. One of his hands ran reassuringly through her hair and his eyebrows furrowed together as he asked, "What happened? Did you have a bad dream?"

"Nothing really, I just feel a little restless. Things have been very busy recently, I guess with everything going on my brain isn't able to relax even in my sleep." Elle sighed. "Look at us, both of us woke up even before our alarms went off."

"Is the filming too much? You don't need to get overly involved, I can have David - "

"No." Elle insisted, cutting him off. "No, it's not too much. It's a lot of extra work, but it's also all the more rewarding. To think that a project this big is mine. To think you entrusted something this important to me."

Adam chuckled lightly. "I've entrusted even more important things to you before."


"You've forgotten?"

"Do you mean the jewellery launch? Or the modelling for MK? Those don't count. Those were important roles, but you were the one responsible for everything with them."

"No, not then." Adam said. He gently took her hand and placed it over his heart. "I entrusted this to you first."

Elle looked away in embarrassment. "Saying such cheesy things so early in the morning." She muttered.

"But it's true." As he whispered to her Adam leaned forward to press a kiss to her lips.

In a blissful and leisurely way the couple enjoyed the company of each other until both their alarms began to ring. In synchronization both their phones went off.

Elle groaned and rolled off Adam's chest so that they could both reach for their phones.

"I suppose you need to rush off now." Elle said reluctantly.

"What should I do?" Adam asked as he reached over to pull her back into his arms. "Work has been pilling up, especially with the production going on. There's a lot to catch up on and yet I don't want to leave this bed."

Normally Elle would have encouraged him to be responsible. If it was the old Elle she would have been fearful of getting in the way of his work, and have reluctantly told him to go. But this morning even the responsibility and the reason of her mind couldn't win over the feeling of her heart. This morning nothing else seemed to matter.

Elle pulled his lips to hers. "Then don't go." She whispered willfully.

That morning the two responsible and mature adults disappeared and both Elle and Adam called in to take the day off work. They forgot their worries and their responsibilities and focused only on each other.

An hour later Elle was still laying in bed, now out of breath and resting in Adam's embrace while laughing lightly to herself.

"What is it?" Adam murmured as his fingers traced patterns up and down her back.

"How old are we?" Elle teased. "To think that we both skipped work to spend the morning in bed. Are we teenagers?"

"Hey, we're not that old yet." Adam said as one of his hands mischievously snuck beneath the covers.

"Again?" Elle asked.

The couple finally made it out of the bedroom as the clock approached noon. First they went to go shower and then they made their way down to the kitchen to eat. Elle reheated whatever leftovers remained in the fridge from the day before and they both sat down at the table for a meal.

Elle couldn't get rid of the smile on her face as they ate.

"You're happy." Adam noted.

"Of course I'm happy. I feel like it's been a long time since you and I were able to spend time together like this."

"I know." Adam said with a sad smile. "I've been too busy recently."

"I didn't mean it like that." Elle said softly.

"I know." But he was already reflecting on himself.

A few moments later Adam's phone began to ring. Adam was determined to ignore it if it had been the company but they saw that it was his friend Marcus calling.

"Go on, answer it." Elle encouraged.

Adam put the call on speaker. "What is it Marcus?" He asked as he continued to eat.

"I called your office. Your secretary said you didn't go in today. Since when do you take days off? Are you dying?" Marcus teased.

Elle couldn't help but giggle at the joke. "I always liked Marcus." She whispered to Adam.

"Did he also tell you that I'm not, under any circumstances, to be interrupted today?" Adam asked, ignoring their jests.

"Are you really sick?"


"Perfect. The gang has arranged for a little hike and camp out. Won't you and Elle come along?"

"You planned a hike?" Adam asked skeptically.

"The girls did." Marcus confessed. "It'll be fun. You're already playing hooky and tomorrow will be the weekend anyway."

Adam was about to decline. He was determined to devote his time to Elle this weekend. It would be a poor compensation for all the time his work took away from them, but it was the best he could do for now. But when he looked up he noticed a spark of interest in Elle's eyes.

He looked at her questioningly.

"It sounds fun." Elle replied sheepishly.

"Are you sure you're not too tired from earlier?" Adam teased.

Elle blushed slightly and smacked his arm.

Adam smirked. "Fine," He replied to Marcus. "We'll come along too. Send me the time and address."

"Okay." Marcus said excitedly, hanging up before Adam could change his mind.

"Are we really going?" Elle asked. "Won't you have to work tomorrow?"

"For this one weekend we will do whatever you want. Besides, like you said, it sounds fun."

Elle got out of her chair and crossed around the table to sneak into Adam's lap. She put both arms around his neck.

"I said it to you once before, it's because are always considerate of me even when you are so deadly busy that I never get upset over you needing to work or us not being able to go on dates often."

"You're too good to me. Don't hold back this weekend, tell me whatever you want to do and we'll do it. In return forgive me for the times I'll be busy in the future."

"Deal." Elle said wrapping her pinky finger around his.