I Changed My Mind

As the sun set everyone gathered around the campfire with food filled stomachs, drinks in hand, and a cheerful atmosphere surrounding them.

They gazed at the stars and fooled around. It was refreshing for Elle, who normally had to sit through very serious and boring conversations, watch this group of CEO's and other high ranking professionals talk about nothing in particular.

She laughed to herself at the idea of the city's top 10% joking around like school kids.

"What is it?" Adam murmured, noticing her giggle.

"You have good friends." Elle said. "It makes sense, the group hand picked by Adam Hayes ought to be good."

"I hope that's a compliment." Adam chuckled.

Ruth noticed the comfortable interaction between the two and she was reminded of her earlier conversation with Amelia.

'I just want to know what won his heart over.' Amelia had said. 'I just want to know if I ever had a chance at all.'

Above all else Ruth didn't want the balance of the group to be ruined. It bothered her that Amelia was suffering alone. It bothered her to think that it was painful for Amelia to be in the company of her own friends.

'Maybe I can help her just a little.' Ruth thought to herself.

"Hey Adam," She called out, "Elle already told us before why she likes you but you've never told us what you like about her before."

The others all zoned in on the opportunity to embarrass Adam.

"That's right." They all agreed. "A thousand girls must have tried to win your heart before, what is it about Elle that got you?"

"You guys are a bit too keen aren't you?" Adam asked. "You act like our relationship is some sort of mystery."

"Because it is!" They complained.

Adam was going to refuse their questions but he happened to catch the glimmer in Elle's eyes as she watched on expectantly. He had promised to do everything she wanted this weekend after all.

"Hmm." Adam was silent for a moment, reflecting. "I can't say for certain what it was. In the beginning it was as simple as a look in her eye that caught my attention."

Elle smiled at the compliment while everyone around them groaned. "That's a cheap answer." They complained.

"I think someone like that is rare but exists here and there. Someone that attracts you without any reason. For me that was Elle. Once she had succeeded with that much, falling in love wasn't hard."

The group was silent for a moment.

"We shouldn't have asked." Marcus determined. "He isn't embarrassed at all and the sight of Adam's face saying such cheesy lines is gross. No one talk about their relationship any more."

The group laughed and the night went on. It was a little while later that Amelia got up, claiming to go get another drink.

Elle was staring up at the sky, trying to make out the constellations that Adam was pointing out to her. When she looked back down she noticed that Ruth wasn't with the group.

"Maybe she went to the bathroom?" Adam offered.

"Maybe. I'm going to go get some water." Elle excused herself.

She went back towards the tents wondering if Ruth had turned in for the night when suddenly she heard voices coming from the edge of the woods.

Ruth and Amelia were standing behind the tents talking to each other. With the comfort of knowing Ruth hadn't wandered off Elle was about to return to the campsite when she caught the sound of Adam's name.

Even though she shouldn't have Elle stepped back, pressing herself against the side of the tent where she would remain hidden from their sight, and listened.

"You have your answer now." Ruth said. "It was something that was impossible for you from the beginning. You should let it go now."

"I don't want to let it go." Amelia complained.

"Don't continue to wallow in an old love. You deserve to be happy too Em."

Elle kept her head down, slightly ashamed of hearing a conversation she wasn't meant to. She left the two girls alone and quietly she returned to the campfire.

"You didn't get water?" Adam asked.

"No. I changed my mind while I was gone." Elle said thoughtfully. "Show me more stars."


That night they all turned in, randomly assigning themselves to the tents. Elle slept peacefully in Adam's arms and Adam, who hadn't spent a full day so peacefully in a while, also slept soundly.

Elle woke up first the next morning. She blinked in confusion at the unfamiliar surroundings and groggily awoke. She heard a rustling outside the tent and realized what must have roused her out of her sleep in the first place.

Elle got out of the tent, intending to join whoever was awake already, and saw that it was Amelia. Everyone else must have still been dead asleep but Amelia was awake and from the looks of it she was about to go for a run.

"You're up already?" Elle asked.

Amelia spun around in surprise and saw that it was only Elle. "Yea. I usually wake up at this hour to go running. Even if I'm on a break before filming starts I shouldn't neglect my fitness."

"That''s admirable. Do you mind if I join you?"

Amelia hesitated and Elle could see the reluctance in her eyes but instead of refusing the offer Amelia gave Elle a stiff smile and a 'sure, why not'.

Elle quickly changed her clothes and the two set off for a quick jog through the woods. The cold and refreshing morning air reminded Elle of the time she and Adam had gone for a run together. That had been the last time Elle had gone for a run and it showed. She tired out sooner than Amelia did and eventually the two slowed to a walking pace to allow Elle to catch her breath.

"You're in good shape." Elle commented with a light laugh.

"I have to be for work."

"That's true. It must be difficult to be an actress. You used to be in business right? What made you switch careers?"

The corners of Amelia's mouth turned up ever so slightly. 'She must be thinking of Adam.' Elle realized.

"I wanted to rise even higher. I wanted to become someone who could stand beside the person they loved with pride." Amelia replied.

"You know, when you first approach me I thought we might become friends and because of that I gave you the courtesy of ignoring it but I changed my mind. I can't pretend to not know anymore."

"What are you talking about?"

"I know you like Adam."

Amelia's whole body froze for a moment. "Are you here to brag then?"

"Not at all. The truth is I pity you." Elle confessed. "I can understand how upset you must have felt when we got together, but I will not let go of his hand easily either."

"What if I won him over?" Amelia asked boldly, as if challenging her.

"If he fell in love with you normally, or even if he simply fell out of love with me, I would have no choice but to accept it. I don't care if you use underhand methods, but you will push him away by doing so."

Amelia's face was stiff but completely even. Elle was almost impressed by it. 'She's a good actress indeed.' She thought to herself.

"I'm not saying it to be mean, I'm saying this for your own good. He'll pick me over you so it's better to stop before you ruin the relationship you do have with him."