A Silent Storm

Elle had a busy schedule between being a Director at Tae and working on the production of her novel, but she had gotten used to the busy days and running back and forth between the locations.

The truth was that Elle was no longer really required to be on set. They had finalized the script, and the script writers were the ones who had work to do during filming. Even knowing that Elle couldn't stop herself from attending the shoots. There was something rewarding about being on set and watching the progress with her own eyes.

"Where will you be today?" Adam asked. He had also gotten used to Elle's busy schedule. Though he too was busy, he was at least almost always at MK and not running back and forth between locations.

"Shooting starts late in the afternoon today, I'll go to Tae first and attend the shoot after that."

"Make sure you're home by dinner. You've started having your meals at weird times."

"Will you be home for dinner today?" Elle asked with surprise.

"I'll cook tonight so make sure you're home on time." Adam insisted.

"Yes, sir."

Though it her work at Tae was a 'day job' and a job that she only really chose because of her father, Elle really did enjoy her work there. She was not willing to give up her time on set, but she wasn't willing to give up this position either; her only choice was to juggle both. And so she did.

"I'm going to be taking some time off in the coming month." She announced during a meeting with her team that morning. "I'll probably take a lot of half days, if you need me you can always reach me on my phone."

"It's unlike you to take time off." One of her team members noted. "I hope everything is okay."

"Everything's fine. There's just a personal project I'm working on that requires me to be offsite."

"Another project? What is it?"

"You'll see it when it's finished." Elle said cryptically.

"That's no fair." Her team complained.

"Our next busy season will begin in a few weeks. Do you guys really have time to joke around like this?"

They all groaned at the reminder.

"Okay, okay," Elle laughed, "As an apology for my absence, if you guys make it through the next project without any issues, I will treat us all to a night out. How about that?"

So with some added motivation her team members set out to work while she set off to the filming set.

Once she was on set Elle quickly greeted the main staff members before taking a seat behind the cameras along with the script writers. Elle was so busy watching the scenes unfold in front of her, that she didn't hear the gossiping lips behind her.

One of the secondary actresses rolled her eyes as she watched Elle greet the director and then take a seat.

"She's on set again." She scoffed.

"Who is?" Another girl asked, trying to see through the darkness of the set.

"That writer."

"Ugh." Some of the other girls joined in. "She always comes even though she has no work here."

The truth was that none of them had an issue with Elle being on set. The real issue was the envy that they felt having witnessed her being close to Adam on several occasions.

"Just because he showed her a little bit of favour she keeps showing up as if she's of any importance." They continued to complain.

Amelia listened on in silence. She hadn't spoken to Elle since their confrontation with each other in the woods during the camping trip. Elle had called Amelia out back then, and Amelia knew better than to put herself in a position where Elle, and more importantly Adam, could fault her.

Instead she held her tongue and worked methodically.

"What about you Amelia." The girls asked, drawing her into the conversation. "Don't you also think she's annoying?"

Amelia didn't answer the question. Instead she replied, "Well there's an easy solution."

"What is it?"

"If you really dislike her being on set then all you have to do is make her reluctant to be on set. After all, like you said, there's no work for her to do here. If she didn't enjoy being on set then she wouldn't come."

"You're right." They giggled.

Just then a silent figure approached on set. Adam quietly approached and made his way to Elle's side.

"What are you doing here?" Elle asked in a panicked whisper.

"I had some time to kill. I'll be leaving soon."

"I didn't know you had so much free time on your hands Mr. Hayes." She teased.

"I don't. It's all because of a certain somebody that I'm foolishly making my own time."

Adam had really intended to only stop by for a moment. He didn't bother going to greet the director or the staff, he just enjoyed the short time he could spend with Elle. The only other person who noticed his presence was Amelia.

She saw the shadow of his familiar figure and decided it was time to take her leave. She quietly stepped away while the other girls continued to talk.

They gossiped about the sorts of things that might make Elle feel uncomfortable. Of course, no one dared be purposely or blatantly rude to her, after all this was their workplace, but a little teasing never hurt anyone.

Unfortunately for them, while Elle may not have overheard anything, Adam never missed a single detail when it came to his woman.