The Storm (2)

The day passed quickly in anticipation. They arrived on set together, but Adam quickly left her side to go speak to the production staff. He gave her hand a quick squeeze before he left.

Elle quietly made her way towards where the filming was occurring. As she approached she could feel the burning stares of people watch her pass and she could hear the whispers that murmured through the crowds as she walked by.

Of course these people would all recognize her as the person in the photo. She had been on set for weeks, it was too much to hope that they wouldn't. At the very least Elle could take comfort in the fact that not a single one of them would dare speak about it in public, not while they were working on an MK project.

"I heard that she used to live in the same building as him." Elle heard one of them whisper. "She comes on set even when she isn't needed. Are we sure she isn't just stalking him?"

'They twist it as they please.' Elle thought cynically to herself. But she willed herself not to pay any attention to them. She had come to set for one purpose today.

Chris was still filming, she couldn't approach him, but by chance their eyes met as Elle approached. He glanced at her and gave her a quick and tight smile before turning away. Elle felt her heart drop. He was ignoring her. He was purposely putting distance between them. It meant the article bothered him after all.

Chris could try to put distance between them but it wouldn't work unless Elle cooperated. And Elle had no intention to cooperate until she had said what she had come here to say. When the director finally called for a break Elle followed Christopher off set, into a quiet corner.

"I'm sorry." Elle immediately apologized.

Christopher was clearly flustered. "What do you mean? Why are you apologizing to me?"

"I was the one who invited you out that night. I carelessly enjoyed my time with you without thinking about how it might affect your public image."

"Please don't feel sorry towards me. I invited you out myself plenty of times. Neither of us could have known that that one second would be captured and spread around like this."

"I still feel guilty towards you."

"Please don't be. I'm the one who should have taken better care. But more importantly, are you okay?" Christopher asked cautiously.

"I'm fine." Elle answered immediately.

"It must have been uncomfortable for you to be on set today."

Elle contemplated for a moment before answering honestly. "Why should I be bothered? I may feel some guilt towards you but we didn't do anything wrong. I have nothing to be ashamed of or hide from."

Christopher smiled weakly at her. "You're right, you didn't do anything wrong. It isn't right that you should hide from this, but I think it's more unfair that you should have to watch people's judging stares, and hear them whisper behind your back."

Elle looked away. Christopher had a point. When she was alone with Adam it had seemed like such a minor issue. She hadn't had defend herself at all. Now that she was on set with a bunch of people who recognized her as the person in the photo she couldn't help but feel that Christopher might be right.

"Wouldn't it seem like I was running away?"

"Not at all." Chris replied lightly. "After all, like you said, you didn't do anything wrong. Whether you come to set or not, it isn't an admission of guilt. It's only you doing what makes you more comfortable."

"Aren't you uncomfortable?"

"I'm an actor. I've always been prepared for things like this. It seems like a big deal now, but there's really no truth in the rumours. After a few days everyone will find some bigger, juicier, piece of gossip to keep themselves occupied."

"I hope you're right." Elle said with a sigh.

"I am right, you'll see. For now though I think it may be best if you and I put some distance between us. Please don't think I'm ignoring you, but it'll all blow over quicker if people see we're not that close."

"Okay." Elle reluctantly agreed. "Thank you Chris."

"You started off by apologizing, and now you're thanking me?"

"It's for the good advice you gave me. You're the one who's younger, but I'm the one who's relying on you this time."

Christopher felt his cheeks flush lightly. "I'm barely a year younger than you."

"Wasn't it more than that? It's funny, when we're together you seem so young, I thought you were only a teenager for a moment." Elle teased.

"Now you're just exaggerating."

Just then Adam approached them. "Are you done for today?" He asked Elle. "We should be heading back soon."

"I'll see you later then." Christopher said with a quick smile before departing.

"Come on, we should be leaving too." Adam said as he led Elle back to the car.

As always, Adam was the gentlemen and held the passenger door open for Elle. This time, instead of obediently getting in, Elle wrapped her arms around Adam's neck. She rested her face in the crook of his neck and let out a contented sigh.

"What's this." Adam asked as his arms wove around her waist. "Someone might see us you know."

"You don't know how fortunate I feel." Elle replied, not loosening her hold on him. "Something like this happened but it no longer feels like a big deal at all. I feel so fortunate that even all this couldn't shake us in the slightest. To know that you never questioned me, even for a second...I'm so fortunate."

Adam didn't say anything in response. He only held her tightly until Elle finally relented and withdrew herself to get in the car. But as she pulled away she could see the contented smile on his face. The hardened emotion he had carried in his eyes all day had finally melted away into something happy and loving.

The happy silence continued in the drive home. It was a while before Adam noticed that Elle had fallen asleep, resting lightly against the window. She slept so soundly that she didn't wake up even as they arrived home.

Adam shook his head at her and effortlessly lifted her out of the car. How calm was his woman to be able to sleep while things blew up like this? Adam wondered to himself. But to have fallen asleep now meant she must have finally felt some relief, after a long and stressful day.

"Don't worry." He murmured to her. "No one can harm you." His voice was soft and raspy and filled with love.

As if she could hear him Elle sighed in her sleep and burrowed her face closer to him.