Feng Qiao was trapped!

'I want you'

'I want you'

'I want you'

These words kept ringing in Feng Qiao's head. He felt like his whole body stopped functioning for a second.

What did he mean by that? Are my ears playing tricks on me?

"What, What did you say?" He asked.

"Well, I mean, I want you to do something for me but this is not the right place to talk about it." Zhao Lin explained.


So that's what he meant! Feng Qiao kinda felt disappointed but he quickly dispersed those thoughts. He must stop being greedy! He should be now contented that Zhao Lin is now talking to him, something that he just dreamt before.

"Come with me" Zhao Lin lets go of Feng Qiao's head and grabbed his arm instead.

With that, Feng Qiao was dragged by Zhao Lin.


"Eh? Eh? Who is this? A student in our school?" A blonde guy said while circling Feng Qiao like he's some kind of rare species.

"Idiot! Of course, he is. We're wearing the same uniform. Is he a friend of yours, Zhao Lin? " A beautiful girl with shoulder-length light brown hair said.

"I could see that! I'm just asking!"

"Well, your question is stupid!"

"You're the one who's stupid!"

"What did you say!?"

The two then continued bickering with each other.

Zhao Lin ignored the two of them. It is normal for those two to bicker with each other. He'll be more worried if they didn't.

"Don't mind those two. Come on, let's sit there"

Zhao Lin made the still astounded Feng Qiao sat on the sofa and sat on the opposite of him. He then observed this student in front of him. Was he too harsh by dragging him here? It seems like he's in shock by what just happened.

He could see the student fidgeting in his seat and cautiously looking around the room, like a captured cat that is brought to his new home.

He really resembles a cat.. Zhao Lin felt amused by this thought. If Feng Qiao knew that he was being compared to a cat, would he feel happy or insulted?

Anyway, Zhao Lin could see this 'cat' in front of him being wary of them. Sigh, he originally wanted to take things slowly but he can't waste time anymore, he had to do this now or else he might run away again.

"We're in the headquarters of the Fashion Department. I'll introduce myself again, I am Zhao Lin, the president of the dept..." Zhao Lin started to explain, hoping to ease the vigilance of this cat in front of him.

I know that, thought Feng Qiao. Who in this university doesn't know you?

"...and these are my other members, Wang Shu, that loud guy with a blonde hair over there.." Zhao Lin continued.

"I am not loud!" Wang Shu complained when he heard what Zhao Lin said.

Zhao Lin ignored him and continued, "the girl with Wang Shu with light brown hair is Xiao Yu and this one behind me is Shao Wei"

Feng Qiao just noticed that someone stood behind Zhao Lin. It was a strongly built guy who had a buzz cut hair and a serious expression. He looked like he just came out of a military camp.

When their eyes met, Shao Wei nodded at him and smiles at him briefly as a greeting. It seems like he's not that scary as he looked.

"Hey! Hey! Nice to meet you! ! I am Wang Shu! Don't believe that Zhao Lin, I am not loud, I am what you call friendly! " Feng Qiao was startled when Wang Shu suddenly sat beside him and pushed his face close to his.

"Ehm.." Feng Qiao didn't know whether to laugh or to cry. You're not friendly alright, you're too friendly! Your face is too close!

"Stop pestering the poor kid!" Xiao Yu came and dragged Wang Shu by his collar away from the poor frightened Feng Qiao.

Feng Qiao felt relieved, he really felt difficult to deal with people like Wang Shu who has no sense of personal space.

"Aacck! You amazon woman, let go! you're choking me!"

"What amazon-!"

"Enough you two!" Zhao Lin gently massaged his temples. He felt his head hurt. Can't these two just stop for a minute?! He wondered how did he get stuck in a team like this? Two always bicker with each other and the other one doesn't like to talk. It was really hard being the leader of this group.

"Sorry" Wang Shu and Xiao Yu muttered. They knew that Zhao Lin was serious this time if they didn't stop, who knew what the consequences will be?

Wang Shu and Xiao Yu sat on both sides of Zhao Lin. Wang Shu to the right and Xiao Yu to the left. They both behaved themselves for they knew that Zhao Lin must've something important to discuss with them.

Feng Qiao quietly sat there and observed the four people in front of him. He couldn't believe that he is now inside a room with them. Before, he could just glance at them from afar.

"It's fine. I would like to discuss something to all of you. But first off, this is..." Zhao Lin tried to introduce Feng Qiao but he suddenly remembered something. He still didn't know this cat's name!

Feng Qiao noticed Zhao Lin's pause, he then continued "Feng Qiao, my name is Feng Qiao"

"Yes, he is Feng Qiao and I want him to be our representative" Zhao Lin straightforwardly stated.

While Feng Qiao felt confused, the other three was clearly shocked by Zhao Lin's declaration.

"What? are you referring to 'that'? " Wang Shu was stunned! This is no joking matter ah!?

"Yes," Zhao Lin answered seriously.

"Wait, wait, wait for Zhao Lin! This is serious! No matter where I look at it, he's not fit to be our representative!" Xiao Yu argued. She was not trying to discriminate against Feng Qiao, it's just that 'that' is too important for them and for their school. Someone like Feng Qiao is not what they needed. It looks like Zhao Lin has gone crazy!

"If he's doesn't fit the criteria to be our representative then nobody does"


"Are you doubting my judgment?" Zhao Lin stared sternly at Xiao Yu. Xiao Yu doesn't have a choice but to shut her mouth, nobody can doubt the capability of this man in front of her. As a third year student of the CBY University, he had accomplished many things that will leave anyone's jaw drop from awe and admiration. However, Xiao Yu still felt skeptical about this whole thing.

Not only her, Wang Shu and Shao Wei, even though he doesn't talk, also felt confused at Zhao Lin's decision.

Feng Qiao furrowed his brows, he felt many question marks popped in his head. Representative? What's 'That'? Eh? What? I can't understand any of these!


Suddenly, Feng Qiao saw Zhao Lin stood up and walked towards him. He was confused on why would Zhao Lin go to him but not long after, he realized why Zhao Lin did it.

"Ah! My glasses!!" Is all Feng Qiao could say when his eyesight suddenly turned blurry.

Zhao Lin grabbed Feng Qiao's glasses and then he used his other hand to push Feng Qiao's bangs upward so that the others could see the face hidden underneath.

"Do you believe me now?" Zhao Lin said smugly like he was showing off his most priceless treasure to other people.

"Holy Shit!" Wang Shu said while his eyes turned round with shock!

Xiao Yu gasped and her jaw dropped from what she saw!

Shao Wei.. well, his eyes just widened for a second before going back to his serious face. It really is hard to make this stone man show some expression.

Feng Qiao's face paled when he saw other people seeing his bare face. In middle school, before he undergone puberty, Feng Qiao's face totally looked like a girl! In fact, he was more beautiful than most girls! This aroused jealousy from girls that lead to bullying and harassment. Not only from girls, even boys bullied him for being 'too girly' and 'gay'. Feng Qiao was naturally a quiet type of kid and because of this experience, he became even timider and reserved.

Middle school was a nightmare for Feng Qiao.

Because of the traumatic experience he had, he refuses to go out of their house and he began fearing other people. His parents were worried about him and decided to homeschool him until he finished high school. Being around his family who helped him to confront his fear slowly throughout the years, Feng Qiao slowly healed the wound left by his horrible experience. He could now go out with his family and talk to other people but..

..every wound would leave a scar.

Even though he could now face and talk to other people, it was on the condition that they cannot see his 'real' face.

He began using those overly large glasses and he grows his bangs long enough to cover his face. That's how he was able to stop homeschooling and went to CBY University as a normal student. He'd rather be ignored by other people than to experience again what he experienced in middle school.

Feng Qiao trembled and closed his eyes. It was over! They saw my face! T-they will mock me and they'll h-hate me! He readied himself from hurtful words that they'll throw at him.

"Oh god! You're perfect! Where did you find a gem like this Zhao Lin?" Xiao Yu shrieked.

"I can't believe someone like this was left unnoticed by the whole school" Wang Shu mumbled to himself, he was still in a state of shock.

"Hmm" Shao Wei nodded in approval.

The three of them can't believe what they saw, a nerdy and gloomy looking guy suddenly transformed into an innocent beauty who can capture the hearts of both men and women. This was an unpolished gem ah!? They just need to teach him a few things and he'll be perfect!


It's different? It's not what I'm expecting to hear at all! Feng Qiao opened his eyes and saw Xiao Yu, Wang Shu and Shao Wei staring at him like he was a rare species.

Feng Qiao felt confused, those eyes are not the usual eyes with disgust, mockery, and anger that he sees from people who saw his face. Instead, their eyes are full of astonishment, admiration, shock, excitement, and happiness. This is a complete reversal of what he's expecting.

"Isn't he the perfect candidate?" Feng Qiao's thought was interrupted when he heard Zhao Lin. He just noticed that Zhao Lin was still holding up his bangs on his head, his face immediately flushed upon realizing their physical contact.

"Hmmm, he just needs some training and he'll be perfect to go," Wang Shu said while rubbing his chin and looking at Feng Qiao from his head to toe.

"Who do you think we are? We are the best team, we'll surely get him ready for 'that'! " Xiao Yu said.

"Do you have any objections, Shao Wei?" Zhao Lin asked.

"None" Shao Wei shooked his head.

"It's settled then, he'll be our representative" Zhao Lin declared as a true president would.

Feng Qiao wanted to cry but had no tears. Aren't you guys forgetting something!? You haven't asked for my opinion! In fact, you haven't explained anything at all!

"What year, section and department are you in again, Feng Qiao?" Feng Qiao looked up and saw Zhao Lin looking at him with a faint smile on his lips.

"2nd year, C-class 1 in Art Department" Feng Qiao was mesmerized by Zhao Lin and he unconsciously answered.

"You heard that?" Zhao Lin turned to look at Xiao Yu.

"Copy that!" Xiao Yu answered while typing furiously in her cellphone. Not long after, she put down her phone.

"Done! I've already passed the application to the board of directors" Xiao Yu said with a big grin on her face.

"Good" Zhao Lin praised Xiao Yu for her fast reaction.

What! Application!? Application for what?

"W-wait! I haven't agreed to anything! What representative? Can you explain please?" Feng Qiao felt frustrated. These people are deciding without consulting the person himself!

"Oh.." Zhao Lin lets go of Feng Qiao's bangs and returned his glasses. "We're talking about the upcoming Mr. Moon. You'll be the representative of our school"

Mr. Moon!!?

Feng Qiao froze up, he's too familiar with Mr. Moon. It was a large scale fashion contest between different Universities within their region and Zhao Lin was the one in charge of this contest in their University. Feng Qiao is updated on all of the activities that involved Zhao Lin, that is why he also knows how important this contest is to Zhao Lin and to their school.

"M-Mr. M-moon!? I can't be the representative! This is too important for me to screw it up! I don't know anything about fashion!" Feng Qiao panicked, he even forgot to put on his glasses that Zhao Lin returned to him.

"Don't worry, we'll make sure that you won't screw it up! We'll train and teach you!" Xiao Yu winked at Feng Qiao.

"Hahaha with me here! You'll definitely swept across all your opponents at Mr. Moon!" Wang Shu rest assured.

"B-but I don't want to participate. Please cancel the application" Feng Qiao felt exhausted, he can feel his energy being drained as the time goes by. These people are not listening to me!

"We've already passed the application. You can't turn it back" Xiao Yu shrugged.

"Yup, yup! You can't! Right, Shao wei?" Wang Shu grinned and nudged the silent Shao Wei.

"Hmm," Shao Wei nodded.

"See? We're not lying"

Feng Qiao was speechless by these guys. They're so shameless! How could they do that!?

Zhao Lin took Feng Qiao's glasses from his hands and put it on him slowly. He smiles at him sweetly and says, "Don't worry, I'll support you all the way"

If this was a normal situation, Feng Qiao would feel butterflies in his stomach because of Zhao Lin's gesture and words.

But now, Feng Qiao only wanted to cry. He realized that he was deceived from the start! He planned all of this!

He trapped me!!