Start of Change

After a long while, they've finally managed to make Feng Qiao see his face.

Of course, Feng Qiao was shaken upon seeing his own reflection in the mirror.

Is this really me? Oh my god! Puberty is really powerful ah!?

The more Feng Qiao stared at his own reflection, the more he can't believe it. The 'person' in front of him looked matured and more masculine unlike the childish and girly face from his memory.

Although he could still see feminine features in his face, it doesn't make him look girly, instead, it accentuates the overall charm of his face.

Feng Qiao felt like an idiot. All his life he lived in fear of judgment of other people that is why he hid and put walls around him.

He didn't let anyone see the real him.

but what he didn't realize is that because of that fear, he, himself failed to see his real self—the true Feng Qiao.

Feng Qiao felt exhausted, he timidly asked Zhao Lin if he could go home for the day and Zhao Lin agreed immediately. He knew that Feng Qiao must have felt confused and conflicted and needs time to take all of this in.

He kinda felt sorry on how he tricked Feng Qiao and forcibly dropped a bomb of truth into him but he knew he did the right thing.

Right now, Feng Qiao was like someone bound by their own past, unable to move forward in their life. He was stuck in one place because of his fear of other people.

Feng Qiao is stubborn, he refuses to face his own fears and hide from them instead. You must give him a big push in order for him to be able to move forward.

Zhao Lin hoped that this would be that 'Big Push', Feng Qiao needed.


In the Feng's Residence.

Feng Qiao quickly ate lunch with his parents and then went directly to his room. It was noticeable that he was more quiet than usual and something is bothering him.

Mama Feng, seeing her son like that, got worried so he followed him to his room.

"Qiao'er? " Mama Feng called out softly as she knocked on Feng Qiao's room.

"Come in mom"

Mama Feng walked in and saw Feng Qiao laying in his bed. He was now in his pajamas and staring at his ceiling. She sat on the side of the bed and gently patted Feng Qiao's head.

"Is something bothering you? you know you can tell me anything right?" She gently asked.

Feng Qiao didn't look at her and continued staring at the ceiling.

"Mom, do you think that I've changed?" He asked after a while.

Mama Feng was taken aback, she didn't expect this question, she thought that someone was bullying her son again! It was a relief that that wasn't the case.

"If you were talking about physically, of course, you've changed! You were much more handsome than before! If those people who bullied you before would see you right now, they would surely regret what they did!" Mama Feng still felt angry whenever she remembers the state her son was in before.

"But you will forever be my baby Feng Qiao, that won't change" She teased wanting to ease the tense atmosphere.

"Mom!" Feng Qiao looked at his mom, embarrassed. He was already 19 but his mom still calls him a baby!

"Alright alright, I won't tease you anymore." Mama Feng laughed.

"But mom, how do you feel about the fact that... I hide my face and refuse to look at it?" Feng Qiao stared to his mom's eyes hoping to find some answers he needed.

"You know Qiao'er..." Mama Feng sighed and spoke slowly, "...when I've learned about what you experienced in middle school, I hated myself. I really hated myself for the fact that, as your mother, I failed to protect you from harm..." Mama Feng held Feng Qiao's hand tightly, her eyes turned watery.

"That is why from then on, I promised to myself that I'll protect you from anything that might hurt you. I supported you when you refused to go to school and lets you be homeschooled instead. The same goes for your request to avoid seeing your face, I'll support you all the way.."

"...because I know that the wound is still there and it hurts for you to see the things that can remind you from those bad experiences. Your father and I want you to heal at your own pace and we'll be alongside you throughout your journey. Don't you see? You can now attend school! It was a big step and I'm proud of you. The thing about your face doesn't bother me at all. Whenever you're ready to face it, we'll always be with you okay? "

After hearing those words from his mother's mouth, Feng Qiao felt tears trying to escape from his eyes.

All those dark times of his life, his mom was the one who's always there, supporting him and loving him unconditionally. She didn't complain and just silently supported him along the way!

What is true love? This is true love! No one can measure up to a mother's love for her child!

At that moment, Feng Qiao promised in his heart. For his mother who patiently waits for him to heal, the one who loves him unconditionally, he will try his best to become a better version of himself.

He won't be scared anymore! He will show the world the brand new 'Feng Qiao'!