Not used to being around me?

"Cough cough cough... what?"

Feng Qiao choked upon hearing what Zhao Lin said, it seems like there's something wrong with his ears.

"Why are you avoiding me?" Zhao Lin repeated.

"I am not avoiding you. Uhm, I-If I'm avoiding you, I wouldn't be here right now haha..." Feng Qiao let out an awkward laugh and he couldn't look at Zhao Lin straight.

"If I didn't drag you here, you wouldn't come with me..." Zhao Lin smiled slyly and leaned forward so that his face would be close to Feng Qiao's. "... You don't talk to me. You don't approach me. You were fine with the others but for me. Why is that?"


Feng Qiao knew that he was doomed, he was discovered by Zhao Lin! Yes, it is true that he was avoiding him before because he doesn't want Zhao Lin to notice him and his real feelings.

Who knew that this will result in Zhao Lin taking notice of him further instead of being unnoticed?

There's no use crying over spilled milk. What Feng Qiao needed to do now was to give a proper explanation!

He can't possibly say that he is avoiding him because he likes him right!?

"U-Uhm it was because you.... are our pres! That's right! You were the president which means that you are our leader! It's not appropriate for me to act close with the leader in my first few days here..." Feng Qiao said in a hurry, his heart was still beating fast. Please buy it! Believe me ah!

"Just because of that?" Zhao Lin looked at Feng Qiao, it was clear that he didn't believe Feng Qiao's excuse.

"You may not know it but you are f-famous in our university! A-and, how do I say this? Ah, uhm... Y-you have this unapproachable aura, like some higher being that cannot be associated with a peasant like me! Eh? I'm not saying you are unapproachable or anything!! It's just t-that... Ah! I'm just not used to being around you!!"

Feng Qiao felt like crying! He doesn't even know what he's saying anymore! That pair of hazel eyes was staring straight through him and it's like any lies couldn't escape from it.

Zhao Lin continued staring at this anxious cat in front of him and asked, "Not used to being around me?"

Feng Qiao nodded his head repeatedly. Yes, yes, that's right! Believe me, please!

"You just have to get used to me then." Zhao Lin smiled as he leaned back on his chair.


"From now on, you will eat lunch with me." Zhao Lin added.


Feng Qiao was confused, this was not what he is expecting at all! Him? Eating lunch with Zhao Lin? Every time? What?

"W-why?" is only what Feng Qiao could mutter.

"You said that you're not used to being with me, so you just have to eat lunch with me until you get used to me." Zhao Lin said bluntly.

Feng couldn't retort back. Yes, he did say that but he didn't expect this to develop like this ah!

But wait!

If he will eat lunch with Zhao Lin every time, then doesn't this mean that he would have lots of opportunities to make Xhao Lin notice him?

Xiao Yu has told him about this, he must grab every opportunity that would present itself to him!

This, this is that opportunity!!

Feng Qiao suddenly felt ashamed of himself for thinking like this. He sounds like some girl planning to make her crush fall for her.

However, he already decided before that he will take the risk! There's no harm in trying except that he might get hurt in the end. That's life, it's either you'll be happy or you'll be hurt.

Zhao Lin kept his silence and observed this cat as a myriad of emotions kept flashing on his face. Zhao Lin couldn't help but curl up the end of his lips as he was amused staring at this cat.

Minutes later, this cat in front of him sucked in a deep breath and looked right straight at him.

"Okay, I'll eat lunch with you."

Zhao Lin stared intently at those pure and innocent black eyes who's oozing out determination and some unknown emotions within them.

Zhao Lin chuckled, his white teeth are showing as a dashing smile blossomed on his lips.

"It's settled then"