You'll know soon

"Is everyone here?" Xiao Yu in her casual dress asked.

Behind her was a white van, looking at its size, it's not a problem to have 10 people in it.

"Senior Wang is still not here." Feng Qiao said. He was dressed in a plain white shirt and pants, matched with a black beanie.

"Have you contacted him?" Zhao Lin who is beside Feng Qiao asked. Just like Feng Qiao, he was casually dressed in a t-shirt with a "Don't mess with me." print and pants.

"He'll come in any minute." Shao Wei in a sleeveless hoddie said.

Xiao Yu nodded, since Shao Wei said so, it must be true. While waiting for others, Xiao Yu led the members to arrange their things on the back of the van.

They didn't bring much that's why they've arranged their things pretty quickly.

Shao Wei was right, just after they've finished arranging their things, Wang Shu arrived. After that, they all entered the van and chose their own seats.

Xiao Yu was on the driver's seat, she was the one tasked to drive them since she's the one who knows the place that they are going to. On the passenger seat was another girl member.

Behind Xiao Yu was Wang Shu and Shao Wei sitting together, across from them is Feng Qiao and Zhao Lin. At the back, were the other members of the team.

Upon sitting, Feng Qiao felt his phone vibrate, he opened it and saw a message from his mother.

He chuckled and replied to her.

"Who are you texting?" Zhao Lin asked.

Feng Qiao showed him his phone, on the screen he saw the message of Mama Feng, which read, "Remember what I've told you okay? Take care of your self and have fun!! Oh, don't forget to take pictures okay?? Love you."

Zhao Lin let out a small laugh, "Your mom is cool."

Feng Qiao retracted his phone and grinned, "Yeah, she's the best."

"Give me." Zhao Lin holds put his hand.


"Your phone."


Zhao Lin didn't wait for the still confused Feng Qiao and grabbed his phone out of his hand.

He scoots closer to Feng Qiao until their face were only one inch far from each other and snaps and a quick selfie of both of them.

Feng Qiao was taken by surprise as he didn't expect what Zhao Lin just did. He didn't even manage to smile on the camera.

"Pfft, look at your face." Zhao Lin chuckled.

In the picture you could see Zhao Lin smiling at the camera while Feng Qiao was looking at him dumbfoundedly, their faces were close to each other.

Seeing the picture, Feng Qiao blushed as he snatched his phone from Zhao Lin, "No fair, I am not ready."

"But it turned out great. Now, you've got something to show your mom." Zhao Lin grinned.

"Hey, you want some?"

Feng Qiao and Zhao Lin were interrupted when Wang Shu offered them a bag of chips and snacks.

"You brought so many snacks?" Zhao Lin stared at Wang Shu's lap, filled with different varieties of snacks.

"Of course, you can't go on a trip without these. Come on guys just take as many as you want, I've still got a lot on my bag." Wang Shu then passed snacks to the other members.

"Told you, we don't need to bring any food because Wang Shu will bring a lot for sure."

"Wang Shu can never be on a trip without food."

"At least we've got our personal snack boy hahaha"

"Oi, are you insulting me? gimme back my snacks!" Wang Shu retorted. He then continued to bicker with the other members making the atmosphere extremely lively.

Feng Qiao couldn't help but chuckle, with Senior Wang Shu around, don't expect that it'll be silent.

"Here." Zhao Lin passed a bag of chips to Feng Qiao.

"Thank you."

Feng Qiao opened the chips and starts munching on them. Then, he suddenly remembered something as he turned to Zhao Lin.

"Senior, I forgot to ask but, where are we going again?"

Zhao Lin puts a chip in his mouth, "Actually, I don't also know." He turned to Xiao Yu in front and asked, "Xiao Yu, where are we going?"

"Ya! I almost forgot about that! You still haven't told us where we are going." Wang Shu heard Zhao Lin and he added.

Xiao Yu grinned as she looks at them through the mirror, "That's a secret."

"Why keep it a secret? We'll discover it soon anyway." Wang Shu grumbled.

"It's more fun that way and I fear that some of you might back out once I've told you where we are going."

"What do you mean?"

Xiao Yu smiled mysteriously, "you'll know soon."

Wang Shu didn't know why, but he suddenly got goosebumps all over his body upon seeing that smile from Xiao Yu.