You are great at shooting!

Not many knew that Wang Shu's uncle is the principal of the school, he actually didn't intend to reveal this information but due to what happened today, he didn't mind using some of his powers to fix it.

Therefore, with Wang Shu's testimony and others as witnesses, the trio was suspended from school.

It was only a light punishment since they haven't physically hurt anyone badly before, they mainly bullied others psychologically.

Shao Wei, as one of the main person of this event, couldn't believe what just happened.

It was all resolved just like that?

He had already steeled himself to spend the rest of his junior high school days alone, without any friends, this is why Wang Shu's emergence came as a shock to him.

Everything changes ever since he came.

"What are you thinking?" Wang Shu asked beside him.

They are now in the cafeteria, eating lunch. Before Shao Wei never dared to eat in the cafeteria but it seems like Wang Shu has made a promise to never leave him alone, resulting in him being dragged here to eat with him.

"I'm just thinking that you're like a piece of bubble gum." Shao Wei replied.

"Because you can't get rid of me?"

Shao Wei: "..."

At this, Wang Shu laughed out loud and patted Shao Wei in the back like he was consoling him. "My friend, I have decided since day one that you'll be my friend, it's too late to back out now."

Shao Wei didn't know what to reply, how about my opinion!?

Shao Wei could only shake his head, he really couldn't understand this guy, whenever they are together, it would always be composed of Wang Shu blabbering and him responding occasionally. He didn't know why would this guy like to hang out with him.

Shao Wei never had friends before and hanging out with someone was a totally different experience for him, he didn't know how to act properly.

"It's almost time, let's go." Wang Shu said.

Shao Wei nodded and followed him out of the cafeteria. Today, they have PE that's why they proceeded to the Field.

Their PE was basketball, they spend the rest of their time playing basketball, after a match in their class, all of them went to the side to catch their breaths.

"Hey, I didn't expect that you are great at shooting!" Wang Shu said while smiling at Shao Wei.

"I'm nothing against you though." Shao Wei replied, it was a rare occurrence for him to compliment others but now, he did it.

Wang Shu's grin spread even more widely upon hearing Shao Wei's compliment. "hahaha! Of course, who do you think I am? However, you are really not bad your self. If you just work out a little to gain some muscle and building up your stamina, you'll be able to reach 1/8 of my level.

Shao Wei wanted to roll his eyes at Wang Shu, he shouldn't have complimented this guy, his head was getting bigger.

Shao Wei turned to look at his body, his body frame was thin, so was his arms.

Does he really need to work out? He was still starting his puberty ah...

" Okay class, gather up!" Their professor called out.

When their class obediently gathered up, he delegated some tasks to clean up their equipment and Shao Wei was one of them.

"I'll just go and get my things on our classroom, wait for me here okay? Let's go home together." Wang Shu reminded Shao Wei before speeding off away.

Shao Wei didn't even need to reply, is there a need to? Wang Shu will stick to him either way.

Shao Wei just shook his head and proceed to pick up the scattered balls and put them to the case. He counted the balls he collected and found that there's still one more missing. He looked around but he can't find it.

He then turned to ask one of his classmate, who is also assigned to clean up with him, whether he knew where the ball is.

His classmate remembered that there was indeed a ball earlier who was sent flying further back in the field and that was probably it. Shao Wei quickly thanked him and went further back of the field. This part was filled with trees and looked like a mini forest in their school and few would go here.

While he was walking around, he finally caught sight of a red round thing at the corner. He breathes a sigh of relief and went to retrieve the ball, however, just as he was about to pick up a ball, three pair of shoes was in front of his eyesight. He looked up and saw Ou Chen, Zhang Xu, and Lin Xue.

Shao Wei's eyes widened a bit, why are they here? Aren't they supposed to be suspended?

"Surprised?" Ou Chen asked while smirking.

"Why are you here?" Shao Wei frowned.

"Ha! Isn't it obvious? We've come to take revenge!" Zhang Xu spoke angrily, because of what happened, his family punished him making his life extremely difficult. Not just him, Ou Chen and Lin Xue were also the same.

They couldn't possibly take revenge after Wang Shu because he has a powerful backing that's why they turned their anger towards Shao Wei instead. He was just some poor kid who survives because of his scholarship, what background could he have? They didn't need to be afraid of him.