Wyndreskia XIV

she was drowned

by an avalanche of tears.

covered her as whole,

pulling her on the

depths of the abyss

no longer felt the light,

the hope she yearns

until something tingles

her fingers

it was glowing and,

swirling between her

fingertips—a streak

weird looking glow,

gazing at her with

concern and pity

it gazed at her

showing the reality

that it's time for you

to show, not like being

stucked forever and

hid behind the rock

it's like a thread,

yearning her hand

to accept the journey

in life—the gentleness

caressingly on her soft

skin that awaits with

the unknown of complexity

and strategies that comes

her way

suddenly, a black thin thread

took a grasp of her leg

trying to pull her down

on the darkness—the hunger

and thirst, craving itself

devouring her whole being


she wanted to go down so

bad, yet the glowing white

thread felt more comfortable

where she wasn't used to be

then, she spoke up saying

she wanted to let go and rise

but the black streaks get mad

tightening its hold where she

starting to choke through pain

a cascade of tears on her eyes

starting to fall as the rest

of her tears were carried

to the flowing water

that surrounds her which

was it filled her whole

it was all dark after that

however, the faint glowing light

were it supposed to be died out

and consumed from the darkness

but it didn't

it was still there

a little hope awaits

a tiny itsy bitsy dot-light,

floating in front of her

glowing faintly

her tired eyes fluttered open

even abit she tried to see

the light looking like a firefly

they stared eachother like

there's no tomorrow

it spoke, 'you're me'

she stared blankly as if it

didn't explain her at all

the light began to blink

as it said the last words,

echoing her ears like a


'believe in you..'

then, it disappeared

she widened her eyes

and check her surroundings

to where it have gone

she thought it disappeared

entirely that made her

lost her hope

its last words repeating

her mind to make her

believe herself..it was

hard but she tried and

she did

suddenly, something struck

her hard on the chest—the pain

there slowly fading away

the light sparks and ignites

spreading to cover her whole

the aura which was getting

stronger and stronger

it was comfortable

she never noticed, it brought

above the surface..things

she never seen in life

something urge her

to laugh and she did

the overwhelming feeling

she had felt

she couldn't point it

though, we know it's

happiness and she was

thankful for that