: A Luxurious Time Off In Paradise

The weather was extremely nice when Eun Young arrived at Hawaii with the kids. Of course, they've come prepared for the sun which is why as soon as they landed at the airport, they instantly took the opportunity to switch from their winter clothing to their summer outfits. Eun Young didn't want to worry so much while they were on this vacation. And so despite the very expensive charges, she had requested for a complete accommodation. Simply put... she went all in with this because nothing beats a luxurious time off in paradise.

"Mommy, I'm seeing so many cool things in just one day!" Little Jung Hyun said as he stared in awe at the fine vehicle arranged for them by the resort's management. Eun Young couldn't help but smirk. Well... what else could they do? She really loved travelling in style!

Eun Young turned to her son with a grin. "We aren't there yet though. Wait 'til you see the resort." She noted.

Little Jung Hyun's mouth formed an 'o' shape as he heard his mother's response. All he could think about was that there was more to see later! The place was already beautiful as it is but what about the resort they would actually be staying in? Little Jung Hyun gasped. Now he really couldn't bear all the excitement anymore!

Eun Young was carrying baby Hye Soo in her arms throughout the ride. She could tell that her daughter grew weary during the long flight because the toddler was fast asleep. Eun Young was a bit tired too but she could still hold it off for a while longer. Fortunately, they had assistants to help with their luggage and every need. It made everything less hectic for her.

When they passed the resort's gates, they already had a glimpse of how stunning the place was. There was a huge fountain at the center. Surrounding them were native plants and tropical trees that were exquisitely landscaped. In order to fully appreciate the view, the assistants encouraged them to open the window. Thus, the warm fresh air of Hawaii fanned their faces as they enjoyed the gorgeous scenery.

It wasn't long before they finally reached the resort's lobby. By this time, baby Hye Soo was now wide awake. She was overwhelmed with her environment the moment her eyes flew open. Nevertheless, she loved what she was seeing too!

"Aloha! Welcome to Hawaii!" The staffs greeted in unison as soon as they stepped foot on the marble floor. They were welcomed by natives dressed in flower-patterned clothes. They were given leis [1] and they were handed with fruit shakes as gifts! On top of that, they were aligned on either sides forming an aisle for them to pass through. They were fabulously welcomed as if they were celebrities!

Shy baby Hye Soo held on to her mother's hand. It's not that she was scared of them. She simply wanted to stay by Eun Young's side. Meanwhile, little Jung Hyun greeted every staff with a cheerful 'hello'! He had a wide grin plastered on his face as he waved both of his little hands towards their direction. The young boy surely knew how to be interactive!

The interior of the lobby was much more majestic than it's outside appearance. The area was very spacious and every detail on the walls and on the ceiling was very intricate. There was an artificial waterfall at the center of the lobby and amazingly, it allowed the place to radiate a tropical vibe. Even the furniture were in line with the theme! Everything was just so enchanting!

Eun Young went to the front desk to have their selves checked in. On the other hand, the kids went over to the soft couch as they waited for their mother to return. "Ppa! Look! Water!" Baby Hye Soo exclaimed upon catching a glimpse of the glistening pool.

Little Jung Hyun followed after his sister's trail of vision. On the other side of the glass window, there seemed to be a pool. He couldn't clearly tell since he couldn't see past the bushes and plants that blocked the view. "Whoa! I think that's the pool!" He excitedly said. "Let's go swimming later, okay?" Little Jung Hyun said. His sister then nodded in response.

At the front desk, the receptionist handed the key card to Eun Young. It had a golden color that differentiates it from the key cards of the regular suites. Moreover, this card is also recognized by the elevator for them to access the VIP floor and other areas exclusively for elite guests only. Not everyone can enter certain floors so in a way, it is for security purposes too. "Thank you." Eun Young replied.

"We will send your luggage to your suite immediately, Mrs. Lee. Please feel free to explore the area as soon as you have settled." The receptionist said with a warm smile before giving her a brochure and a map of the resort. "Enjoy your stay!"

When Eun Young returned to the kids, they instantly requested that they take a tour first. They were very excited of the things that were beyond these walls! Which is why even though their mother tried persuading them to head to the suite first, they remained adamant to not let the opportunity pass. Eun Young ended up losing the argument. Nevertheless, she was curious herself too!

They got to see some areas of the resort in the western region. From there, they saw the spa, the outdoor entertainment area and the breakfast lounge. They even spotted a gazebo in the garden whilst following the stoned pathway!

The staffs they encountered were really polite and courteous. They were very friendly. Some were even nice enough to lead them to the must-see places of the resort! Surprisingly, they haven't seen everything yet but regardless, they were already overwhelmed. Their decision to come here was definitely worth it!

"Mommy, I'm hungry." Baby Hye Soo softly said as she lightly tugged Eun Young's fingers. At that moment, little Jung Hyun noticed that he was hungry too! They were completely distracted with everything that's happening that they completely forgot that they haven't eaten yet.

"Alright, let's go for a snack or two." Eun Young responded. They were by the terrace that overlooked the beautiful ocean. Looking around, she searched for a nearby restaurant or cafe where they could at least grab something to eat. However, to her dismay, there weren't any.

There were a few people in the area. Majority of them were Americans but it wasn't an issue for she knew how to speak their language. Most of them traveled in groups. She didn't want to shamelessly intervene between their conversations so Eun Young tried to look for another candidate.

Leaning on the glass railings, a man was enjoying the view of the sea. He was wearing a pair of black sunglasses, a white polo and khaki shorts. He didn't seem to have company so Eun Young went ahead to ask. "Excuse me. Where's the way to the restaurants?"

The man first turned to look at her, and then at the kids. He stood straight and returned his gaze to Eun Young. "Turn left when you reach the end of that pathway. You should be able to see them right away." He explained, pointing at the passageway behind him.

"Oh, thanks!" Eun Young muttered with a small smile. For some reason, she felt that this guy was Asian. She couldn't exactly tell because she was squinting due to the sun's brightness. Nonetheless, at least she was able to communicate with him.

Eun Young held on to baby Hye Soo's and little Jung Hyun's small hands before finally following the man's instructions.