Killing Spree

On the streets of Song City, 2 teenagers are dashing towards an empty field.

When both of them gets close to the empty field get to the field, a scent of burnt grass can be smelled by the both of them.

Smoke slowly starts to rise up from the field and the scent is getting stronger, Yang Guang stops around the outer area of the field with Yu Chen behind him.

He then turns around to Yu Chen and hand him 3 different colored talismans and said. "Set up the area for me to go in and fight after you are done stay behind."

Yu Chen nods his head and tears a green talisman causing green colored gas to rise in the air causing the smell of burnt grass to disappear when Yang Guang see this he glares at Yu Chen and rush towards the field.


A red snake jumps forward and attacks Yang Guang with its mouth open wide; Yang Guang quickly summons his rattan pole and slaps away the red snake.

The human and damn creature stand face to face each waiting for the other to make the first move when the situation comes to a standstill the red snake decided to escape due to it almost being captured by Yang Guang the night before.

The red snake is making its way through the empty field scorching the earth it was slithering on, Yang Guang dash forward and hit it back with his rattan pole.

Then Yang Guang stands in front of the red snake and said with a mocking tone. "You had fun burning me last night right you damn snake?"

With a strong swing, Yang Guang hit the red snake on its head causing its skull to break without letting the red snake rest Yang Guang strike its jaw causing one of its fangs to fly out from its mouth.

Yang Guang then uses his rattan pole to pin the red snake down on the ground preventing the red snake from attacking or escaping, smoke starts to rise up from underneath the red snake's body due to its skin having a special property that can produce heat.

Yang Guang then said to the red snake while smiling. "Last night I let you bully me a little bit because we are in an alleyway so I can't use my rattan pole effectively, for you to appear on this spacious field is like giving me a home ground advantage, so thank you."

With a quick hit, Yang Guang breaks the red snake's head into pieces killing it, Yang Guang then starts to collect the orange soul dust that was produced when the red snake dies.

When Yu Chen sees Yang Guang collecting the soul dust, he heads towards where Yang Guang is collecting the soul dust.

Yang Guang notices Yu Chen coming towards him he had already finished collecting the soul dust, Yang Guang stands up and looks at Yu Chen with an angry face.

Yu Chen with a worried look on his face asks meekly. "Senior is there a problem with my performance just now?"

Yang Guang nodded and then takes out the same talismans that he had handed to Yu Chen just now and said. "When you are setting up the area you should not use the green talisman first, the green talisman is used for wiping off the gas and smell when you used it to wipe off the smoke the red snake might notice and escape, from now on use black, white then green talismans in this order."

After that, both of them wandered around the city searching for damn creatures.

"It is quite peaceful tonight; we haven't seen another damn creature since that red snake just now." Yu Chen said with a smile on his face while walking behind Yang Guang.


A black ball strike Yu Chen on his head when he was walking, causing him to fall to the ground face first. He quickly stands up to see a black ball like creature about 30 cm in height with 3 different colored eyeballs looking at him.

Yu Chen panicked and turn towards Yang Guang, only to find that Yang Guang is tearing a black and a white talisman while standing a good distance from him.

"Senior Yang Guang please come and help me!" Yu Chen tried to run away from the black ball, the black ball sees this and starts to chase after Yu Chen by bouncing towards him.

Yang Guang summons his rattan pole and uses it to push Yu Chen back while saying. "What are you doing? It is just a shitty rank 1, go and kill it."

Yang Guang then left the black dome, leaving Yu Chen alone with his foe.

Yu Chen turns his back to face the black ball after Yang Guang has left only to see the black ball pouncing towards him, it hit his chest causing him to fall down to the ground.

The black ball is now on Yu Chen chest, with its eyes it looked at Yu Chen as if mocking him then it bounces up 2 meters up into the air using the impact of the fall to break Yu Chen rib cage.

Yu Chen quickly rolls away from the black ball attack; the tar road where the black ball is now on has a few cracks on it.

The black ball bounces off the ground once more and strikes Yu Chen on his right shoulder, the black ball didn't wait for Yu Chen to catch a breath and keep on attacking his shoulders pushing him further and further until he was at the edge of the black dome.

Yu Chen now is pressing his back against the wall of the black dome, he frantically tries to escape through the black dome by punching and kicking the dome with all his might, but in the end, all of his attacks failed to leave even a tiny mark on the black dome.

With nowhere to escape Yu Chen brace his self for another strike from the black ball.


Strike after strike, Yu Chen was hit everywhere on his body. The black ball looks at Yu Chen who now was beaten up badly by it.

The black ball starts to spin rapidly on the same spot gathering momentum for one last strike to end Yu Chen's life.


Yu Chen got hit by the black ball as the damn creature had wanted, but what the black ball did think of is that the strike actually hit Yu Chen's palm.

With the black ball now caught in Yu Chen's palm, Yu Chen didn't waste a second squashing the black ball.

With his strength, he crushes the black ball into bits, blood splatter all over Yu Chen's face and body the road is also covered with blood from the black ball.

With no strength left in his body, Yu Chen sits himself down on the ground trying to recover some strength from his previous fight.

Suddenly Yu Chen hears the sound of clapping; he slowly tilts his head up and sees Yang Guang standing in front of him looking at him.

Then Yang Guang squats down and pats Yu Chen on his shoulder and said. "You did well just now, now get up the night is still young, there are more damn creatures to hunt."

Yu Chen almost faint when he heard what Yang Guang said just now.

"Can I have a rest senior, I almost died just now, and I can't feel my palms and my whole body is in pain." Yu Chen complaint to Yang Guang with tears on his blood covered face.

Yang Guang smiles and said. "Don't worry I will be here to save you if you are in any danger, wait here I have something for you so rest up while you can."

Yu Chen let out a breath of relief when he heard what Yang Guang said he then he closes his eyes and start to think about what gift Yang Guang might give him later.

Suddenly Yu Chen heard a loud shriek, he quickly open his eyes and see Yang Guang choking a giant bat's neck while holding its wings behind its back.

Yang Guang smiles and releases the giant bat in front of Yu Chen, the giant bat let out a loud shriek and start to chase after Yu Chen around the black dome, Yang Guang then sits down on the same spot where he releases the giant bat and shouted to Yu Chen "Let's see how you do against a flying type damn creature."

The giant bat starts to chase Yu Chen around the black dome; using its wings it hit Yu Chen back over and over again trying to make Yu Chen fall down so it can kill him.

Yu Chen didn't give in and continue running the hits are getting stronger and stronger so Yu Chen decided to suddenly dodge the attack by sidestepping.

Yu Chen who is now at the side of the giant bat grabs its legs and pulls it down to the ground, and then he steps on the giant bat's legs with his foot to make sure that the giant bat won't escape then he gives the bat a punch on its right cheek and then an uppercut on its chin.

Then Yu Chen continues his attacks by punching the giant bat's chest and its left cheek, he then grabs the giant bat ears and pull it close to his forehead and head-butts the giant bat.

He then tries to end the giant bat's life by breaking its neck by twisting it, Yu Chen held out his hand but the giant bat suddenly uses its wings to hit Yu Chen in the face sending him flying.

The giant bat didn't waste this perfect chance to end Yu Chen's life, bearing its sharp fangs the giant bat fly towards Yu Chen.

Yu Chen closes his eyes in fear of what is going to happen to him.


Yu Chen feels something warm on his face he thought that is his blood that spills out from his body when the giant bat bites on him after a second Yu Chen realize that he did not feel any pain he slowly opens his eyes.

What Yu Chen sees is Yang Guang standing right in front of him with his rattan pole in hand penetrating through the giant bat skull through his mouth.

Yang Guang then smiles and said. "I told you, I will save you from any danger."

The giant bat quickly disintegrates into white soul dust, after seeing this Yang Guang turns around and help Yu Chen to stand up on his feet.

Yang Guang then supports the now badly injured Yu Chen on his shoulder and said to him. "Now let's go home it is getting late."

The black dome instantly shatters when Yang Guang and Yu Chen walks through it, the both of them walks slowly on the road the energy that they had during the start is now gone.


The both of them suddenly heard an eerie voice; Yang Guang quickly put Yu Chen down on the ground and summons his rattan pole.

"Senior Yang Guang what is that sound?" Yu Chen asked, his voice contains a tinge of fear in it.

Yang Guang just smiles and start to walk slowly towards the darkness, leaving Yu Chen behind.


A one-eyed dark blue spider flies right in front of Yu Chen eyes; it landed 1 meter away from Yu Chen. The dark blue spider quickly rises up and looks at Yu Chen.


The same eerie sound can be heard once more, at that moment Yu Chen felt fear that he had felt before, just like when he faces a damn creature for the first time that sense of being weaker.

The dark blue spider then dashes towards Yu Chen it giant fangs suddenly glow red and a red gas is released from the pair of fangs as it was trying to bite into Yu Chen's body.

A rattan pole quickly got between the both of them, the dark blue spider look at who is wielding the rattan pole and sees the same person who sends it flying here.

The dark blue spider then jumps at Yang Guang trying to attack him, Yang Guang only smiles and the dark blue spider suddenly stops right in its tracks. The dark blue spider quickly turns around trying to grab Yu Chen with him before escaping.


The lower abdomen of the dark blue spider is now completely crushed by Yang Guang rattan pole.

Yang Guang then stares the dark blue spider dead in the eye and casually said. "A measly rank 5 trying to be greedy in front of me?"

With a sadistic smile on Yang Guang face, he quickly pokes the eyeball of the dark blue spider bursting its eyeball. Then he breaks both of its fangs with a strong swing finally Yang Guang stabs his rattan pole through the dark blue spider skull pinning it on the ground.

"Senior... Yang Guang.... that is a rank...5?" Yu Chen asked with a horrified look on his face while staring at the dark blue spider which is still twitching.

Yang Guang nodded and said. "Of course it is a rank 5, if not who could be capable of speech?"

He then pulls out his rattan pole from the dark blue spider's skull and stomps on its head squishing it into a pile of goo and blood.

Yang Guang then wipes off the evidence of the dark blue spider's death and help Yu Chen to walk away from the scene.

"That spider it's so strong, will I ever achieve the strength of rank 5 in my whole life?" Yu Chen said while remembering when the fear that he had just experience just now.

Yang Guang stops and said. "There is more to hunting than raw strength. Skills, tools and quick thinking are also important to a hunter."

Yang Guang and Yu Chen then walk home together the moon shining on them, the grey hair of Yang Guang shines faintly like silver under the light of the moon.

The journey of the duo on their way home is uneventful no more damn creature appear but Yu Chen felt something was off like something is watching over the city, guarding it.

Yu Chen tried to tell what he is experiencing now to Yang Guang but Yang Guang only smiles and said. "Don't worry about it, this way all the weak damn creatures will run away into the mountains and now harm anybody."

When they reach home Yang Guang let Yu Chen go in alone into the house to rest, he then turns around and quickly disappears into the night continuing his hunt to protect the city.