A Tour Around Song City (2)

After 10 minutes of watching soccer the both of them continue their journey, suddenly Yang Guang stops in front of a residential area back alley. He looks at Yu Chen and says. "This back alley is one of the most dangerous places in the city so stay close to me."

Yang Guang take his first step into the back alley, so Yu Chen looks at Yang Guang for a while to see what will happen to him. Instead of facing any danger Yang Guang starts to walks slower as if he is having a casual walk, this causes Yu Chen to assume what Yang Guang just told him is just a joke and create a false sense of security.

When Yu Chen takes his first step into the back alley he feels like something is watching him, the more steps he take the stronger the feeling as if more and more pair of eyes is watching him.

Finally Yu Chen caught up with Yang Guang, all the sudden Yang Guang stops walking and says softly. "Come out already."

A shadow leap down from the roof and hiss at him, Yang Guang did not seem faze at all. When Yu Chen takes a closer look he sees an large orange tabby cat standing in front of Yang Guang, the orange cat notices Yu Chen and hisses loudly at him.

More and more cats leap out from the shadows surrounding Yang Guang and Yu Chen in a circle, Yang Guang quickly pulls Yu Chen closer and whispers. "Follow my lead if you want to live."

Yang Guang then takes a step closer towards the orange cat and says. "Let's start now dumb cat."

The orange cat meows at Yang Guang as if agreeing with him.




Yang Guang quickly bend down and pick up a rock and throws it at the orange cat, the orange cat narrowly dodges the rock and tries to scratch Yang Guang with his claw.

Without wasting a second, Yang Guang pulls Yu Chen and dodges the orange cat claws, running away from the cats. The army of cats starts to chase after the both of them until they leave the back alley; Yu Chen notices that the cats won't leave the back alley and left them alone.

Yang Guang stands at the end of the back alley waiting for something, all of the cats start to open a path and the same orange tabby cat can be seen walking alone on the path that was created by the cat army. When the orange cat walks out from the back alley Yang Guang smiles and says. "I win today dumb cat king, better luck next time."

Yang Guang then turn around and walks away leaving the cats, Yu Chen follow after but not before looking at the cat army sending the both of them off one last time.

They then take a few turns until they reach a police station in the heart of the city; Yang Guang walks into the station ignoring the guards outside as if the police station is his own house. When Yu Chen expect Yang Guang to be thrown out from the station by the guards nothing happens to him so he waits outside fearing that there might be some other trouble brewing inside the police station.

5 minutes later, Yang Guang comes out from the from the front door of the police station and signal Yu Chen to come in, Yu Chen takes a deep breath and slowly walks into the police station.

"My name is Wang Guo Ming nice to meet you." Wang Guo Ming said with a cigarette in his mouth while extending his hand out for a hand shake.

After the handshake with Yu Chen, Wang Guo Ming leads the both of them into his office and serves them a cup of tea each.

"Yang Guang thanks for what you did last night." Wang Guo Ming said with a serious look on his face, Yang Guang nods and says. "It wasn't a big deal."

Wang Guo Ming then looks at Yu Chen just like Old Man Liu, this time Yang Guang flips the table and shouts. "Fuck all of you old bastards; I'm better looking than Yu Chen."

"What are you talking about?!" Wang Guo Ming shouts back at Yang Guang, papers falling down from everywhere in the room like snow if snow is in a square shape and doesn't melt.

Yang Guang grabs Yu Chen's face and shows it to Wang Guo Ming and says. "Grandma, Old Man Liu and now you, why all of you want Yu Chen that badly for yourself. Are all of you that lonely at night until you will take this underage boy's first time?"

Yu Chen gives out a weary smile and slowly stands up from his sit, when Wang Guo Ming sees this he quickly stands up and grabs Yu Chen wrist and says. "I can explain."


Yang Guang punches Wang Guo Ming in the face causing the latter's grip on Yu Chen to loosen up, Yu Chen runs the door but before he leaves he looks at Yang Guang who looks back at him, the flare in Yang Guang's eyes while pinning down Wang Guo Ming on the ground convey the message that he is ready to sacrifice "something important" for him.

Yu Chen firm up his heart and opens the door to escape only to see a Young lady with short black brownish hair and pretty brown eyes wearing a standard police uniform standing at the door blushing while looking at Yu Chen.

"HOW CUTE!" the young lady quickly hugs Yu Chen and pulls him away, she then looks at Yang Guang and Wang Guo Ming on the floor.

Yang Guang grabs this chance and runs away towards the young lady while shouting. "Big sis Xia An save me from this thirsty old bastard!"


Xia An suddenly lifts up her legs causing Yang Guang who was running towards her to crash into it, Yang Guang falls to the ground and says with a sympathetic look. "Big sis Xia An even you have change when you meet Yu Chen."

"Ugly Creature leave us alone now." Xia An gives Yang Guang a disgusted look and hugs Yu Chen tighter in her arms.

While all of this is happening, Yu Chen's mind is like a blank piece of paper yet he feels HAPPINESS!

"Arha hah hah, the type of man that Xia An like is me right?" Wang Guo Ming stands up and slowly walks towards Xia An acting as if he was 20 years younger by flipping his hair.


"Have we lost our charm?" Wang Guo Ming said with a red palm mark on his face while sitting beside Yang Guang on the floor, the both of them have a blank look as if life has no meaning anymore on their face.

"Hmph, I won't let the both of you touch this cute boy especially you chief." Xia An then left with Yu Chen, bringing him to a safer place.

Yang Guang then suddenly stands up and walks out from the room, when Xia An notices him coming she quickly hides Yu Chen behind his back and prepare to fight off Yang Guang.

Contrary to what she expects Yang Guang runs out of the police station and shouts. "Liu Lan, your Xia An is cheating on you with the man your grandpa loves!", Yang Guang did not stop and keeps on running at the direction of Liu Lan's family restaurant while shouting.

At the same time Wang Guo Ming also runs out from his office and chase after Yang Guang while shouting. "Yang Guang you are quite smart!"


Suddenly Yang Guang falls down head first onto the ground, the smell of burnt meat can be smell by Wang Guo Ming, in a heartbeat Wang Guo Ming starts to beat up Yang Guang while shouting. "Are you an idiot? Goddess Xia can love anybody she wants."

"Chief don't worry you are next." Xia An suddenly pats Wang Guo Ming, in her hand a yellow talisman with black strips suddenly flash shocking Wang Guo Ming.

Xia An then drags the burnt Yang Guang and Wang Guo Ming back into the station and throws them into a corner like trash and invites Yu Chen to have a sit.

"Cute boy, let me explain to you what our station does for hunters." Xia An says in a serious tone.

'Our chief and a few other hunters including me work as police officers in this city, our job is to cover any traces of hunters hunting at night from the public for example deleting closed-circuit television footage that contains information on hunters but now it is more like helping that idiot Yang Guang every few days from being a superhero the next morning."

"That brat Yang Guang I never thought that he would accept you as a partner." Xia An sighs when she looks at Yang Guang who was lying in the corner together with Wang Guo Ming.

Yu Chen quickly shakes his head and says. "I'm his junior not his partner, but I never seen him meeting any other hunters."

After Yang Guang and Wang Guo Ming wakes up, Yang Guang and Yu Chen bid goodbye to Wang Guo Ming and Xia An left the police station.

Yang Guang then brings Yu Chen to 4 way junction with 3 schools at the end of each junction.

Yang Guang points at the school in the middle and says. "That is the elementary school that everybody goes in Song City."

Yang Guang then points at the school on the left and says. "That is the mix high school that I'm attending right now."

He then points at the right and says. "That is where every male student in my school wanted to go, a females only high school."

Yang Guang then turns to Yu Chen and asks. "So when you want to look for me remember to go to the one on the left, but if you actually get into that school every male student in this city is coming after you head."

Under the sunset Yang Guang and Yu Chen walks back home, the warm orange light gently shines on Song City the birds in the colorful sky fly back to their nest just like the 2 young hunters walking under the sky.

When they reach the river Yang Guang, he stops at the bridge and points in front of him. Yu Chen looks and sees the sun setting in between the mountains.

A peaceful smile shows up on Yang Guang's face, and he says. "It's beautiful right?"


Yang Guang quickly turns his head to see who is actually standing beside him right now; the one who replies Yang Guang just now is a girl who is the same age as him. Her long black hair paired with her large blue eyes gives her a pure look like a fairy under the sunset.

The girl suddenly realize that she just replied to a stranger's question and quickly runs back home, her long black hair fly in the air leaving Yang Guang at the bridge with Yu Chen.

Yang Guang looks at her and thinks to himself. 'That girl looks familiar.'

"Senior Yang Guang lets go." Yu Chen pats Yang Guang's shoulder to break him out from his daze.

The both of them then walks home together, but a question appears in Yang Guang's mind 'who is that girl?'