Spirit Weekly And Hunter Monthly


Yang Guang slowly walks out form the school gate, pushing his bicycle beside him.

"Senior Yang Guang!" Yu Chen shouted when he saw Yang Guang walking out from the school.

Yang Guang waves while walking towards Yu Chen.

"Who is that boy? He is so cute."

Yang Guang starts to hear girls from his school whispers to each other close to him, when Yu Chen comes closer and starts to talk to Yang Guang but he was quickly stopped by a few girls from Yang Guang's school.

They start asking Yu Chen questions about his personal life, soon more and more girls come and join in the fun. They keep on pestering him until a few bold girls pinch Yu Chen's butt, giving him a shock.

Somebody suddenly pats Yang Guang's shoulder from behind and says with a piss off tone "Hey Yang Guang is that ugly bastard a friend of yours?"

Yang Guang turns around and sees Liu Zheng Yi and a few others giving Yu Chen a death stare. Yang Guang then looks at Yu Chen and thought to himself 'Oh yea, I forgot I'm studying with a bunch of thirsty horny monkeys.'

Yang Guang then gives out an awkward laugh and answer. "He is my co-worker from my part time job at night."

"I have never seen him around our school, who gives that ugly outsider the right to flirt with our girls." the group of "thirsty monkeys" start cracking their knuckles while walking towards Yu Chen.

Yang Guang quickly stop them and said. "I also want to beat him up for that so I will bring him away right now so don't worry."

Yang Guang push the group of girls surrounding Yu Chen and quickly drags him away to safety.

"Senior Yang Guang I'm scared, I have never thought that one day I would almost get gang rape by girls." Yu Chen said while shivering.

Yang Guang gives Yu Chen a disgusted look and thought to himself. 'I should feed him to the "thirsty monkeys" instead of saving him.'

Yang Guang then suddenly stops and look at Yu Chen for a while, suddenly he use his fingers to make a round shape around Yu Chen's eyes like a pair of spectacle and says. "I got it, after you stop wearing spectacle your whole face change."

Yu Chen also suddenly notice that the amount of girls attracted to him had increase after his vision got better.

So Yang Guang tells him that next time if he don't want to be skin alive by a bunch of thirsty monkeys or gang rape by girls until his dick falls off he better wear fake spectacle to hide his face.

Yang Guang then tells Yu Chen that they are stopping by a book store for a while so they won't be heading home just yet.

When Yang Guang and Yu Chen reach the book store, he places his bike outside and walks in with Yu Chen. The owner of the store looks at Yang Guang and nods at him, he then takes a magazine and hands it to Yang Guang. Yang Guang pays for the magazine and thank the owner and then they left.

To Yu Chen this whole scene seems to be scripted, this is because from the start till the end both sides only said one word. Yang Guang and the book store owner seem to have done this a lot of time to be so familiar with each other.

"Senior Yang Guang what are you reading?" Yu Chen asks Yang Guang who is holding the magazine that he had just bought in one hand while pushing his bicycle with his other hand.

Yang Guang close the magazine and shows the cover to Yu Chen. He then says "This magazine is call Spirit Weekly; it is publish once a week and talks about the paranormal activities happening in Song City."

Spirit Weekly's cover page shows the title of the magazine in red bold words with blood dripping from it, the cover also features an abandoned house that was burnt black.

"Senior Yang Guang I did not know you were into ghosts." Yu Chen looks at Yang Guang who starts to read spirit weekly again.

Yang Guang then stops and turn his head to face Yu Chen, he then says with an evil smile on his face. "Hey Yu Chen are you scared of spirits? If yes then that's too bad because we are hunting them tonight."

"What does hunting spirits have to do with a magazine?" Yu Chen asks.

Yang Guang flips the magazines until he reaches the middle of it, in the middle of the magazine is a map of Song City but the difference is there are red dots on the map. "This is where spirits are seen in Song city last week, with this magazine we can exorcise the spirits base on the map without spending time looking for them."

Finally when they reach home, Yang Guang go and take a bath while Yu Chen sits on the sofa reading spirit weekly. When he wants to pour a cup of tea for himself he sees another magazine on the table.

The magazine's cover is grey color without a title or picture to indicate what the magazine is about. Out of curiosity Yu Chen flips open the magazine and start reading.

When Yang Guang comes out from the bathroom with a towel around his neck he sees Yu Chen reading the grey magazine he asks. "What's that?"

"Do you know that you can set net like traps in the sky or water that cannot be seen by the naked eye to trap aquatic and airborne creatures?" Yu Chen said with full of interest.

Yang Guang gives Yu Chen a weird look and asks. "What are you talking about?"

"This is a guide about setting traps that was written by Wu Bai Wan." Yu Chen said while showing Yang Guang the guide.

Before Yang Guang can say anything Yu Chen flips the magazine and shows Yang Guang a ranking with the title top 10 Damn Hunter under-eighteen.

"The first place for the under-eighteen has change with a newcomer calling himself the new battle king his name is Bai Yue." Yu Chen said while pointing at the picture of a youth who is the same age as Yang Guang, he has long black hair like a woman but his face gives of a stern charm which makes him look manly yet graceful.

When Yang Guang sees the picture, he glances at Yu Chen and thought to himself. 'Another pretty boy just like Yu Chen.'

"But there are only two girls on the ranking." Yu Chen said solemnly while browsing the ranking.

Yang Guang take a quick glance at the ranking, he then let out a dry laugh and tells Yu Chen that there are actually three girls on the ranking.

"What are you two little brats talking about." all the sudden Yang Dou Wang's voice can be heard coming from upstairs.

Yang Guang throws him the grey magazine and says. "We are talking about this."

"Hunter Monthly? I never know you are interested in this." Yang Dou Wang said while looking at the magazine.

Yang Guang stands up and walks towards the stairs and says. "I never knew that it existed."

"That's because you never take time to examine the package that was sent by headquarters every month, you always take the traps and leave out everything else." Yang Dou Wang shrugs his shoulders in reply.

When Yang Guang is right beside his grandpa he whispers. "Today I saw that there is a new issue of Bouncy balls and Girls at the book store." He then smirks and walks up stairs to have a nap.

"Hey Yu Chen enjoy the magazines, I'm going out to buy my own 'special magazine'." Yang Dou Wang said while laughing and then he left the house leaving Yu Chen alone in the living room to read hunter weekly.