Trap World

A gigantic figure landed in front of the trio, clouds of dust surrounded the figure clouding their vision from the thing that had just fallen from the night sky above them.


Yang Guang, Yu Chen and Wu Bai Wan all three of them tears their talismans all at once, a black dome surrounded by white mists encase the humans and the damn creatures.

Before the dust could settle, hornet like damn creatures start to fly towards the three of them at high speeds, their jet black jaws open up revealing a yellow ball in their mouth.


The hornet monsters fired the yellow balls in their jaws towards the three of them; Yang Guang summons his rattan pole and hits Wu Bai Wan to push him away from the yellow ball. He then deflects the yellow ball that was aim at him back to the hornet.

The yellow ball sticks to one of the hornet monsters causing it to slowly melts, the hornets cries while smoke starts to rise up from its body.

Yang Guang and Yu Chen then start to dash towards the rest of the hornet monsters to fight with them head on.

Finally, the dust settles revealing a giant larva with a pair of small wings on its back and a golden crown on its head. Behind the larva queen there is an army of monster bees and wasps buzzing beside it, ready to charge forward without fear for their queen.

The larva queen flaps its tiny wings a few times causing the crown on its head to glow. When the larva queen army sees the glow all of them start to charge forward.


The monster hornets and bees start to target Yu Chen and Wu Bai Wan while ignoring Yang Guang.

Yang Guang quickly runs towards Yu Chen to help him, he then turns to Wu Bai Wan and shouts. "BAI WAN LET'S USE TRAP WORLD!"

Wu Bai Wan who is running away from the monster bees that are chasing him nods and start to bring the monster bees towards Yang Guang.

Yang Guang make short work of the monster bees that are only rank 2, he then looks at Yu Chen and says. "Yu Chen sticks close to Bai Wan and don't move around too much if possible."

After Yang Guang had finished his sentence he start to fight off the rest of the larva queen's army alone, he dodges stinger after stinger, kills monster after monster.

"Heh, now it is my time to shine!" Wu Bai Wan shouts, his rainbow color fanny pack starts to shine a bright light illuminating the darkness of the night. The zip of the fanny pack starts to unzip itself revealing an empty void inside.

Wu Bai Wan's hand stretch into the void in his fanny pack, he then pulls out a bucket filled with a clear liquid and pours the liquid onto the ground in a straight line.

"Is that a secret gear?" Yu Chen points at the rainbow color fanny pack that was on Wu Bai Wan's waist.

Wu Bai Wan nods while pulling out a red black talisman from his fanny pack.

'Wow a space attribute secret gear, I never have seen one before in my life!' Yu Chen thought to himself while looking at Wu Bai Wan's fanny pack with a shocked expression on his face.


In the end, Yang Guang was overwhelm by the army and start to get cut by the army's mandible, blood start dripping out from his wounds.

Suddenly the hornet monsters from before start to shoot yellow balls out from their mouth at Yang Guang who is busy fighting an army by himself.


One of the yellow ball manage to hit Yang Guang on his back during all the chaos, Yang Guang quickly takes off his jacket and throws it away revealing a large red burn mark on his back.


These are the thoughts running through Yang Guang's head right at this moment, he turn to Wu Bai Wan and shouts. "FUCK ARE YOU DONE!?"

"Almost, you can start grabbing their attention now!" Wu Bai Wan shouts back while tying a green talisman with black stripes on to a small helicopter machine that was flying in the air.

"Yu Chen, don't leave my sight or something bad will happen to you." Wu Bai Wan says while rummaging through his fanny pack.

Yang Guang smirks and looks at the larva queen, he holds his rattan pole like a spear and throws it towards the larva queen. The rattan pole pierces into the larva queen's flesh causing it to squeal.

Yang Guang then summons his rattan pole back to his hand and repeat the same action once more, this time the army reacts to Yang Guang's attack by blocking the rattan pole with their body.

The rest of the army starts to buzz their wings faster, when Yang Guang hears their buzzing he smiles and says. "Hah, why don't all of you just come and sting me to death right now before I give your queen a gruesome death."

The army caught the cold glint in Yang Guang's eyes and knew that he was dead serious about killing their queen so without a second thought they all charge towards Yang Guang.


Wu Bai Wan shouts while waving both of his hands towards Yang Guang, signaling him to come towards him.

Yang Guang rushes towards the place where Wu Bai Wan wants him to go, all the sudden he hears Wu Bai Wan telling him to jump as far as possible.

Yang Guang steps on the ground and fly into the sky leaving his footprint on the ground where he had stepped on just now.

When Yang Guang is still in midair, Wu Bai Wan press the remote control for the small helicopter in his hand with a smile on his face.


The army of monster bees and hornets starts falling onto the ground all at once due to a strong gust of wind pushing them down, they all landed on a sticky line that was made by Wu Bai Wan at the start of the fight when he first took out the bucket of clear liquid from his fanny pack.

He walks in front of the army with an evil grin on his face and tears the red black talisman in his hand, he throws the torn talisman red black that was slowly burning onto the army of monster bees and hornets and slowly walks away.


The red black talisman exploded in front of the army burning them in a sea of fire, at the same time Wu Bai Wan was also blasted away towards Yang Guang and Yu Chen head first by the explosion he set off himself.

"Ow that hurts." Wu Bai Wan rub his forehead while slowly standing up.

Yang Guang then help him stand up back on his feet and looks at the larva queen who was letting out a sad cry at the burning corpse of its army.

"That is a rank 8 damn creature, how do you want to deal with it?" Wu Bai Wan asked while looking at Yang Guang.

Yang Guang aims his rattan pole and throws it towards the larva queen's eyes before replying to Wu Bai Wan, he then said to Wu Bai Wan. "Just do it like we always do." and he rush off to fight the larva queen alone.

The now half blind larva queen is truly enraged; it let out a loud roar like a lion.

The larva queen all the sudden grows ten pairs of legs on the side of its body, its tiny wings fall off from its back and the crown on its head expands and turns into the color platinum instead of gold.

The larva queen starts to fire the same yellow ball that the monster hornets fired but ten times larger and faster than the monster hornets.

Yang Guang start to run in a zigzag manner dodging all the yellow balls, he then arrive in front of the larva queen and starts to hit its face quickly.

"YANG GUANG FORCE IT TO MOVE BACKWARDS!" Wu Bai Wan shouts at Yang Guang, after that he starts to run away while looking for something in his fanny pack.

After hearing Wu Bai Wan's shout, Yang Guang starts to hit the larva queen harder and faster without stopping until he decided to hit the larva queen's crown.

The larva queen squeal in pain and start to retreat backwards, and then.


Smoke rise up into the sky as the raging fire burns the larva queen's body, Yang Guang decided to grab this opportunity and start beating up the larva queen.

"Yang Guang move away!" Wu Bai Wan shouts while controlling a few helicopters that are heading towards the larva queen.

Yang Guang starts to run towards Wu Bai Wan, when suddenly he felt a strong wind blowing behind him followed by more explosions. He runs faster and kicks Wu Bai Wan in the stomach, he then looks at Wu Bai Wan who is lying on the ground and said. "Stop blowing up Song City with your explosives, how do you expect me to clean this mess up you cause?!"

"My bad, I will use something else other than explosives." Wu Bai Wan laughs and starts searching his fanny pack again. Wu Bai Wan takes out a bag of purple nails and a few 3√S.

"Distract it; I'm going to end it now." Wu Bai Wan said while pointing at the larva queen.

Yang Guang and Wu Bai Wan then part ways each doing what they do best.

"Yang Guang bait it 5 meters to the left." Wu Bai Wan shouts while pouring a small bottle of black of liquid onto the ground.

Yang Guang then start to beat the larva queen to force it to move towards where he wants it to go like a shepherd guiding sheep.

The larva queen once again move towards where Yang Guang wants it to go just like a puppet on a string, this time instead of an explosion the larva queen steps on all the purple nails, Wu Bai Wan then tears a black and yellow talisman onto the black liquid electrocuting the larva queen.

Then it struck the queen bee, all of this pain and suffering was not caused by the grey hair human the one who force it into this position, the one who brunt all of its army is.

Wu Bai Wan.

The larva queen then charge at Wu Bai Wan ignoring all the pain that it was experiencing, Wu Bai Wan gives out a confident smile on his face and did not run away.


Yang Guang appears in front of Wu Bai Wan, blocking the larva queen from harming him, and then the 3√S stuns the larva queen in place.

With open arms Wu Bai Wan says towards the larva queen. "Hahaha, you are not the first to notice that I'm the bigger treat in our trap world, let me tell you something before you die. In trap world Yang Guang plays the role of a tank while I play the role of a damage dealer, you wasted too much time on the tank ignoring the damage dealer that keep on damaging you, but it is too late now so the both of us welcome you with open arms into our."


Yang Guang and Wu Bai Wan shouted in unison, then black smoke start to come out from the larva queen's body. The sound of explosion can also be heard coming from inside the larva queen's body.

The larva queen let out one last cry and disintegrates into a pile of indigo soul dust.

"Hahaha, not even a high tier damn creature can defeat us when we are together Yang Guang, our synergy is perfect." Wu Bai Wan laughs while patting Yang Guang on the back, Yang Guang then uses his elbow and hit Wu Bai Wan in his stomach and says." Yeah, sooner or later this city will be blown into dust by you."

"Aww come one don't be like this it is just a little black spot on the ground nobody will notice in the morning." Wu Bai Wan said with a smile on his face.

Yang Guang and Wu Bai Wan start cleaning the mess that they made, while all of this is happening Yu Chen stares at Wu Bai Wan with one thought in his mind. 'Can I really be senior Yang Guang's partner, there is someone like Wu Bai Wan who is more worthy than me.'

Yu Chen then start to think back when Yang Guang and him were fighting the monster bees at the start, then he compares that fight and the one Yang Guang and Wu Bai Wan had just now.

'I'm not pulling my own weight when I'm with senior Yang Guang, just look at Wu Bai Wan with senior Yang Guang they can defeat a high tier damn creature, but I can't even take fifty percent of damn creatures alone.' Yu Chen keeps on thinking to himself.

"Well that is it for tonight I'm going back to my hotel to rest." Wu Bai Wan stretch and start to walk away.

Yang Guang then notice Yu Chen who was just standing there and walks towards him and says. "Yu Chen time to go."

The three of them then walks a tall about 20 stories high hotel around the center of the city.

"Hey Yang Guang are you sure he isn't here?" Wu Bai Wan asks Yang Guang with a doubtful look on his face, Yang Guang sighs and says. "No, now just go already we need to continue our hunting."

"Why is that idiot also here?" in one of the rooms of the hotel the figure that is looking at the trio from the window said with a tone of dissatisfaction.

Yang Guang and Yu Chen then send Wu Bai Wan off and left the area to continue their hunt.