Training Once More (1)

Munch Munch Munch

Yang Guang is now back in his room eating his breakfast, his mouth never stops chewing as he gobbles down everything. After he had finish eating he lets out a loud burp but Yu Chen who was sitting beside him seem unfazed as he has experience this every day since he reach Song City.

"So what did you do last night?" Yu Chen asks while showing the chat log between him and Yang Guang last night.

Yang Guang did not answer directly to Yu Chen as he knows he can't tell him that he sat at the playground protecting Ye Xing all night instead he stands up and stretches his body. "Sitting at the same spot for the whole night really does hurt a bit." Yang Guang said after that he go right back to his bed and close his eyes.

Yu Chen let out a sigh as he give up on getting an answer out from Yang Guang, at the same moment Yang Dou Wang enters the room and looks at the both of them.

"Get up we are going for some training today." Yang Dou Wang said sternly as he sees Yu Chen getting up from his sit yet Yang Guang still lies on the bed taking a nap.

Yang Dou Wang summons his rattan pole and strikes Yang Guang's butt with it, causing him to instantly jump out from bed in pain.

"Yawn~ I'm out all night why can you just let me sleep?" Yang Guang who is jogging beside Yang Dou Wang and Yu Chen asked lazily. Yet nobody answers his whining so he has no choice but to follow to the mountains.

They start hiking up the mountain, the sounds of bird chirping and the spring breeze accompanies them as they make their way to the top.

On top of the mountain Yu Chen sees Song City from above once more, compare to the first time that he was here he felt more confident. He then sees Yang Guang walking towards a big tree so he follows him to see what Yang Guang is up to, what Yu Chen sees is Yang Guang standing in front of a tractor tire tied to the tree branch.

Yang Guang then summons his rattan pole and strikes the tire with full force pushing the tire backwards but the tire swings forth so Yang Guang strikes it once more again and again.

"What is he doing?" Yu Chen asks out loud as he sees Yang Guang and the tire going back and forth.

"Training, what else do you think we are doing here?" Yang Dou Wang then appears beside of Yu Chen and tells him to sit with him under the shade of another tree.


Yang Dou Wang shouts at Yang Guang who is focusing on hitting the tire, he then turns his attention to Yu Chen and asks. "So I heard from Yang Guang's exorcist friend that you want to be a warrior right?"

Yu Chen nods his head as an answer.

"Then what path do you want to walk?" Yang Dou Wang asks casually, yet Yu Chen gives him a confuse look.

"There is two way hunters can cultivate and both of them uses secret energy, an energy which can be obtained by consuming soul dust but there has been rare cases where people have develop secret energy without the need of soul dust but the amount is negligible. The first way is energy cultivation and the second is physical cultivation. The former is where you increase the secret energy in your soul by consuming soul dust, with this you can use secret arts and secret gear that need large amounts of secret energy while the latter is where you use secret energy to strengthen your body by absorbing soul dust into your body through the pores on your skin while this cultivation path strengthen your defenses and offences capabilities your ability to use secret arts and secret gear will be weaken due to the smaller amount of secret energy in your body compare to the hunters that cultivate secret energy." Yang Dou Wang gives Yu Chen a lengthy explanation as he takes out a bottle containing green soul dust.

"No matter which path you choose Song City's Yang Family will provide resources as payment for the upcoming battle with the golden wings legion." Yang Dou Wang said seriously to Yu Chen making the latter tense up as a result.

"Then what path did senior Yang Guang choose?" Yu Chen asks as he turns his head towards Yang Guang to see him struggling to keep up with the force of the tire is exerting.

"Well the path that Yang Guang walking now is actually chosen by me, I don't know is it because of genetics, luck or destiny but Yang Guang is actually one of the rare few who possess secret energy without using soul dust, so I tried a new cultivation method created by myself on Yang Guang." Yang Dou Wang lamented for his grandson pass and hardship.

"Then I will walk the same path senior Yang Guang walked." Yu Chen said full with confidence.

"No it is impossible after you used soul dust, the theory behind Yang Guang's cultivation is to destroy his body and rebuilt it just normal body building plus even if you could cultivate like him it would take too long for you to reach his level." Yang Dou Wang then tosses the bottle of soul dust at Yu Chen after he finished talking.

"So what is going to be your choice? Remember there is no turning back after this." Yang Dou Wang asked Yu Chen with a smile on his face as the bits of sunlight that passes through the tree leaves falls on him.

"How long did senior Yang Guang used to reach his current strength?" Yu Chen asked Yang Dou Wang, his hands grab the bottle of soul dust tightly.

"He reached rank 7 two years ago so it took him about 8 years to reach this rank but he had stagnant for two whole years, maybe it is because of the lack of secret energy in his body or that is the limit of the human body." Yang Dou Wang said to Yu Chen.

"So what is your choice?" Yang Dou Wang asked once more.