Who Dares Cause Trouble Here?


Yu Chen finally lands an attack on Yu Tian, large amounts of blood pours out from Yu Tian's chest as he looks at Yu Chen in disbelief.

"This trash actually slashes me?" Yu Tian asked himself, without a second thought Yu Tian starts to attack Yu Chen once more to prevent Yu Chen from taking any opening.

Just like last time Yu Chen could not manage to block every attack and got stab by Yu Tian.

Yu Chen Mountain Broadsword turns back into a necklace as he raises his fist to try and punch Yu Tian who was trying to stab his stomach.


Yu Tian got punch by Yu Chen right in the face, without the weight known as Mountain Broadsword Yu Chen speed increases as he continue punching Yu Tian.

Finally Yu Chen ends it with an uppercut to Yu Tian's jaw causing him to fly up.


All the sudden Yu Chen's left shoulder feels numb, he looks at his shoulder and sees a bullet wound with blood flowing out from it. Yu Chen looks at Yu Tian who was still in the air and sees him grinning with a silver pistol in his hand.


The bullet suddenly explodes in Yu Chen's shoulder. The smell of charred meat floats around in the air as Yu Chen holds his left shoulder in pain, burn marks appears from his neck all the way to his arm as he groans in pain.

"Isn't this going too far? Yu Chen could have died there." Jin Rou Gang asked Yang Dou Wang.

"Just wait for a little while, I had called someone to come and enjoy the show." Yang Dou Wang said calmly yet his eyes betrayed him as he looks at Yu Chen worriedly.

Yu Tian finally comes down to the ground as the sliver piston turns back into a flash and enters into his pocket.


Yu Tian pins Yu Chen down on the ground and starts punching his face repeatedly. Blood flows out from Yu Chen nose as Yu Tian's fist breaks it, then a cracking sound can be heard. Yu Tian actually breaks Yu Chen's jaw, Yu Chen is beaten black, blue and red by his own cousin.

"Remember this you trash I am the one who will break into the top 10 Damn Hunter under-eighteen rankings one day so it is an honor that you get kill by a future legend." Yu Tian said to Yu Chen with a cold smile.

"Who, you? I don't think that you can beat Wu Bai Wan someone who is not on the ranking much less Xiao Ying Ya." Yu Chen said happily toward his cousin.

"Don't talk like you have met my god Xiao Ying Ya before!" Yu Tian scolds Yu Chen and starts beating him up once more.

"Yu Tian let me ask you a question, have you ever meet a rank 8 damn creature?" Yu Chen asked as his smile grows wider.

Before Yu Tian can answer he suddenly feels that a wild beast is looking into his soul, no it is more like the devil standing right beside him waiting for a chance to drag him to hell.

Yu Tian quickly jumps away from Yu Chen in fear; he then looks at Yang Dou Wang thinking that he is the one who caused all this.


Yu Chen reactivates his secret gear and slashes Yu Tian who is distracted; he then continues his barrage of attacks. Sparks from the two swords clashing once more flashes in the air as Yu Tian manages to guard Yu Chen attacks, yet his speed is much slower due to his being affected by Yu Chen fear lock.

"JUST GO AND DIE!" Yu Tian shouted as the silver pistol appears in his hands once more, his eyes let out blood lust as he fires bullet after bullet at Yu Chen.


The explosion caused from the bullets exploding sends Yu Chen flying in midair, yet Yu Tian still don't want to show any mercy on the half dead Yu Chen. He charge forward and stabs Yu Chen who is still falling down.


With a loud thud Yu Chen finally crash to the ground, Yu Tian slowly walks towards him. He raises his sword and points it at Yu Chen's neck.

"You are just a piece of trash might as well die and let me become the next patriarch of the Yu Family." Yu Tian tells Yu Chen; his smile turns into a grin as he prepares to end it all right now.


All the sudden Yu Tian screams in pain as an ice cream smashes into pieces when in strikes his head, he quickly turns around to see who had the guts to throw ice cream at him what he sees is Yang Guang pointing his rattan pole at him while saying. "Who dares cause trouble here?"