Family Reunion


Two little kid a boy and a girl about the age of seven jumps out from behind the man's back and towards Yang Dou Wang.


Yang Dou Wang hugged both of them tightly as a wide smile pops up on his face.


The two kids, Xiao Ying, and Xiao Yang jumps out from Yang Dou Wang's embrace and rush towards Yang Guang who is holding a bottle of cola in his hand.

"Hey, long time no see." Yang Guang said as he looks at them.


Yet the two kids did not greet Yang Guang back instead they rush to the fridge and starts looking for something.



The two kids start eating and drinking as they had never eaten for days, Yang Guang who was still in a daze finally notices something as he looks at the bottle of cola in his hand.

My food

Yang Guang realizes that his emergency rations are in danger but he was too late the damage had been done as he looks at the empty bottles on the floor and the wrappers that are being thrown everywhere.

"Stop sulking and go clean your room now before they move in." Yang Dou Wang tells Yang Guang who is drawing circles on the ground in a corner.

Without much choice, Yang Guang moves upstairs to his room and starts tidying it so his uncle and his family can move in here.

"You two go and help your mother I'm going to have a chat with grandpa." The man in glasses pats both of the kids head and sends them off.

"Jiao Long you are home quite early this year." Yang Dou Wang said to his son as he pours himself a cup of tea.

"Quit the small talk and tell me had Yang Guang quit being a hunter?" Yang Jiao Long asked coldly as he looks at his own father.

"How rude of you, the first thing you said when we meet is not how are you but has the only person keeping this city from descending into chaos had quit his job." Yang Dou Wang said as he takes a sip from his teacup.

"You are forcing him to risk his life every night, one day he is going to die out there!" Yang Jiao Long slams the table with his fist, his eyes staring at Yang Dou Wang angrily.

Yet Yang Dou Wang did not mind the words coming out from Yang Jiao Long's mouth as he continues to sip his tea.

"I'm not going to let the last thing my brother left in this world disappear like that." Yang Jiao Long said again to his father.


Knocking can be heard coming from outside the door once more, as Yang Dou Wang was going to open the door to see who is out there the door opens by itself revealing a woman in her thirties with long black hair down to her waist beside her is a teenage boy wearing a baseball cap with earphones in his ears.

"Xin Ai, you are also here?" Yang Dou Wang asked as he looks at both of them as he was shocked.


Jin Rou Gang pushes Yang Xin Ai and her son aside and smacks Yang Dou Wang on the head with a bag of groceries.

Yang Jiao Long then walks up to Yang Dou Wang and tells him "We will continue another time." he then walks upstairs to meet his family.

All the sudden Yang Guang appears out of nowhere and pats Yang Dou Wang on the back, he then said to Yang Dou Wang. "We forgot about Yu Chen, where is he going to sleep tonight?"

Yang Dou Wang let out a dry laugh as he also didn't think about it, he then turns to Yang Guang and said. "Go out and look for him then bring him around to find a place to sleep."

Yang Guang then heads out to look for Yu Chen while Yang Dou Wang, on the other hand, has a chat with his daughter in the living room while his wife is cooking.

The moment Yang Guang walks out from the front gate he sees Yu Chen walking towards him," That's convenient." Yang Guang tells himself as he walks towards Yu Chen.

"Don't go in, from today onward you are going to stay somewhere else for a while." Yang Guang tells Yu Chen while pushing him away from his house.

"So where am I going to stay?" Yu Chen asked as he was being pushed further and further away from the house.

Yang Guang let out a smirk as he says. "Don't need to worry; I already had a place in my mind."


"Where is this?" Yu Chen asked Yang Guang as he looks at a normal single story house that was located on the other side of the city.

"Who is the idiot shouting in front of my house? Do you want to spend the night in a little cell at the police station?"

A middle-aged man with a cigarette in his mouth walks out from the house with an unhappy look on his face, that man is Wang Guo Ming who is puffing out smoke from his mouth as he looks at Yang Guang.

"I knew it there is only one idiot who will do this." Wang Guo Ming said as smoke comes out from his mouth.

"What choice do I have? Yu Chen, go in you are going to stay here for the next few days." Yang Guang said to Yu Chen as he opens the front gate and walks in uninvited.

"Is it okay to do this?" Yu Chen asked hesitantly.

"Yea do you ever think about me?" Wang Guo Ming asked Yang Guang as he pulls him away from the door.

Yang Guang sighs and says to Wang Guo Ming. "Looks like Yu Chen is going to spend the rest of the night outside where it is dark and cold."

"The both of you always spend the night outside anyway." Wang Guo Ming who is not buying Yang Guang's words said without any emotion.

"He isn't going out hunting for the next few days." Yang Guang tells Wang Guo Ming as he pushes Yu Chen into the house.

"I'm not?" Yu Chen stops Yang Guang and asked.

"Yea there is going to be a lot more people coming to Song City for the next few days so it will be risky for you to go hunting so might as well sleep." Yang Guang said casually to Yu Chen.

"You are right to come in then." Wang Guo Ming finally gives in and let both of them into the house.