This is My Wish

The moon and sun switched places, the hunters went back home and the civilians came out.

"Yang Guang is back!"

"Yang Guang is back!"

Yang Guang's two younger cousins shouted one after the other as they saw their older cousin walking towards them.

An old man who heard his grandchildren's shouts walked out from the house and looked at Yang Guang.

'Damn it, why must he show up now?' Yang Guang thought as he rushed past Yang Dou Wang.

"You are hiding something."

Hearing those four words, Yang Guang's palm which are in his pocket tighten onto the secret gears that had returned into their original form.

When he was about to give up one of the secret gear to his grandfather so he could keep the other one, someone called his name from the front gate.

"I'm sorry for bothering you this early in the morning, but there are some important matters that I need to discuss with Yang Guang."

It was Ye Xing who said those words, her blue eyes looked at Yang Guang and Yang Dou Wang who stood there staring at each other.

"Is this a bad time?" She asked as he noticed something off between the two of them.

Yang Guang turned around, took off his hat and put on the most charming smile he could after hunting for a whole night and said: "Of course not, let's talk this over a cup of tea."

'Thank you for coming here, my ticket to running away!'

"Yes, come in for a cup of tea." Yang Dou Wang said as he pulled Yang Guang's shoulder, forcing him to stay put.

'This kid is definitely hiding a secret gear on his body.' Yang Dou Wang thought as he called Xiao Ying and Xiao Yang to let Ye Xing inside.

Ye Xing went into the house along with Yang Guang and his two cousins, she sat down on the sofa and started to take a few files out from her handbag.

"I will leave both of you alone." Yang Dou Wang said but before he leaves he whispered to Yang Guang and told him to hand over the secret gear that he got last night.

After Yang Dou Wang left Ye Xing showed the contents of the files to Yang Guang.

"I know you are tired from all the action last night." Ye Xing said with a frown.

"Ohh, how did she know what Yang Guang did last night? Is she Yang Guang's girlfriend?"

"Sis, I don't think it is good to spy on them."

"Nonsense, I'm just an aunt who is concerned about her nephew just like you are an uncle who is also concerned about his nephew."

Yang Xin Ai told Yang Jiao Long as they looked at Yang Guang and Ye Xin.

While all of this is happening, Yang Guang's mouth gaped wide open. Only one thought remained in his mind…

"We are fucked…"

"That is one way to put it, a very accurate way actually." Ye Xing answered as she nodded.

"The joint school sports day is now lacking in two major things. The first is money and the second is time. As you are the representative of Song City High School, I hope we can work together to solve this problem."

Yang Guang felt smoke coming out from his ears as his brain scrambled to look for a solution. Ye Xing who noticed this sighed and told Yang Guang that she should go now.

"No, that girl is just sighed and decided to leave! Why is Yang Guang not telling her to stay?"

"Sis, your voice…it is too loud."

"Shut it, look she had left so Yang Guang must be sad now."

"Go and do something about it."

Yang Xin Ai kicked Yang Jiao Long forward towards Yang Guang, when he was about to reach his nephew someone else got to him first.

"Hehehe, give up that secret gear now." Yang Dou Wang said as he robbed his own grandson.

"Are you talking about this?" asked Yang Guang as he summoned the rattan pole and strike towards Yang Dou Wang.

With a snap of Yang Dou Wang's finger, the rattan pole disappeared from Yang Guang's hands and turned back into motes of light.

"Hand it ove.."

Before Yang Dou Wang could finish his words, someone pressed down on his shoulders. He turned around to see Yang Jiao Long glaring at him.

"Leave him alone, what he earned from hunting belongs to him and not you." Yang Jiao Long said coldly, his words forced Yang Dou Wang to back down.

He then turned to Yang Guang and asked: "Do you remember that I asked you if you want to stop being a hunter?"

In turn, Yang Guang nodded at the question and Yang Jiao Long continued.

"Give it to them, mom already promised me that she will give hers if you give your up." With a urging tone he said.

Instead of giving in, Yang Dou Wang rejected the idea without giving it another thought. With a resolute voice he then said: "This is Yang Guang's inheritances, I'm not giving it to anyone, not even you."

"You think I wanted something like that? That thing had brought a disaster to Song City, countless people wasted their lives to protect it. Even your own children, my brother died for that useless thing!"

Yang Jiao Long is getting more and more emotional, he thought back to the day when he returns to Song City to attend his brother's funeral and Yang Guang who was there.

"Inheritances? Do you ever think that Yang Guang might never get the chance to receive it? One day… one day you might find Yang Guang dead and you will regret your actions!"

Yang Dou Wang sneered as he told his son: "Unless a rank 10 damn creature shows up, nothing could stop Yang Guang from leaving."

"Then why did ten rank 10 damn creatures all attacked Song City all those years ago?"

"What if it happened again?"

"It took every single hunter in Song City to stop the attack, what can a single boy do?"

"Give it up and stop letting your grandson sacrifice his life, this isn't how a child should live."

With his Yang Dou Wang shut up, words could not come out from his mouth as what his own son said was all true. 'What if one day Yang Guang…dies…'

Right now, Yang Dou Wang looked at Yang Guang who was standing on the side. He might not be injured today, but what about tomorrow. Ryageroo who is at the peak of rank 9 had almost taken Yang Guang's life on numerous occasions, and the third prince of the damn creatures would be back soon and he will be stronger.

"He might really die this time…" Yang Dou Wang blurted out.

Yang Jiao Long nodded and told Yang Guang that everything will be fine now.

"No, it won't."

Yang Dou Wang and Yang Jiao Long are shocked when they heard Yang Guang's answer.

"If I stopped being a hunter, then who will avenge those who had lost their lives?"

"I want to be a hunter by my own choice, not because of responsibility."

"One day I will bring those who decided to watch as Song City burned to the ground and bring true peace to this world."

"This is my wish."

Yang Guang said without backing down, his elders could feel his sincerity from what he said and sighed.

"Then I won't force you anymore, but if one day you change your mind…"

"Never hesitate to give up, no matter what I will support you." Yang Jiao Long said to Yang Guang.

"How about we go and watch the fireworks by the riverbank tonight?" From out of nowhere Jin Rou Gang said as she walked forward with Yang Xin Ai.

"Yang Guang, you are going with us tonight." Yang Xin Ai said, but she then noticed that Yang Guang had long left.

"What a weird kid…"