Bloody Love

After the swimsuit café event ended, Yang Guang meet up Yu Chen and head home together.

"I almost forgot today is a very important day!" Yang Guang exclaimed suddenly as he walked on the sidewalk.

His right hand reached into his pockets and towards his smartphone.

Soon beeping came out from the speakers, followed by a crude voice saying hello.

"Are you and the gang in town?" Yang Guang asked through the phone.

"Stop asking stupid questions to waste my time."

"Then meet me at the playground tonight, make sure to send a few guys to patrol the city." Yang Guang continued.

In the end, the only reply Yang Guang got is a beep and the notification that says the call had ended.

Yu Chen saw Yang Guang smiling even though he did not got an answer, so he asked what was all that about.

With his usual smile, Yang Guang said: "They are people who might solve our problem with Ryageroo."

Day and night switched places as the sun sets and stars twinkle on the infinite black sky.

Unlike usual, today Yang Guang is in the Yang's family storage and crafting room. With a bag in his hand, he began to grab anything that catches his fancy.

Soul dust, secret gears, and secret arts, as long as it is valuable his hands would place it in his bag.

Before Yang Guang left the room, his hand reached towards a cap with the word bargain written in front.

He put the cap on his grey hair and walked downstairs where he met Yang Dou Wang and Yu Chen who was ready to leave.

"Go and get us a good deal." Yang Dou Wang said as he saw the bargain hat on Yang Guang's head.

"Of course I will, let's go Yu Chen."

The both of them left the house and went towards the playground under the cover of darkness, the bag Yang Guang is carrying shook as the sound of glass hitting each other can be heard.

When they reached the playground, the both of them saw a few people standing under the light along with a few guys lying on the ground unconscious.

Their bodies illuminated by the street light, revealing their smart business attire as if they had come for a business meeting with Yang Guang.

"Hoho, it is these guys again." Yang Guang who said after seeing who are the ones lying on the ground. It was the gangsters that attacked him the night he met Yu Chen.

Yang Guang then picked them up one by one and fling them far away without a care for them, so the people in suits also helped him by dragging them to somewhere else.

After dealing with them Yang Guang put on a fake smile and greeted the woman standing in the middle of the group.

From her reddish-brown hair draping over her shoulders and towards her waist to the freckles decorating her pale face, with one look anyone could tell she was clearly a foreigner.

Her grey eyes stared at Yang Guang with contempt and greed as they wandered to the bag Yang Guang is carrying.

"Miss Lisa Beaux, welcome to Song City." Yang Guang greeted as he took off his bag and place it on the ground.

"Bonjour, little sliver renard. And please drop the act, this isn't the first time you are I are doing business together." Lisa Beaux greeted back as she greeted back.

Yang Guang gave her a sneer as he retorted: "Renard, isn't that the word for fox in French? I don't think the person who tricked me on the first time we met could call me a fox."

"Please, you know that I am better than that. I see you are wearing that bargain hat of yours. Isn't that the memento that I gave you after I save you when you were scammed by someone else?"

A vein popped on Yang Guang's forehead as he forced out a smile, his face then turned to Yu Chen and asked: "Do you know who is the vixen whose breast is sagging for years?"

"Little garçon, don't trust the silver beast because one day he might even you alive." Lisa Beaux said with a crafty smile.

"Fine, let stop this and get down to business." Yang Guang said after letting out a sigh towards Lisa Beaux.

Lisa Beaux then introduces herself to Yu Chen who she just met for the first time.

"I'm Lisa Beaux, the leader of a group of rogue hunters called Bloody Love."

"We are originally a group of rising stars from France but something happened back there so we moved here." Lisa Beaux said in fluent Chinese.

Yu Chen was stunned by Lisa Beaux ability to speak which caused her to laugh and said: "I have been living here longer than Yang Guang, of course I could speak as well as a local."

"Then why did you leave France?" Yu Chen asked curiously.

Hearing his question, the faces of men and woman who are standing behind Lisa Beaux turned cold and Lisa Beaux took out a silver tobacco pipe and lighted it up.

"It is a long story…"

"They stole one trillion euro and a bunch of secret arts from the damn hunter headquarters at France, then they beat up the chairman of the headquarters and decided to burn down headquarters before running away and live a life of luxury."

"But in the process they lost all their money and secret arts while escaping and are now branded as rouges by the damn hunters."

A golden light shines from Lisa Beaux's tobacco pipe, the pipe had transformed into a pair of gigantic silver scissors in her hands.

"Couper le Paradis, you shall feast on the blood of a silver beast tonight!"

She pointed her secret gear which was half the length of her body towards Yang Guang and threatens him for interrupting her story.

"Saggy vixen, if I let you tell your story we would be here for a few days. Just look behind you even the members of Bloody Love don't want to listen to your story."

The moment Yang Guang shared his thoughts the members of Bloody Love whose faces are as cold as ice warmed up with a smile as they shouted…

"Long live the silver beast!"

Seeing her own subordinate reaction towards her, Lisa Beaux furiously stabbed the ground with her Couper le Paradis and pouted her cheeks.

"Now that introduction is done, let's get to our main topic."

Said Yang Guang as he flipped opens the bag he brought and revealed treasures that would make the world envy.

Everyone eyes opened wide as they saw bottles of golden soul dust and a pair of flame red glasses that was thrown in the mix.

"Wow that glasses there is actually an immortal category secret gear."

"Oh mon Dieu, the amount of rank ten soul dust!"

Looking at their faces Yang Guang knew that he could easily get a deal, so he closes the bag and asked Lisa Beaux. "If you help me all of these will be yours."

Lisa Beaux smiled and held her hands out for a handshake, just when Yang Guang was about to reach it she pulled her hand back and gave Yang Guang her answer.

"Sorry, Bloody Love cannot help Song City."