Chapter 13: Nice Girl

"So what were you saying? You said that we are bullying Kinoshita."


"And then we are saying that we don't do that kind of thing. You denied us and continued to accuse us. Do you have any evidence?"

"...he was scared of you."

"Everyone is scared of me. The whole school knows that. Were you living under a rock? I guess that makes you a retard."

She was angry at me but couldn't do anything. She opened her mouth to say something but didn't know what. She wanted to trap me in a hole but instead, she herself was tricked into it. And now, she is using a last miserable attack towards me.

"Fujimoto ordered Kinoshita to do things for you two."

"What, is that your last complaint? So boring."

At my comment, she was confused.

"Listen, everyone does these kind of acts. Ask everyone. Don't they do the same kind of thing as making their friend go buy their food or drinks."


"And lastly, for your kind information..."

After cutting her sentence, I looked at Aki.

"Aki, did you threaten him?"

"Nope. Ask everyone. They all witnessed it."

"So everyone, could you tell this retard here that what Aki had said were all true and you all did see Aki, use polite words."

The whole class was silent. Nobody wanted to get in this mess. Miyake was getting anxious as time goes. Then a girl suddenly opened her mouth.

"Umm....i saw everything and I indeed heard Fujimoto asking Kinoshita normally."

Then at that moment I scanned through the whole class and looked everybody in their eyes. Fearing me, they all joined that one girl and all of them said.

"I also saw them."

"They weren't actually threatening him."

"They aren't wrong."

All sorts of comments were passed on. Miyake was left dumbfounded. Her face was turning red of embarrassment. She was defeated by not only me but the whole class.

"Did you get your answer Ms Retard? Or should I say Ms Attention Seeker?"

"...what are you saying?"

"It's as exactly as you heard me."

She was confused again. I wanted to tease her a little more as she disrupted my lunch. I had to suppress the urge of destroying her, but... I couldn't.

I mean, she was the one started all of this first. And she should be taught about her place. And when I think about it, I really am a horrible person. Reika knew about it. That's why she said that I have changed.

But all of this is in the past. What's done is done. I just want to screw this person's life a bit.

"You were doing all of this for attention, weren't you. Since you are so plain."


Actually, she was beautiful but less compared to Aki and Reika. Still, she was beautiful. But that didn't matter at all to ruin her mentally.

Although before I didn't know that she was the class rep, I often saw her eating alone. She also had a shy personality so she couldn't talk properly with others. As a result, she didn't have many friends as I saw it. I used that as the weapon.

Maybe she became the class representative to try and communicate with others.

"Since you are alone, you wanted someone to become friends with you. So you looked for opportunities to make friends through whatever means."

"You're wrong."

"I am right. I am always right. Were you not able to make friends?"

"...that's true bu-"

"Then you found the perfect chance with many benefits. Not only would you make friends but you could punish me and gain favouritism from teachers and all students."

"That was not my intention!"

"But your plan didn't go as expected. You are a plain girl so why don't you accept your life and be alone."

"Shut up!"

She lost her cool. She was in a fit of rage. She raised her voice so high that even the students walking down the corridor heard that. Even more students' curiosity rose at the dispute between us.

"Keep it down ugly."

And as I expected, Aki joined in the arguments.

All these days of chatting together with Aki kind of paid off. There was one thing that I learned from Aki. One day, I asked her if there was someone that she hated so much that she wants to punch them for no reason. I wanted to take out pieces of information from her about her family. But what she said to me surprised me even more.

'I hate nice girls.'

That one line made a change in my plans. And thinking about it, she looked at all cheerful and nice girls with a hateful glare. She also looked at Miyake like one of them and thus, interfered us. Though I don't know the cause for this hatred. She really has an interesting family.

Right now, Aki drank the juice that Kinoshita brought for her and continued to talk.

"Stop pretending to be unknowing about all of this. Can you go away from our sight so that we can eat peacefully. You are an eyesore to us."


She began to break into tears. Large droplets of water flowed from her eyes endlessly. Her face's condition was now beginning to worsen. Her face was ruined due to the makeup that she put on. The tears washed them and got dark colour below her eyes down to her mouth.

"Now she does look ugly, doesn't she Tenma?"

"You could say that it's her true colour."

We both laughed a bit before the girl ran away out of the class and through the group of people through the corridors.

"All of you who saw this commotion, how about you forget about it and don't tell anyone. If one of you betray us, you personally will know the consequences. You may not know this but, I hate traitors."

The class was filled with mumbling of students but nobody raised a voice against me.

Kinoshita looked at us.

"You two...went too far."

Aki turned to Kinoshita and tilted her face a little with a little smile. That appearance of hers seemed arrogant.

"Are you siding with that girl? Or are you feeling sympathy for her? If so, you can go and console her if you want."

Aki got closer to Kinoshita and said.

"Or did you fall in love with her? Did you get entranced by the beauty of that ugly girl? You have bad tastes, Kinoshita."

Kinoshita looked down, saying nothing. But I didn't know that Aki would be this kind of person. She really hates nice girls.

"Calm down Aki. She's gone now."

"...yeah, let's go back to eating."

We then started where we left off with our food. After this, I haven't seen Miyake during the rest of the break.


Break just ended and we started to pack up our food. Since today there would be no fights at the red-light district, we would go straight home. I was thinking about what to do to kill my boredom.

But then there was an announcement from the school's speaker.

"Kaburagi Lelouch, please come to the staff room where your homeroom teacher is."

I was wondering what was that about. I told Aki to not worry about it.

I guess I'll have a little talk with Mr Kimura there after a long time now.