Chapter 19: Nickname

Reika regained her composure due to the help of Kinoshita who prevented her from falling.

'I wish I could thank Kinoshita for helping her but that would make the whole school know about Reika's and my relationship.'

I absolutely won't let that happen. No matter what happens. I promised it to Reika that I will protect her after all.

"A-Are you okay?"

"Yes, thank you for helping me."

Kinoshita was stunned by her beauty. I don't blame him for that.

As Reika saw who it was that bumped into her, she was angry at first but acted accordingly, like a stranger to me.

'As expected of my sister.'

There was a guy and a girl who were with her but were bewildered when Reika bumped into me. So they were being very careful.

'That girl looks familiar.'

That one girl had a very conspicuous hair which was crimson red in colour. She is the same one who discovered me threatening Kinoshita.

I glanced over to Aki's side and saw a really annoyed expression on her face. I knew that Aki hated Reika for whatever reason, that's why she was annoyed right now.

"I am sorry. I didn't see you coming."

"You better be sorry because next time you do this, you'll be in big trouble."

I tried to shrug the matter off quickly but Aki suddenly interrupted our small exchange of words in an irritated tone.

"Don't you think that you should do better than just apologizing?"

All attention came towards Aki. Is she trying to vent her anger on Reika? If it is then she is really making me angry.

"But I already apologized to him. Why should I do anything more?"

At Reika's calm comment, Aki was more annoyed now. Seeing Aki's face, the boy who was beside Reika, tried to stop Reika.

"Stop instigating the 'Thug Hunter'. You'll be beaten with no mercy."

"You, what the hell did you just said?"

I approached the scared boy because there was something that he said which picked my interest.

"What's this thing called 'Thug hunter'?"


"Speak up. I ain't got much time to spend with you."

"I-It's Fujimoto's alias."


I turned towards Aki. She herself was quiet and had a dumb look on her face.

"Pfhahahahaha...hehehe...oh god, what kind of a nickname is that? Hehehe...I can't stop laughing... hahahahaha..."

The atmosphere around us became much lighter. I managed to cut off Aki's try to make Reika do something horrible.

Many students who were walking looked at us afar because they will be in some troublesome matter if they went to get a closer look.

"Stop laughing at me you dumbass! Who the hell named me like that!"

Aki was angry but at the same time, was embarrassed because I laughed at her due to her alias. Her ears were even red from shame.

"Whoever did it, has a great naming sense... pfft."

"Can't you just shut it. Just wait a second."

Aki went towards that boy and grabbed both his shoulders. She looked straight into his eyes.

"Hey, doesn't Tenma also have a nickname?"


Aki turned towards me and grinned at me. I also wanted to know what everyone calls me.



That was the sound of the bell, signalling for the end of lunch break. It's time that we return to our class.

"Well, that's a shame. You there, you're Kaburagi Reika aren't you?"

"Yes, that's correct."

"Well, it seems that our surnames are coincidentally the same. Do you feel that it's fate that brought us together?"


That reply felt like it was real, and not acting. Not that I mind it though.

"You're are quite sharp-tongued. Now then we'll be leaving. Hope we'll never see you again."

"Me too."

Again, that reply was too real. I'm starting to regret having to make her angry at me.

I tapped Aki's shoulder and slapped Kinoshita's back, who was still amazed by Reika's beauty, so that they will follow me. Kinoshita probably haven't seen someone so beautiful like that before.

While leaving the group, Aki came near my ear and whispered.

"Is that the one you were looking for?"

I turned towards that group and looked at the red-haired girl.

"Yes. Do you know her?"

"Only her name. Hitomi Ayame. She's pretty popular amongst the girls."

"I see. We'll deal with her later."

We went our way to our classroom.


"Are you in any clubs Kinoshita?"

"Umm, no. Why do you ask?"

"Then you wouldn't mind if I bring you along with me right now for training."

"...No, I wouldn't."

After we finished talking, we went to the rooftop again for practice. Before we do that, we greeted Aki and she went off to her home. Her mood was different compared to that in the morning.

Meanwhile, we went to the designated place for Kinoshita's training. We spent about 30 to 45 minutes perfecting the simplest punch.

Kinoshita was still an amateur but he was catching on the concept of that move. It was as if the movements that I displayed to him was ingrained into his brain.

After that, we went home because Kinoshita was tired. He has low stamina, that's why I told him to do some jogging before coming to school.

I was also tired of teaching him. He still has a long way to go.


I opened the door to my house and went towards my room. But I was blocked on my way by Reika. Maybe she came earlier as I was busy with Kinoshita.

"Who is Aki?"

"Oh, it's been a long time since you talked to me."

"Just answer my question."

"Why should I? I don't have any reason that compels me to do so. And I can also not talk to you about my personal life like you did with me about your boyfriend."

"...How do you know about that?"

I just kept quiet. She was angry by the look of her face.

"Come on, aren't you tired from being angry with me?"

"No, and also you haven't answered my question. You already know that I have a boyfriend. Now it's your turn."

"Wait. Since when did we start doing that?"

"Answer it or I'll never move from here."

Now, this is becoming so bothersome. I am already tired so I just want to take a shower and embrace my bed for a good sleep.

"Ok, I give up. She's my shi- I mean she is my first friend in this school that I've made. Satisfied?"

"Did you just say shield?"

"You must be imagining things."

Reika was silent for a minute and after that, moved out of my way. I passed by her but I wanted to say one last thing to her.

"By the way, who is your boyfriend?"

"And why should I tell you that?"

"Thought so."

I took a shower, ate lunch and jumped on my bed. It was so relaxing and thus I was asleep immediately.

But I forgot to tell Reika why she was enquiring about me and Aki's relationship. Well, whatever.