Chapter 28: A Reasonable Deal

Hitomi Ayame. That's the name of the girl who has crimson red hair colour. And she was the one who saw me threatening Kinoshita due to the matters about the fighting rumours.

But even after having seen us, she hasn't reported us to the teachers. I honestly don't know what is she up to.

"From what I've heard, she came from a wealthy and influential family."

"Is she the spoilt type?"

"Nope. She has excellent grades, good results in sports and good manners. A person befitting a respectful family."

"That's...gonna be hard to deal with."

"And do you know what makes it harder? Apparently, she hates delinquents."


"What I'm trying to say is, if we really piss her off, she will make use of her family's connection to make us pay. Our parents will also get involved."

"Aren't you a little too pessimistic?"

"I'm just being cautious around this matter. And another extra information about her was that she was always alone in middle school."

"A loner huh. Anyway, that's good to know that you are starting to use your brain instead of your muscles."

A book came flying on my face at a great speed. I blocked it with both of my hands crossed so as to protect my face. Even so, the edge of the book hurt me quite a lot.

"Oi. Don't throw that directly at my face. That would've hurt badly if it would've hit."

"Unfortunately it didn't."

Aki's coldness was one thing that was scary about her. But its also that thing that made her qualified for the place of my shield.

And am I so ever happy that Aki is on my side. She would've been really troublesome to deal with if she was my opponent.

"Anyway, we have to be careful around her, especially you."

"Why only? We both are the same you know."

"Don't lump me with your kind."

"Now you're really making me angry. Let's settle it down with our card skills."

I pulled out a packet of cards used for poker and showed it to Aki. She smiled at me and replied,

"Do you even know how to play it?"

"Oh, now you've said it. You will be surprised by my skills. You may not know it but I'm an expert in this."

"We will see."

The showdown between us has begun.


6-5. That was the score between me and Aki. Surprisingly it was Aki who won. It was a tight game. We played 10 rounds but it was a draw so we decided to do one last game to decide the winner.

I was pretty confident with my play style but now my pride was shattered because of this one girl.

"I noticed something in the game. It's about how you lost."

"Tell me."

"You suck at bluffing."

"What? I'm pretty confident in concealing my expression."

"That's it. You try to conceal your intentions. Pro Poker players will know that you are up to something."

"Then what should I do? Should I keep a straight face throughout the whole game?"

"No. Instead, don't try to hide your intentions. Just pretend that you have a really good hand, even if it's shit."

I get the concept of what Aki was trying to say.

"I'm learning about something from Ms Aki here who is also a muscle head. It's a miracle."

I exaggerated the joke by extending my arms which welcomed Aki who was like a special existence. Aki was obviously angry but this time, she didn't attack me as she was getting tired of me already.

Looking at the clock, it was 11:00. And upon realising it, my stomach grumbled and the grumbling was heard by Aki.

"I guess it's time for lunch. I gotta leave."


"My house, obviously."

"You can have lunch here."

"I don't want to trouble you and your family any more."

"No, it's fine, really. And also we have many leftovers right now so we shouldn't waste them."

I stared at Aki for about thirty seconds. Aki was confused and creeped out by my action. Aki couldn't take it anymore so she tried to stop me.

"What is it? You are really being creepy."

"No, its nothing big just, I was wondering that it's rare seeing you being so nice to me."

"I'm not completely inhumane you know!"

"So you admit that you are one."

Silence fell in this room. Aki stood up, came near me and tried to grab me with both her hands. But I stop them by pushing her hands towards her. And as expected, it was futile. I wasn't in a good position to counter her.

"Do you want me to always stay inhuman?"

"No. Please don't! I'm sorry! I'm regretting my actions! More importantly, I'm getting hungry here. Could you please let me stay here for lunch!?"

"That's more like it."

Aki stopped the attack and went downstairs. I followed her quietly. She then talked to her family about me. Fortunately, they didn't mind and thus, I ate some delicious food.

After some time, I went to wash my mouth and hands in the washroom. After leaving the washroom, Sakura was standing in front of me. I wonder what could be the matter?

"What do you want, Sakura?"

"I want... your help."

"For what?"

"It's about Sis."

About Aki? I wonder what she wants to do.

"What about her?"

"I want Sis to be happy with us."

"...In other words, you want to improve your relationship with Aki?"

"Not only me but with our parents also."

"Why ask me? I'm just her friend. I shouldn't meddle in your personal affairs."

She was starting to be a bit discouraged but she kept struggling.

"Please help me, aren't you Sis's best friend. She had that smile when she was leaving her room. I've never seen that expression on her face for a long time. I'll be grateful to you if you help me."

"And what do I get by doing this?"


She was silent, not being able to give an appropriate answer to my question.

"How about a deal."

"A deal?"

"Yup. I'll help you with your matter and you help me with mine. Isn't it reasonable?"

"...What do you want me to do?"

"It's nothing big. You just have to befriend someone."


"Kimura Aoi. She goes to the same school as you, so it shouldn't be difficult to find her. Also, you can take your time befriending her. Consider this matter a part of helping Aki with you. Understood?"


"And no need to tell me the problems. I already know."


"I'm pretty smart," I said while wearing a cheeky smile on my average-looking face.

Our deal was settled so all we needed to do was to complete the task. I will take my time in this matter since it's too early for Aki to be in good terms with her family.

Since it was time for me to go, I informed everyone, including Aki, that I was going home. They didn't force me to stay any longer so as to not make me feel uncomfortable.

On my way home, I was thinking about ways to deal with Hitomi Ayame. While finding strategies to take out the obstacle named Ayame, it took no time for me to reach home.

But I noticed something. There were 2 people in front of the house who were talking to each other. But I didn't approach near them.

Because it was Reika and his boyfriend.