Chapter 30: A Useless Threat

A person opened the door to the rooftop like a brute. It was Hitomi Ayame. From where we were, it was difficult to see the person's face but due to the noticeable hair colour, I understood who it was immediately.

Hitomi Ayame was walking elegantly towards us. Her gait alone was enough for us to know, that she was on a different level compared to us.

Kinoshita stopped his training to look at where me and Aki were focusing on. He was curious at who she was and what business did she have here. She came to a stop and glared at us before she started talking to us.

"You two, can you do a job for me?"

That condescending voice filled with a hint of hatred was directed towards us. This girl seriously thinks that I'll let her go away with this kind of attitude towards me.

"For a rude girl who can't even address herself to us, I would definitely say no to your job proposal."

I couldn't ignore her attitude towards me so I rebuked her. Her face turned from an arrogant one to an irritating one. But soon after, she had a mocking smile on her face and crossed her arms.

"Oh my? It seems like a scum is trying to teach me some manners now. Really, what has happened to our world nowadays?"

She had a disappointing face when making that slander, which made her insult even more insulting.

Aki tried to barge into our conversation but I stopped her from doing it with a simple hand sign. This girl is getting me riled up now.

"Anyway, we don't want to be involved with you. So I refuse to work with you."

"Are you really sure that you want to do that?"

That smirk of confidence was plastered on her face. Does she have something against me? I was getting worried because I thought that somehow, she got ahold of a proof that would put me in danger.

"What are you trying to say?"

This time, Hitomi Ayame was coming closer to me. Aki was on guard and Kinoshita was also alerted towards Hitomi.

"You could be rusticated or even expelled from school by the deed of your atrocious actions."

"What evidence do you have for these baseless accusations that you are blabbering? Or do you perhaps have nothing on me and you are just pretending to have one."

Again, that confident and arrogant look on her face was kind of annoying me. It seems like she has got something. I better be cautious.

"The evidence is right here, in front of you."

She pointed her finger into Kinoshita's direction. All attention came onto Kinoshita. But this time, he was calm in this situation.

"Kinoshita? What about him?"

Aki questioned her in an annoyed tone. I guess that Aki was also getting irritated due to Hitomi's behaviour.

"You'll know about it eventually. It will be best if the victim himself speaks up. Now Kinoshita, can you tell me what those two scums did to you?"

At this small request by Hitomi Ayame, Kinoshita turned his sight to me but I avoided his gaze, and instead observed this girl named Hitomi. Upon analysing her, I have quite the information here.

She was clenching her fist a little and was trembling a bit. Behind that mask of confidence, there truly lies a wavering and unstable resolve in her face. It was as if Kinoshita was the only proof. But this 'guess' of mine isn't 100% trustworthy.

"Even if you tell me, I don't know what you mean."


Hitomi Ayame was truly at lost for words upon hearing Kinoshita's calm reply. More importantly, what did he mean by 'i don't know'.

"Didn't you get threatened and bullied by Kaburagi Tenma and Fujimoto Aki?"

"I think you are getting the wrong idea here Ms Hitomi. All these rumours that you've heard are all fake."

Kinoshita declined Hitomi's accusations towards me and Aki. Hitomi and even Aki were shocked by Kinoshita. He continued to deny Hitomi's accusation calmly.

"We are friends aren't we."

"But of course."

I replied Kinoshita with confidence so as to make his declaration of friendship obvious. Hitomi was now being pushed back with her own little game.

Her mask was starting to crumble and she couldn't hide her true face. Her true face was one with worry and helplessness. But why?

Hitomi tried to desperately make Kinoshita confess about the bullying matter.

"But...weren't you being threatened by Kaburagi behind the school building? I even saw you!"

I entered into their little interrogation.

"It's true that I was trying to fight him. But the fight was just a little mistake which Kinoshita made, so I got angry a little bit but that got resolved quickly and peacefully. And that's called true friendship."

"That's right. Friends do fight, but in order to not let their friends stray from the right path. And it was the same thing that Kaburagi had done to me at that time. If he hadn't done that, I would've gone astray."

Me, Aki and Hitomi listened to his reasons attentively. But despite that, Hitomi was still trying to accuse me but in vain.

It was good for me to change Kinoshita at the right time. If I hadn't do it, he may have confessed to Hitomi Ayame, letting me and Aki be in danger.

"You've listened to it through your own ears, you won't continue to accuse me, right?"


She didn't say anything else and instead, turned her back against us and started to leave quietly.

"Wait! What were you trying to make us do?"

I tried to take out some useful information from her. She turned around smoothly and stared at us with a defeated face.

"What's the use of knowing now?"

"We can help you with your problem. Think of it not as a help, but as a negotiation. So, we will have something in return."

She had a doubtful face upon my proposal, but eventually, after a few moments, she has a serious face.

"Fine. I'll tell you. Do you know who Miyake Kyoko is? Of course, you should know her since you humiliated her in front of everyone."

I nodded without any remorse for Miyake. She was a bit furious but regained her calm. I noticed that Kinoshita was still calm by hearing Miyake's name.

"I want you to make Miyake Kyoko be together with Ryusaki Aiza."


I sighed and thought to myself. Am I someone who should be solving problems related to love? First Reika and now Miyake. I myself hate the word 'love'. Now I'm being a fricking cupid for lovers. For god sake, am I the god of love!?

I again looked at Kinoshita for his reaction. He was a bit startled now since someone wants us to make his crush be together with someone else.

Well at least, there is something that I can gain from this.

"I accept your request."

Everyone was shocked but the most shocked one was Kinoshita. I wanted to eradicate this obstacle called Miyake in Kinoshita's progress of being my pawn. And this was a god-sent occasion for me to achieve that.

"What do you want in return?"


"How much?"



She didn't object as she thought that it was a small amount for her. Coming from a wealthy family, it shouldn't be a problem to give that much money. So I had to make the most of it. Aki and Kinoshita were silent but startled with the amount I said.

"This negotiation is now settled. And we made a new relationship between us."

I reached out my hand to her to shake hers. I was waiting for her hand to make contact with mine.