Chapter 40: Official Couple

"We are going to have a 3-day study camp from Monday to Wednesday. So prepare all the necessities that you need for your daily basis. And remember that it is compulsory for all of us. So don't complain about it and don't skip it. Okay?"

It was homeroom and an announcement from Ryusaki and Miyake, the class representatives, was made.

Apparently, we're gonna go on a study camp for 3 days next week. God knows where we are gonna go and do this stupid trip just to study and have a fun time with friends.

It was like a way to prepare for the midterm exams for all the freshmen as well as a method to enjoy ourselves. It was mandatory for all of us first-years. It was a waste of time for me as I didn't want to improve my results and I didn't want to have friends.

"Everyone, don't forget about anything on Monday. That's all for today. On Monday itself, you will get to know where we are going on this study camp program."

Miyake finished what Ryusaki started. She became more confident and closer to Ryusaki after our 'love operation' yesterday.

And Mr Kimura, our homeroom teacher intruded onto the topic by saying,

"Did anyone catch all of that? If you don't, then you could ask some questions regarding this matter."

Some girl asked a question like,

"Is our class going with the other classes at the same place?"

"Yes, that's true. Same place and same time. But each class will be separated during study time. The only time that you could meet with the other classes are when it is time to rest or in other activities."

The girl was satisfied with the answer and seemed quite happy.

"Are there any more questions that are on your mind?"

Nobody opened their mouth, signalling that they had nothing to add on this subject.

"I see that no one is having any doubts that wants to be cleared. With that being said, you two, go back to your seat."

The class representatives obeyed to the friendly teacher.

"Now that the important announcement has been made, class will be beginning in an instant."

After saying that, the bell couldn't get its timing any better. It rang and that marked the end of the period of homeroom.


In lunch break, both the class representatives were having lunch together. They talked a lot and were having quite a happy time. They looked like a couple.

Out of curiosity, one girl who was not from our class approached them sneakily without disturbing them. Once near, she made her presence known to Miyake and Ryusaki. By the look of their reaction, only Ryusaki knows that girl.

"How is it going Ryusaki?"

"Ah, it's you manager. I'm fine. What brings you here? Is there anything important?"

Now I get it. She is probably the soccer club's manager.

"Nothing in particular. I just came here cause I wanted to see you."


"In the morning, there were some strange but alluring rumours that were spreading. I couldn't resist so I came here to confirm it."

Those two were wondering what's on her head. Ryusaki questioned her for an answer.

"Could we know what the rumour is?"

Miyake nodded along with Ryusaki. The manager approached near them more closely and said in a teasing manner.

"Are you two really going out with each other?"

Ryusaki had a blank expression on his face, while Miyake was covering her whole face with her hands due to the embarrassing question. Her ears were red in colours, showing how much Miyake was blushing at this moment.

The students, especially the girls, who were in the vicinity, were quite intrigued by what is going on with those three. They were waiting for Ryusaki or Miyake to answer that manager's rather bold question.

Of course, myself and Aki were eavesdropping on them. Well not quite eavesdropping but we were having lunch together in the same class, so we could hear anything they said.

We all were waiting for either one of them to reply. After a few moments of silence between the two lovers, an answer was finally spoken.

"Yes,...we are dating."

Unexpectedly, it was Miyake who responded to the manager. Her hands, which were hiding her face, were moving slowly away.

What was revealed in front of the many students staring at her was a warm smile that could melt any men's heart in a second. That showed how much she was happy to announce that.

The surrounding students all stood up and came near the official couple. Various questions and teasings came from Miyake's classmates such as,

"Since when were you dating?"

"How did you two meet?"

"How did you two start loving each other?"

"Was it love at first sight?"

More questions were popping up from everywhere and less were being answered. Those two were being overwhelmed by the masses but they were not feeling uncomfortable because of them.

"It's a success, isn't it?"

Aki nodded without even looking at the group. And so, the lunch break was over after those group finished interviewing the lovebirds. The school ended pretty quickly because nothing much was going on that was interesting.

After that, it was the usual. Me training Kinoshita for like 45 minutes to 1 hour. Well, I definitely could say that the growth of Kinoshita's strength is steadily increasing. I have to make good use to it.


"Hurry up Brother! We're gonna be late if you haven't finished preparing your stuff."

"I know! Go ahead of me. I'll come later."

"You should've prepared it during the weekend but you were just busy playing your games!"

"Stop scolding me and go! I know I made a mistake but don't mind me, I'll be there in a few minutes."

"Okay, you reap what you sow."

"What did you say!?"

She left after scolding me pretty harshly. It's hugely my fault that I am in this dilemma. After I finished packing all of the necessary stuff that I need, I went to school tiredly.

There, I met up with Aki and Kinoshita who were, strangely enough, eager to go. I didn't want to know the reason but I certainly was curious.

Anyway, all 4 class which contained around 30 students each, were lined up in the gymnasium. It was decided that there will be 2 buses. One bus will be used by 2 classes. Fortunately, the class that Reika was in won't go together with our class.

When the bus arrived, me, Kinoshita and Aki were walking in a group of three with our bags on our back. When we were near the bus' door, a path was opened through the crowd of students. That's quite the privilege that we are having here.

Anyway, we secured 3 seats in the back and made us feel comfortable. Only the brave ones, who were mostly our classmates, took a seat near us as they were used to it.

"Is everyone here?"

The teacher in charge of the 2 class was, coincidentally, Mr Kimura.

"Since we have no problem here, let's depart to our destination."

I was already tired in the morning due to the packing that I did, so I slowly moved my eyelid down and took a little rest.