Chapter 53: Results

One month has passed since the end of the study camp program. During this one month, nothing out of the ordinary happened. Just a slight difference in our daily lives that I noticed during this period of time.

Kinoshita and Aki were investing a little more of their time in studying. Well, it was obvious as the midterm exams were near. Sacrificing half of their free time would be a given at this time of the term.

Those two were quite enthusiastic back at Hakuba for the class as it was longer. I guess getting a really good mark is their objective. Well since interrupting them would have a bad effect on our relationship and on their academic performance, I would let them be.

I won't hinder their studies because I'm not that dense and bad. But, I've been spending less and less time with them. Enduring the lonely time is the only thing I can do. After the exams are over, I'll be with them as much as I want.

And I forgot today was the start of the midterm exam. And I did not revise that well. As long as I get a passable mark, I'm not going to argue with that.


After 1 week since the start of the midterm exam, it is finally over. It was Friday today so I would go home. There would be no training for Kinoshita because he is already tired due to the test. And what's worse is that the subject was Maths.

Instead of seeing formulas or numbers like normal people do, it was like an alien language. Seriously, I gave up halfway. But I still managed to complete half of the paper, ignoring the fact that I could have made mistakes in my calculations.

Anyway, the tests are over so I need to stop thinking about all of this. And also, Aki and Kinoshita are now free, probably till the term-end exams. But still, I will enjoy every moment that I will get from those two.


It was Monday. And currently, it was the fifth period. This morning, our homeroom teacher informed us that there will be a board showing the results for the midterm exams. It will be displayed on the wall of the corridor.

It will be in the lunch break that the results will be posted on the board. Looking at my two friends who were anxious and tensed at the moment, I could tell that the others were feeling the same. The atmosphere was a bit heavy.

All of us were just waiting for the sound of the bell ringing, well except for me who was quite relaxed at the moment.


My classmates got off their seat and started to pack their stuff really quickly. I told Aki and Kinoshita to not rush it. But they were quite worried. Well, it is not like they are gonna die if they don't see their results first.

Almost all of them started to run or walk fast towards the class' door at the same time.

'Is this an Olympic Race?'

I stood up and went out of the class casually, just after those 'athletes' left through this door. Kinoshita and Aki joined me too. I could tell that they are nervous right now.

"You two, don't worry about the results. I'm sure that you've worked hard in the tests and did well."

"...Thanks, I guess. You have calmed us down a little."

Kinoshita nodded along with Aki's appreciation of my kindness.

"Just move forward and I'll be there behind you two."

Aki cast a doubtful gaze towards my relaxed face.

"What is it?"

"I'm not sure that we should be having you behind our backs."

"...Are you saying that I will backstab you?"

Aki made a mocking smile and replied,

"No. I'm just not confident when a guy with a bad result encourages me to get a really good result."

This girl...just pissed me off. And I was given no time to respond to her as Kinoshita was laughing at me.

"Why are you laughing? You making fun of me?"

"But what Aki said was a fact...pfft!"

"Not you too!"

Sighing was all I could do at that moment. Well, Aki did a great job to lighten up the mood but she used me.

"Even though I encouraged you with such great words, you just ruined it."

"Coming from your mouth, it sounded like you were talking jackshit."


"Not again, stop laughing Kinoshita."

"Okay, i...haha...will try."

After Kinoshita had stopped laughing at me, they walked towards a crowded people with confidence now. Approaching the noisy area, we looked from afar but we could still see the results, barely.

There were results for second years and third years too, but I was not interested in them. I watched closely at the results for first years and scanned who grabbed the first place.

'Kaburagi Reika' was the name printed in the first place spot. I was really not shocked at the position. Since middle school, she would always come first. There were some rivals in the second or third place who studied hard to get in first place vain.

There was particularly one girl who was quite the nemesis of Reika, who wouldn't give up but she still didn't get what she wants. I forgot her name but I felt bad for her.

Now that I think about it, I'm in no position to say that. A low scoring student is feeling bad because the second place did not get first place. Hah, makes me laugh.

Anyway, my line of sight moved down the poster, searching for my rank. The first very familiar name that came across was Kinoshita who was in.....7th position!?! and Aki who was in.....19th position?!?!

What is this? Am I illusioning? Is this a dream? How could they arrive that far? Maybe they really did work hard like there is no tomorrow. Their efforts really paid off. Feeling happy that they passed with a really good mark, I searched for my own name.

....And I'm not surprised because my name was last. Not surprised at all. 'Kaburagi Tenma' was in 120th place. Well, not something I should be happy with but, I'm satisfied because I passed the exams. If I would have failed, there would've been a slight problem.

"What position are you in, Kaburagi?"

Kinoshita cast a glance at me, wanting to know my rank.


"...Why do you sound so proud of it?"

Aki chimed into the conversation that me and Kinoshita started.

"I was sure that you would get a low result but not that low."

"Hey! At least I passed!"

"Whatever. Now I am 100% sure that I won't let you have my back because it will do us no good."

"You are wrong Aki. It is because I supported you two that you both got really good results."

Kinoshita came closer to me and added,

"But we were the ones who did all the hard work. You didn't help us at all."

"Well, I indirectly did. I didn't disturb you when you were studying."

".....Well, that's true."


The atmosphere around us was light. And it seems that Reika neither slacked off nor was she affected by his relationship with his boyfriend.

"Now that we've got the result we wanted, let's go and eat some food."

"You mean to say that you wanted to get last place?"

"Not last place. Just a passable mark."


There were some other students who were trying to get a better look at the posters containing information about the rankings. Since our business over here is done, we were now about to return to our class.

But I bumped into someone when I was turning around to head to my class. Well, that person just stepped back due to the impact.

Not saying anything and not even looking at the guy, I marched forward in the direction of my class because I can't even bother to deal with that person due to my empty stomach. Suddenly, I felt a strong grip on my right shoulder. It was not hurting me but it stopped me in my track.

Aki and Kinoshita watched me as I stopped, wondering what has happened to me. I slowly turned my neck back so as to see who has the guts to do such an action towards me.

And what met my eyes was a pair of black and alluring eyes. The one who stopped me was quite handsome and yet, he seemed somewhat bored with life. Tie was loosened a bit, like me, and he had long black hair, reaching down his eyes.

He seemed gloomy at first but, I wonder with that not so average face, how can he be not gloomy. The one that matched my description was the one I met at the roof one time. It was a creepy boy that I met and here he is, before me, grabbing my shoulder and stopping me in my path.