Chapter 58: Lurking Dangers (Kinoshita's POV)

I took out my phone and I saw that it was 6:10 p.m when I turned it on. It was starting to get dark. The sun was prepared to set and was ready to declare to us that this was it for today. It is time to go home and sleep on your precious beds.

I opened the door to exit an establishment, where there are rented rooms for a session of Karaoke amongst families or friends. 3 people followed me out with enthralled faces, whilst chattering among themselves.

I knew why they were this delighted as I myself was in this state. The fun and excitement that I had in there was truly an out of the ordinary event that happened to me. Never in my life had I went to a Karaoke session, not even interested in it. But today was really unusual for me to attend one.

It's true that I was forced by Kaburagi to come here. Supposedly, it was to minimise the stress that had been built up for the midterm exams, and to congratulate us two, meaning me and Fujimoto, for achieving good results. But some part of me was a little intrigued to Kaburagi's proposition.

And this was the outcome of accepting that proposal.

"Oi Aki. I didn't know that you could sing that well." Kaburagi pointed out as we exited.

"What? You getting jealous again?" Said Fujimoto while smirking.

"I'm not jealous. I'm just surprised by that scenery that I was watching in that room. And I got to say that I had seen something quite fascinating about you."

Kaburagi refuted her because his motive was not to belittle her, but to praise her. That last duet song performed by the two Fujimotos pulled us all together for a somewhat lavish end. This day would be ingrained in our head as one of the most fun times we ever had unitedly.

"I assure you that this is not the only fascinating thing that you will see about me."

The elder Fujimoto guaranteed Kaburagi with an overbearing pride that she displayed expansively so that all three of us would be expecting those things restlessly. We were not restless, but our curiosity was certainly piqued.

We started to walk in the desolated pavement as it was late in the evening. The only people we could see were students leaving from cram schools, adults with business suits tiredly returning home from a stressful day at work, and delinquent looking adolescents who were loitering around.

Since it is quite dangerous for the 2 girls to be strolling at this hour, although it is unneeded as there is the scary elder Fujimoto, we decided to escort them to their home first.

The house of the Fujimotos could be seen after a 20-minute walk of fun times and insults toward Kaburagi, which were passed on between us four. It was a slightly sad and small goodbye as that would mean the dwindling of the playfulness, which was instilled in us after having a good time in the Karaoke box.

Nonetheless, it was not the time to be so sorrowful right now. The least we can do is to order our brain to retain the pleasurable experience that we had and store it in a safe place. So that whenever we feel down, we just need to relive that moment into our minds that bring a smile to our depressed faces.

Me and Kaburagi walked side by side to me as we leisurely advanced closer to the junction that would separate us.

"Once again Kinoshita. I'm sorry for that action earlier. I couldn't control myself."

Kaburagi started a conversation to express his forgiveness for the questionable act towards me. Looking at how embarrassed he was when he brought up this mortifying yet so reasonably funny topic, I tried to end this small exchange by saying it was okay.

"Like I said Kaburagi, it really is fine. Only 3 people saw your outrageous form and I doubt that those 2 will leak this to others. So don't worry about this."

"Yeah, if you say so. By the way, how is it going with your training? Do you feel like it's time to step up the level?"

"Umm...Not in particular. When I feel like it, then I will tell you."

"Sounds good to me."

Chatting in this small period of time and we have arrived at the separation point in the nick of time. We each went our own ways to reach our home. After having such a thrilling day, the energy in our body would obviously drain out. But the energy that was used will always be remembered.

I took a turn in the direction of my house while recalling the entertainment we indulged ourselves in. But that thought was interrupted violently.

I was abruptly pulled with the help of my arm, and thrown onto the concrete wall into a small alley. My back received a temporary slight pain before I gathered all my senses because of that fast aggressive act against me.

I concentrated on the people who were responsible for this bad behaviour. 2 people were all I could discern who would be the cause, for which I'm in this rather weakened state.

Male was the correct gender that I could use when I determined their sex. Those 2 had again something in common. Their school uniform was screaming out that they were from Chiba High School. But I wonder why do they have a business with me? I don't even know anyone from that school.

"I'm sure that our boss would resent us for doing it this method, but I think that it's gonna be a warning enough for that demon."

One of the boys started to crack his knuckles, seemingly ready to fight someone. And did he mention demon? The only person that I'm close, or even at least is related to me, who is referred with such a term would probably be Kaburagi Tenma or Fujimoto Aki.

I'm more inclined towards Kaburagi because I know that he is in search of needless fights. Yet somehow, those needless fights would likely bring him some kind of satisfactory results. Fujimoto won't do something such as creating trouble just for the sake of it, and I know that she won't gain anything from them.

"I'll mess you up a little."

One of the more angry-looking guy glared at me with ill intent. Thinking about it, I'm in a really bad position here. I don't have any experiences of fighting with anyone. I have just been tutored on exercises and moves, but not any sparing was done with Kaburagi.

'Just as I thought that today was a really good day...'

I sighed on the inside and was preparing myself mentally for some injuries that are yet to be scathed on me. I slowly back up from them to gain some distance. I took a fighting pose that I am comfortable with and readied myself to get hurt.

"Oh, so you don't want to go down without a fight. Then I'll gladly take up your offer."

Those two did the same as me and prepared themselves to fight. The angry-looking one approached me carelessly and threw in a side punch directed to my face. I avoided it by retreating the position of my head. In the process, my feet moved backwards to regain the stability of my body.

Continuously, he would punch, jab and sometimes do an uppercut to me but, none of them were making contact with me. Despite those fruitless attempts, he was driving me closer to a corner with no escape route.

Dammit!! I should've positioned myself in a better place. That is the result of being an inexperienced fighter. The second guy was blocking the escape routes that the other guy was leaving while he was attacking me. The one behind the attacker was smart it seems, more like the supporting type. That means the hindrance is the one in front of me.

"Hehehe, I got you cornered nicely."

He said that as my back was touching the wall. Seeing that my chance of avoiding his attacks is getting dimmer, he decided to pounce on me by trying to grab ahold of me. It's game over if he happens to succeed in it.

But I will not let that happen!! Not even a chance!!

Instead of ducking under through his legs, just like how I saw Fujimoto do it on the rooftop, I dashed forward into his direction. I used my shoulder to push him away from me, by aiming at his chest. He was startled by my move, and it was blatantly shown on his face.

Still confused, he stumbled backwards and received a low punch onto his stomach. The most basic yet fatal move which I was taught by Kaburagi. The guy opened his mouth reflexively and let out an 'Ack' noise before withdrawing from his onslaught.

But the second I punched that guy, the other boy grabbed me from behind and got me in a joint lock. I was unable to break loose from him. I struggled to get out as hard as I could but in vain. As a bonus, the scary person who I just punched, looked at me with more bloodlust. This is starting to look worse and worse as times.

"You have really made it worse for yourself bastard! Blame yourself."

He approached me with a bloodthirsty face and,

*Bam*...a hit to my right cheek.

*Bam*..... a hit to my left cheek.

*Bam*..... again to my right.

I was really in an anguished state. Pain kept on increasing and increasing and increasing and increasing each time he attacked me.

This sensation of being someone who can do nothing is coming back to me. The time I was.....weak.....It's coming back.....

.....Yea....nothing has changed...

Before and right now....nothing.....

.....If.....If only I could.....