Chapter 62: Special Feeling

Pride is a feeling that everyone has. The quantity that one holds pride depends on their character and their circumstances. It can be said that someone's pride is good for himself.

But being too prideful of something is dangerous and so.....sinful.

Normally someone would take pride in their wealth, their strength, their position in society or even their child's competency. It is not bad to feel such an emotion.

But in my opinion, it is such a useless pleasure or satisfaction that they get from something that they are proud of. Overflowing pride can be someone's strength and weakness too.

The latter was such a case with this red-haired guy, the leader. Having pride in his physical strength is one point but being too overconfident is another. Pride is such a sinful weapon if we cannot wield it properly.

Wonder how I took him down? Here is how...

First off, I tried to make him drop his guard against me. As he saw me dismantling almost half of his group of followers, I needed to establish a new position in that leader's mind. I am strong, but not stronger than him. The only way to achieve this is by acting weak.

By 'acting', I do not mean being beaten harmlessly by this guy. I literally got beaten, pushed away and thrown on the ground and it still hurts like hell. I wanted to make it believable, that's why I went to this length or he would not have taken the bait. Although the attacks and injuries were real, I ensured to at least avoid getting blows to my head.

Seriously though, if I'm hit by those brick-like punches, then I'm not sure that I would have escaped without being concussed.

After being the weak guy for some time, we would reach a certain point where the leader would slowly let his guard down due to his disappointment in me. And he did but it was displayed differently from what I could anticipate. He was now in cocky mode, as he was 'playing' with me and getting bored really quickly.

Blocking my 'weak' punches with the palm of his hands was a way to exhibit the strength that he has.

Such a prideful attitude.

I continued to fall over as he threw me and I continued to attack him. As time went, the boredness was filling him and pride was overflowing in him.

It was the perfect time. I just got thrown down to the dirty asphalt of this big alleyway. My body was now starting to reach its limit now. It's been a while since I have got this injured. A glint caught the corner of my eye and I quickly grabbed it into my possession.

A shattered beer bottle glass which was littered nearby where I fell, was the source of the glint that I caught sight of.

I put in between my index number and my middle finger of my right hand, without anyone noticing in just a matter of seconds. I'm pretty much sure that the red-haired guy would not be that much aware as he does not want to even bother looking at such a letdown.

I stood up with a little difficulty, coping with the pain that has been mostly inflicted on my back and sides. Then I dashed to my already tired opponent, with my fist tightly clenched as I threw it.

And as it made contact with the palm of my target's hand.....


...a soothing agonized shriek swam into my ears like harmless fishes being carried by the small waves near the shore.


It felt if I was listening to some relaxing music played by a piano or a violin. Hell, if this sample of sound was used by an orchestra, then I would've definitely paid to listen to this.

Anyway...we already know what happened from there on. Now we are left with these two Chiba High School delinquents.

I called Ken near me and confirmed something with him.

"It's him, right?" as I pointed my finger towards the angry looking boy who is now trembling upon my attention to him. Ken nodded as he cast a glance at him.

"So Ken, you said you want to do some sparring?" I proposed Ken this idea as I thought of something fun.

"...Yes but, are we doing it now?" Ken and Aki had both confused stares surrounding my presence.

"No no, that's not it. Before you move onto the phase of sparring, some practice must be done." I put my right arm around his neck like a really close friend, with my knuckles still covered in the blood of that red-haired guy.

"Practice? Like moves?"

"Not really. You just need to grasp a special feeling."

"Huh? You are asking in such a confusing way Tenma. Please tell me what do you mean by 'special feeling'?"

"You know, in fights, we do hurt our opponents but they can also hurt us. Ken, you have already experienced the latter many times, felt it, embraced it. But what about the former? Have you ever properly hit someone? Inflict pain onto somebody?"

"Not really....."

He looked away from me as I explained to him the principle of a fight. You do get hit from the other party but that is not the only thing in a fight. You retaliate and do the same, or even better, win against him. One-sided of pain is just plain violence, not a fight.

"...But I did hit him though."

He...pouted...when he side glanced me. Now wait a second here. What is this kind of development? Is he like unhappy that I do not think of him highly in the fighting department? What an unexpected trait about Kinoshita Ken.

"...Is that so? Then tell me this. Are you satisfied with the hits that you landed on him?"

His head hung a bit low as he gazed at the one who ambushed him, ruminating on what I had just said. After a few moments, a simple, short and cold reply exited his mouth...


..which put us in the next step of this lesson. I felt a bit elated from his response, or maybe a bit relief as if he had said yes, then we would not have had this fun that we would be having here in just a few minutes.

I approached his assailant while signalling him to come near me. Of course, he would not heed to such orders but eventually, he will be in my custody.

As he retreated every time I took a step closer to him. After a few steps, he came to a full stop, unwillingly.

Aki was the cause of this. Her right hand, fully extended, was pressed against the terrified boy that halted him in his track. He threw a glance backwards to see who was responsible and he quickly put on an incapacitated face upon knowing who it was.

"Oy now, don't back down. You started this and this will only end with you. I intend to make it that way, with or without your permission."

As I was a foot away from him, Aki retracted her hand to its original position. I swiftly took the boy's left hand and went behind his back and took his other hand. Both of them were held down by me.

I nodded subtly towards Aki as I said, "Thank you again."

Aki had a thin wry smile. She then turned her head away from me and proceeded to get near the other terrified boy so that he would not escape. She really understands the situation well.

Now back to the main dish, he was starting to quiver a bit more intense as I brought him near Ken. Ken was looking at him with hatred, but mostly looking forward to what I am trying to do.

"Here Ken. A gift of apology for you from me. It was my fault that you are injured. See his face? Do what he did to you tenfold or hundredfold, I don't care. But please, forgive me."

As my apologetic face gazed at Ken's face, his mouth was a tad bit agape, little astounded by my apology.

"...Like I said Tenma, it's okay. You are contradicting yourself a bit here. You said that there are no 'sorrys' in our relationship. Yet, what are you doing right now?"

I genuinely smiled as I remembered those words that had exited my mouth at that moment.

"And as for the gift you are offering me..."

He was looking away as he said those phrases. I saw his upper lip curl upwards. Then, he brought his attention to my 'gift'.

"...I'll gladly take it!"

He raised his voice louder than usual and swung his right fist into the cheek of the boy. Groans were starting to increase in volume as Ken kept swinging his fists onto the cheeks of the battered delinquent.

"Wow. This really is different from hitting the air. This will really help me with my training. I think I know what you mean by this 'special feeling' that you speak of!"

"Right? This is essential. Oh Ken, how about an elbow to the side of his forehead?"

He proceeded on following my request and it did more damage as we deduced from the screams mixed with pain.

"Then an uppercut!" He did it a moment later as I said it.

"A kick to the side of his head now!" He obediently lifted his leg to hit the designated spot.

"How about the punch that I taught you! Right into the nose!" He excitedly drove his knuckles into his nose.

"Ah, this is good! Let's further pile this guy's misery by headbutting him." He really did it but he was acting strange.

"Aaahh!! I'm dizzy Tenma. His skull is hard."

He put his hand on his head as he said that.

"Really? Then don't aim there. Now, now, now, do a side punch near his ear." Ken followed my orders perfectly.

"His teeth! Knock his-!!"

Ken's hand stopped in its path. Grabbing Ken's forearm was enough to stop him from punching. Aki was staring at Ken with a worried look. Her eyes were locked onto his.

"You are going a bit too far Ken."

His face expression changed into an apologetic one. Aki then shot a piercing glare into my eyes and raised her voice,

"And you! You are enjoying this way too much!"


"Then wipe that perverted smirk off your shitty face!"

I coughed many times to get my mind straight and reflected on myself. I tossed the guy that was in my custody, away from me. He lifelessly fell down to the ground. I think he is unconscious.

"I went a bit too far. I will not repeat this again."

Well since I got revenge for Ken, or it is more appropriate to say that Ken got his revenge with my help, I was now in a happy mood. Ken approached me as I was thinking about going home.

"Tenma..., can I ask for another gift from you?


As baffled I was on the inside, I remained calm and curious externally.

"You can ask me. What is it that you want?"

"I want to grasp the 'special feeling' on him too."

He glared at the other delinquent who was just standing there alone and scared. I was more perplexed but I did not get ahead of myself. I did not do such things like quickly turning him into a sandbag.

Rather, I made eye contact with Aki. Ken also did the same and joined me.

After a few seconds of staring, Aki broke the staring contest and walked near the terrified guy. As she looked at him with sympathy, she sighed then grabbed him roughly. Then, she threw him near me, tumbling on the ground as he let out an 'Ack' noise.

I lifted my head to regain my sight on Aki. A tinge of furiousness accompanied by some helplessness masked her face.

"Do what you want. Just bring it down a level."

Just as a happy dog who was given a delicious meal, Ken smiled grandly. But for me, I kept my real emotion that I felt on the inside. I just thinly curved the edges of my lips upwards.

"I know that you are celebrating inwardly Tenma. Don't try to act like a cool and calm person in front of me. And Ken, don't push yourself too hard. Just...don't take it too far."

Ken wanted to say something but instead, he nodded to her words. Me? I was scared when she read my feelings. I cannot be bothered with her psychic abilities right now as I have another thing to do.

Me and Ken looked down at the scared delinquent,

"Say, Ken, why do you want to beat him too?"

"Because he was one of the guys who ambushed me. Is that good enough of a reason?"

"Hmm. Yes. I'm sure that it is, in my opinion at least. Well, let's cut the small talk and feast on this desert."

Me and Ken approached him slowly and excitedly. He was trying to get up and run away but I stomped on his hand and let my leg stayed there. My foot was crushing his hand and was moving in such a way that the guy was bellowing unintelligible screams.

Ken bend down and with a grin, proudly told him,

"You are on the side of getting beaten up now. Enjoy the moments that I felt when you were on this side."

He then kicked him in his face, making the victim roll away. He was holding his face in pain, blood gushing out from his forehead. We continued to play with him as we closed in on him. The joy that flowed inside of me was constantly filling my body.

Aki, in the distance, was watching this disturbing scene with her arms crossed. I only caught a glimpse of her since I was too concentrated on our plaything.

I did not hear what she said but I think that I unintentionally lip read a word when she was murmuring to herself.
