Atomsk D. Avery

"That's a good question. 🤔

Should I call myself the same as in my previous life? 🤨

Not that I have anything against my previous name, but...

You know the saying... 😉

New life new name...😂" He said jocking arround

"I want a COOL name that shows my greatness and reminds me of all the traits I hope to have in this life ...

More beloved than Goku from Dragon Ball!🤩

More charismatic than Kamina from TTGL!😎

More badass than Dante from Devil May Cry 3!🤩

Stronger than Saitama from One Punch Man!🤩

Faster than Minato Namikaze from Naruto!🤩

Smarter than Kisuke Urahara of Bleach🤩

More cunning than Sora of No Game No Life!🤩

More entrepreneur than Seto Kaiba from Yu-gi-oh!🤩

More ambitious than Nijima from Kenichi!👽

More versatile than Homer Simpson (I do not know how many jobs he has had to date)😅!


Or at least I will try...😂" He said with determination


After thinking about it for a while, he chose one

"Atomsk D. Avery" He said with pride

Autor note: The name is Atomsk ... I am using the Western order in the names

Why did I choose this name?

I'll explain it

"Atomsk: The pirate King of the mythical FCLC, capable of stealing entire planetary systems, without a doubt the most powerful pirate of the anim... and because I have always thought it is a very cool name" He nodded to himself

"D.: To honor the pirate King Gol D. Roger and quite possibly the future Pirate King Monkey D. Luffy from my favorite work ... One Piece ... which I surely will not see again" He said tearfully

"Avery: In honor of Henry Avery, who was considered the Pirate King in real life." he said

Why a name related 100% with pirates? Well ... My intention the day I died was to see me One Piece again ... and because I want to be as indomitable as they were

"Well, let's get rid of geek things...😅 for the moment... 😁

I already have a cool name...

Now is the time to boast about him with class ..." Atomsk said trying to change the subject

Calmer and newly baptized by himself, he left the water and prepared to start with his new life.

The first goal was... Getting used to his new body and find out if it contains more surprises.

As the experts recommend...

Before doing sports it is important to do a good warm-up ... And for that reason Atomks both to warm up and to test how flexible his body was...

The results were shocking ...

Unlike his previous life, in which he had the same flexibility as a stone, which made him unable even to lift the stone above his waist...

In this life, his leg could be raised above the head...

It didn't take him long to realize that he was able of twisting himself in ways that only a professional contortionist could,

"JOJOJO I've always wanted to do this ... and for the first time I do not have the absolute danger of permanently injuring myself😂" Said atomks trying to hold back the laughter

Atomsk fell quickly to the ground opening his legs so that the legs were aligned with each other, they were extended in opposite directions forming between them a 180 ° angle.

"YES, I HAVE MADE A PERFECT VAN DAMME AT THE FIRST ATTEMPT😁" He laughed after enduring the laughter

But unfortunately this was not the only stupid idea that came to mind.

"Wait ... With this flexibility ... 😨

Will I be able to challenge the limits that Mother Nature has imposed on men?🤔

Well ... I don't lose anything trying ...😕" He said with a face that showed curiosity and embarrassment at the same time

Yes ... the ones you were thinking that our beloved, charismatic, cool, strong, fast, intelligent, astute, enterprising, ambitious and multi-faceted protagonist was alleviating himself in a non-manual way (self-fellatio)…

Ynfortunately you have guessed right...

And I, as the narrator of this novel, will not narrate anything like that until the story ends because of simple shame and self-esteem ... (yes, I've broken the 4th wall).

"It's been... weird😶 ... I think I better not do this again😒 ... at least in a while😅" He said while rinsing his mouth in pool water

Well ... It has been shown that I am extremely flexible... let's see how fast I am" Said Atomsk

"The room is quite big ... Luckily I will not need to go outside to practice... 😌

I know I said I would change habits in this life and be proactive... 😑

But it's my first day... 😫

I'll give myself a break😗" He said joking

Atomsk went to one end of the room, his intention was to reach the other end running at the fastest possible speed while mentally counting how much time it took to travel that distance.

He told out loud






When he announced the start, he hit the ground with his left foot and started running as fast as he could

He had never been a good runner...

He was slow and spent energy uselessly,

When he practiced sports his coaches and teammates always told him that he did not run correctly, that he did not raise his legs correctly, that he breathed irregularly, that his body did not swing to the rhythm of the legs...

However, in this new body, these bad habits were less visible with each stride

Each step was faster and required less effort ... as if instinctively trying to find what was the most effective and efficient way...

Atomsk felt as if that he was cutting the wind... In few seconds he had reached the other end of the room...

"INCREDIBLE, I have traveled 323.8 meters in 10.81 seconds, I am able to run at a speed of 107.83 K/h Fuck!😨

Usain Bolt, the fastest man on earth has only managed to reach 37.58 k / h in the 100 meter flat test, completing it in 9.58 seconds. 😲

The difference is abysmal... I am a Super Human!?🤩

Eh?... 🤨

Wait a moment!😵" Said Atomks stunned

Atomsk was very excited by the inhuman speed he had achieved in his first attempt, with an unpolished technique, without sweating, getting tired or increasing his body heat in the least...

He had approached the top speed of the leopard, the fastest land animal in the world without hardly effort, The leopard can only reach that speed for a few seconds before having to stop by fatigue and overheating...

However, what had startled him more was...

His incredible ability to calculate, processing and precision.

Atomsk was never stupid... just lazy...

However, he was never good at math...

The fact that he managed to pass math in the University is still one of the great mysteries on campus today... but as if it were witchcraft, now he was able to calculate mentally instantaneously and unconsciously...

He was able to measure distances with absolute precision with only the sight ... and to remember data that he did not think he had stored in his brain...

"FUCK ... I'm still able of remembering the questions of all my math exams since I started elementary school... 😨


I just answered them all in 3 seconds... 😱


"Am I some kind of mutant?😎" Atomks said trying to find some explanation

"Take it easy! Take it easy! I have yet to try more things.

I wanted to check what my strength is after checking the speed ... but since I can not find anything heavy in the room ... And to my newly discovered mental and intuitive abilities ... I've changed my mind…" Atomsk said with an evil laugh while licking his lips

Atomsk understood that the best way to find the limit of his physical abilities, improve his skills and increase his survival capacity were ... martial arts

He never practiced martial arts seriously, some judo in his childhood...

However, he was a geek of legendary level...

Among films, series, documentaries, manga or anime, of fights or martial arts...

The knowledge buried in his new and prodigious brain was deep as the ocean

And just like when Neo de Matrix transferred data directly to the brain of all the martial arts of the world...

Atomsk was discovering progressively partly due to his memories partly instinctively ... how to perform each punch, each kick, each elbow blow, each Knee blow, each jump, etc…

Every movement of his body was learning to perform as efficiently and effectively as possible, no matter what position he was.

For about 4 hours, without rest, in a state of intoxication due to the magical feeling of being able to do anything... He continued to move in a frenetic manner, sometimes striking fast and precise strokes at angles and positions that could be considered impossible, at others apparently simple, but extremely complex and that they contained a great destructive power ...

Until he finally stopped moving...

Not to catch his breath...

Not to take a break...

Not to give up....

Of course he had not wandered around again.

He just... believed that he had reached perfection...

He did not know how his technique could improve more

he did not know even if it was possible


"HAHAHA! Awesome, simply awesome!

I do not know if I am the only person in the world who, within a few hours of being born, is able of all this, but whether I am the only one or not...

This life promises to be very exciting🤩" He said with satisfaction as he watched the ceiling of the room