Have you asked him already?

After the training, Sarah and Atomsk meditated without rest until lunchtime.

In this meditation session Atomsk realized how beneficial Sarah's training had been.

This training session, practicing together "No pain No game" and "Welcome To My Life" was not only strengthened your body quickly.

Also increasing its absorption rate of Origin energy from his surroundings.

[This method is working very well😤

My body is strengthening, Liberate Me From Hell is strengthening, and the three energies within me are also gradually increasing.😎

At this rate, I will surely reach level 3 in three days😏

Although I'm a long way from unlocking my second chakra...😩

Do all the Devas of this world do a similar training?😅

No, not everyone does it🤔

Those three village idiots were similar in age to Sarah but...🤔

They were not even AVATAR Masters, while Sarah is AVATAR Marquis...😝

Will it be a method of training only the nobles practice?🤔

I'll have to ask...😁

By the way, I will also try to solve a doubt that torments me...😟]


While eating Atomsk took the opportunity to solve his doubts...

"Sarah, I have two questions ... could you help me solve them?" Atomsk asked, pretending a certain shyness

"Of course, ask me everything you want" Sarah replied, which was delighted that Atomsk trusted her to answer his questions

"The first one is ... Do all the Devas train in the same way and with the same intensity that we have done today?" Atomsk asked confidently seeing that Sarah was very motivated in her role as a teacher.

Sarah, at that moment she got a little nervous and became upset. "Why are you asking? Did you ... find it difficult? Do you want us to slow down? It's the first time I train someone so young ... I do not know if I've exceeded ... " Sarah said very nervous and worried.

Atomsk seeing that Sarah had misinterpreted him said "No, I do not mean it, I love this training and I want to repeat tomorrow, I was just curious" Atomks said while trying to calm her down

"Jojojo, no, it's not what all the Devas do... Performing such hard and efficient training, accompanied by the necessary nutritional base like the one you are having today...

It is within the reach of few people... even so, I think that nobody trains as hard as Miss Sarah, not for nothing in the academy She has earned the nickname of ..." Before Sebastian could finish the sentence… Sarah, more embarrassed than ever... covered his mouth.

With a terrifying face, she whispered to Sebastian "What did I tell you about not using that nickname in front of my dear Atomsk?😈" Upon hearing Sarah... Cold sweat began to fall from Sebastian's forehead...😓


Okay, that answers my question ... but...😅

It has made me ask others about my "adorable" older sister hahahha😂😂😂

Although I suppose that could explain his athlete body😅]

Sarah after making sure Sebastian would not continue with that conversation said "Hahahaha... this Sebastian... always with his jokes ... what was your other question?" Sarah asked trying to change the subject of the conversation

"I have read that the aspect of AVATAR's is different for each person.

Even if it is the same AVATAR in the same family, everyone has certain differences... What are these differences due to?" Atomsk asked, trying to understand the cool aspect of his AVATAR.

"What you have read is true; the aspect of the AVATAR's is different for each person, especially for the Treasure type.

The differences can be explained by several reasons ... The size of the user, his personality, his aspirations, his tastes...

Also in having a very clear, constant and emotionally linked image to the ideal design of your future AVATAR...

For example:

If a person has an idyllic idea of which is the perfect sword ... at the moment of awakening his AVATAR... in the case that his AVATAR is a sword, it is very likely that it will take that form or a very similar one." Sarah replied as she watched Atomsk's thoughtful face.

[Considering this explanation...🤔

It is very likely that my AVATAR would have been a humanoid AVATAR from beginning...🤨

It is very likely, since my AVATAR is strangely linked to my body...🤔

And certainly... Yes, I think the Tengen Toppa Gurren Laggan is the most perfect humanoid-looking being that exists...🧐

Surely that's why my AVATAR looks so similar ... except for certain details, which I guess have been removed and added to make it more functional...🤓

The colors white, black and gray, I guess they come from the Ying-Yang stone of my STIGMA ...

Everything else fits...🤔

In addition, how proud I feel about myself, for having brought something so cool to this world😭🤪😎🤩]

"Atomsk are you crying? Does something happen to you? "Sarah asked, which did not understand why Atomsk was crying ... crying with such a determined face ...

"Do not worry ... it's liquid adrenaline… again... " Atomsk said as he dried up the liquid adrenaline...

However, Sarah and Sebastian did not have time to inquire more into the strange behavior of Atomsk, since they had guests...

"Hello, how are you all?" Said a very familiar voice...

Hearing that voice ... Sarah became defensive.

"What are you doing here?" Sarah said in an inquisitive tone as she pointed to Mathias, James and Jehko, who had just entered the room.

"What a silly question, to hand over the blacksmith equipment to Atomsk, as we had agreed yesterday ..." Mathias said.

"Yes, I know that, I asked those two elderly people who accompany you," Said Sarah addressing to her grandparents.

"How wicked you are, I just wanted to visit my favourite granddaughter and bring a few changes of clothes to his future husband ... and you treat me this way" Jehk said melodramatically ... while Sarah did not try to reproach him the joke of call Atomsk her future husband… she was tired of doing that

"Sebastian told me that you and Atomsk would have a trial fight this morning ... that's why I came, to heal he in case you still haven't learned to control yourself" James said while staring at Atomsk ... He was surprised to see that he had no injuries.

[Should I say that there is no need to give me anything?😵

That I will pay them everything they have brought me..🧐.

Would that be a lack of courtesy?😓

Better not ask anything, more money for me🤑]

"We have also brought things to drink and eat, who joins us to the party?" Jehko said as he pulled out a large amount of alcohol and candy from his space ring.

Sarah, defeated by the situation, said: "Atomsk, I think today it will be impossible to train too much with these partiers among us..."

Sarah was absolutely right ... once the grandparents of Sarah and Mathias arrived, it was impossible to continue with the training plan.

For more than 6 hours the party lasted, they ate and, above all, drank above what a human on earth could consume in days ... While the grandparents and Mathias explained the stories of their youth.

Among all those stories, it was included how Sarah's grandparents met and dated... many of those stories were quite embarrassing for Sarah

How Mathias and the grandparents met and how they all retired in the village.

Stories of when Sarah went on holidays to the village when she was little ...

And many other family stories and conversations.

At one point, Mathias moved away from the group with Atomsk and showed him the mobile equipment to forge that had brought him to Atomsk for his practice.

He taught him how to use it, how to maintain it, he gave him a few practical courses on how to forge correctly, and also answered several questions that Atomsk had in mind since last night.

However, while Mathias and Atomsk were busy talking about blacksmithing...

Another conversation was taking place in the house.

Sarah and Jehko were talking while James and Sebastian had fallen asleep due to the drunkenness (None of them endured alcohol very well.).

It was the typical comic gag that Jehko always repeated in the presence of Sarah to annoy she...

Until Jehko drastically changed his tone and asked Sarah a serious question, which she didn't expect.

"Sarah, have you asked him already?" Jehko asked Sarah very seriously...

"Ask what grandma?" Sarah replied

"Do not play dumb with me ... Have you already asked Atomsk if he wants to come with you?" Jehko insisted.

"Sebastian told you?" Sarah asked as she watched the drunken Sebastian

"I do not need Sebastian to tell me anything, I know my only and dear granddaughter too well to know what she's thinking about," Jehko said as he stroked Sarah's head.

"I still have not found the right moment," Sarah said defensively.

"Do you plan to wait until the last day for fear of being rejected? Or is it because you are afraid that he will accept to leave with you?" Jehko asked again tenderly.

Sarah did not answer this time...

"Honey, I know this is difficult, believe me ... I know.

However, we have to be strong and courageous and face our fears and doubts.

And you are a strong and courageous person, you have shown it all your life, but...

The more you try to deny your weaknesses and complexes, the bigger they will become...

Besides, I'm sure Atomsk will go with you ... and it will be the feminine or grandmother's intuition, but ... I know nothing will happen to Atomsk inside that herd of yenas, I think that guy is smarter and stronger than anyone of the two are able to imagine.

Remember, whatever happens, your grandmother ... and your grandfather (drunk as a vat) will always support and love you" Said Jehko while hugging Sarah, who had turned her back to her grandmother ... to hide her tears, which fell down his cheeks.