Perhaps a dream..?

Grace felt the sunlight. She wanted to go back to sleep for a while but was defeated in the end. Oh, how much she hated this sunlight. Opening her eyes a little, it felt so hard for a minute.

She stared blankly for a second and tried to remember what happened. She felt her legs ache, but other than that she was feeling okay. More like she is feeling the best of all of her twenty years of life.

Feeling? Wait, sunlight...Sunlight??! She was alive! Sweet Jesus, she didn't die. She didn't die!

Wait..stay calm, that's impossible. She knew she was dying, she felt it. All the blood inside her body was on her bed. It was impossible for her to be alive. But she is still in the hospital and she was feeling fine. Maybe..a dream? Perhaps she dreamed of dying?

After ten minutes of discussion with herself, she realized the room she was in was bigger than before. A beautifully crafted white round table with a vase filled with lilies was right next to her window. A humidifier on her nightstand to her left. A big glass door on her left across the room and a little living room with leather couches and a small brown table with flowers and boxes of presents in front of her and a sliding door behind the couches which she thought was the room's door.

She stared blankly for a while but nothing made sense to her. What was happening? After years of torture with endless pain, was she finally going insane?

She felt uncomfortable and tried to get up. Her throat felt sore like she wasn't drinking anything for years. Her lips were dry and inside of her mouth was stuck together from dryness. She tried to swallow but it hurt more.

Looking for something to drink, she saw a water bottle next to the humidifier on the nightstand. She lifted her hand to take the bottle but it felt strange. Her hand and skin, they were so much healthier than they were before. Did her hand used to look this small?

She opened her hands and stared at her palms very carefully. She pinched herself. This was strange, she was skin and bones before, she didn't have this much meat on her hands and arms.

What was going on? Her chest was as flat as before, there were no changes so she didn't think much about that. But something felt uncomfortable between her legs.

Squirming a little she wanted to take the covers off and see what was wrong. Right at that moment, the sliding door opened and two Asian men in casual clothes were seen.

They stood frozen in place. There was confusion written all over Grace's face and two men were shocked to see her awake.

After a moment of silent staring, young one of the two strode over as fast as lightning with a very excited expression. He started blabbering something in a language she had never heard before. The older one said something in the same language and left. Because grace couldn't understand anything she felt so awkward and confused, she didn't know what to do.

The man continued to talk and grace was guessing he asked something to her because he looked at her like he was waiting for an answer.

Not knowing what to say she spoke. "U-um.Sorry? I-i don't understand you. Do-"

Was that her voice? Her voice wasn't this low, she had a high pitched, sweet voice that sounded very good when she spoke calmly, a rare trait she was proud of. But now it was low and soft, but not deep.

The Asian guy stared blankly at her. And grace looked blankly at him, confusion evident on both of their faces.