Just a little bit naughty

In the blink of an eye one and a half month passed. Even though he became more familiar with the members, they would still put a distance between themselves and mi jung. They would engage in everyday conversations and rant to him sometimes but nothing serious would be talked.

He would spend most of his days training and studying. These two things were the things that he came to enjoy the most. Since he lived his first life as a plant, without being able to do anything he loved learning new things. At first he had a really hard time adjusting, learning a new language was of course hard for him and practising singing until his voice became hoarse was painful.

As for dancing, it came to him naturally just as manager jin said. Even if he didn't know how to dance his body knew and it made learning the dances easier. After two weeks he was accustomed to waking up at five in the morning going for a run, going to studio to practice singing, to practice room for dancing and after those he would get tutored in sesgad. Kids would help him correct his mistakes and help him with his homeworks.

But mi jung knew it wasn't enough. He would work and work but would still lack in a lot of things. He started practicing after everyone was asleep. He would sing and sing until dawn. Some days he would only sleep for forty five minutes in the car on the way to photoshoots. He didn't need to speak in photoshoots, he would smile and behave kindly to staff.

They were a fresh group so no one really knew them. Staff would sometimes just order him rather than asking politely like go there, do that, put this on, wait here. It wasn't his first time seeing people that had stones in place their of hearts and he was good at acting and tolerating so he didn't mind as long as they didn't make any trouble.

He learned a lot of things about this world he came to life. The earth wasn't a suitable place to live for people anymore and they couldn't discover any planet to live either so they just decided living in the sky was the best decision they could come up with.

They built enourmous platforms that would hold their houses and buildings. Aliminum was used to make it lighter and a bunch of materials he had no idea of. After a series of failures and modifications they succeeded. Starting a new era, life turned into glamorous entertaintment and techonology. Idols, actors and actresses were now almost half of the population.

According to the calculations mi jung made he was living almost three hundred years in the future. It made mi jung sure that he would never be able to see his mother again. He knew that he wouldn't be able to go back but he still had a little bit of hope before learning these. He would see a lot of nightmares and he would sometimes cry in the bathroom while kids were sleeping.

Every morning he would use some facial care so his eyes wouldn't look puffy from crying and his face pale from sleepless nights he pulled.

Haneul would always come to talk him so he could ease his uneasiness but what mi jung felt was heartache not uneasiness. Thus his word could do nothing to appease the pain he was feeling. Well, with time mi jung learned how to cope with this internal pain he was feeling. From a cold to fragile being to a pillar of support for the group.

He turned into someone who was composed at all times with a mild temperament. He could already speak sesgad quite good but he wouldn't unless he had to.

While he was thingking all these in his head a small michevious smile made its way into his cupid shaped lips. Edges of his mouth curved slightly tugged at the people's heart who saw this scene. I guess you could say he was just a little bit naughty, he thought.

Suddenly a headband with cat ears came into his line of vision. All the noise, laughter and camera flashes. Daydreaming in the middle of a sign event wasn't good. He was the least popular member of the group, since he couldn't talk and he was too composed to show extra reactions.

A girl with a lovely chesnut hair was giving him a cat ear headband to wear. She was blushing so much from the smile mi jung was serving earlier she could only stutter while talking.

"I-I'm a fan! C-Can you try t-this on, please!" She shouted and bowed her head down so fast, mi jung was rendered speechless. After getting himself together he gave a small smile.

"Ah, so you are my fan. Of course i can. Do you want to take a photo too."

Mi jung took the cat ear headband from the hands of the girl and put it on. With his petal shaped eyes and beautiful face, he looked beyond cute with cat ears. A lot of fans who saw this creature screamed with excitement.

Mi jung smiled and reached closer to the girl so they could take a photo together. Poor girl almost had a heart attack seeing the beauty of her idol this up close.He smelled divine and his face was so smooth and clear.

"What is your name?" mi jung asked the girl.

"Yoo mirae."

"Don't you want a sign, mirae?"

"Y-yes! Please!" she gave the album and the photos of mi jung from the recent photoshoot he did.

"Thank you for supporting us, mirae. By the way i really like your hair, it looks good on you."

Mi jung signed the album and the photos giving mirae a smile as sweet as a honey. From that day onwards Mirae became one of the most hardcore fan of mi jung, supporting his every decision and protecting him no matter the gossip. Because he was the only one who realized her hair that day, not even her boyfriend or bestfriend realized it. Making her happy was this easy. But that was because her idol was the prettiest person in the whole city of Kor.

The next day a photo and video of mi jung went viral on the internet causing a big wave in the media, turning all the eyes to mi jung.