Entry Data #1 Section A - 1

[ Typing...

Accessing DNA data]

-- DNA Data Combination --

+ Horse

+ Snake

+ Falcon

+ Feline

+ Chicken

+ Salamander

+ Komodo dragon

+ Ram

+ Bull

+ Human







-- Accessing Data Lore types --

+ Western: symbolize greed or pride, but can also symbolize good luck, protection, and fertility. They were not only used to represent evil.

+ Eastern: symbolize potent and auspicious powers, particularly control over water, rainfall, typhoons, and floods, also a symbol of power, strength, and good luck for others.

-- Accessing Data on certain set biological rules --

+ Depending on the environment their looks differ

+ Their eggs can live in a dormant state for thousands of years if in a dire state

+ The mother for this species are overprotective of their own offspring

+ They can live up to 10,000 through 50,000

+ The skin or scales are as hard as steel

--Accessing Data on Body Types of Types--

Amphiptere: The amphiptere has the body of a serpent, from head to tail. It also has a pair of wings behind its neck, where forelimbs might be found on a quadruped, but the amphiptere possess no hind limbs. As a hybrid of bird and serpent, most amphiptere have feathered wings, but some have membranous wings like those of a bat.

Anthro: is bipedal with shortened forearms, which makes walking on all fours difficult or impossible. Their digits can range from humanlike digits with nails to talons. They mostly are seen with raised heels, for they walk on the balls of their feet instead of heel-to-toe like humans. Sometimes the thighs are shortened, although many have alternatively modified proportions to compensate for the raised heel

Hybrids: Hybrids may possess serpent or reptile attributes, such as the head of a crocodile or the fangs of a cobra. Some hybrids have more subtle relationships with serpents.

Drake: with four limbs, much like a lizard, although usually far larger in size than the average lizard. A particularly potent example of a drake in the natural world is the Komodo Dragon, a large species of minotaur lizard in Indonesia. These particular creatures have low-slung bodies, much like crocodiles and alligators, with their bellies lying across the ground.

Fairy: are roughly the size of a butterfly or a dragonfly, the largest butterfly having a body length up to 3.2 inches (8 cm) and a wingspan up to 1 foot (30 cm). Most are have four limbs and twin wings. They have insect-style wings, like that of a moth or butterfly, or in some cases, a dragonfly. Because of the size of their wings, they are slender and light. Some only have hind limbs. Regardless of the number of limbs, they usually had reptile-like limbs. Rarely they are seen with insect-style limbs. Other physical attributes include antennas and stingers.

Great Serpent: type need not be of the spectacular size or terrifying shape. Great Serpents may be enormous or tiny specimens, sometimes with particular attributes, such as horns or antlers. In most cases, a Great Serpent is set apart from other snakes by the simple fact that it is imbued with important powers or wisdom

Hydra: can take on the initial traits and characteristics of any other. Hydra is a separate type because of the additional physical characteristic, the most common of which is multiple heads. Some Hydras present with additional tails, arms, or wings.

Lindorm: is a gigantic serpent with the head of a horse and a mane down the neck part of its body. Lindorms possess two forelegs below the neck with the claws of an eagle. Their heads are particularly large, with red eyes that burn like coals. A lindorm's mouth is large enough to swallow a person whole.

Sea Serpent: range in size drastically, from 30 feet to 300 feet (9 m - 90 m) long with bodies ranging from 5 feet to 20 feet (1 m - 6 m) thick. They range in color from greyish to chocolate to black. Some sea serpents have a mane down their necks, similar to a horse; others have heads shaped like those of a horse and the mane presented resembles seaweed. Some sea serpents have a single horn, approximately one foot (31 cm) in length shaped like a marlinspike. While many of sea serpents have serpentine bodies without limbs that end with a long, steering tail, there are just as many of sea serpents with webbed limbs, fins, or even wing-like appendages, likely used for steering in the water. They all have large eyes, usually blue or pewter in color.

Occidental: have four thick, powerful legs and claws with the talons of an eagle. has scales covering its body, similar to those of a crocodile, with a barbed, serpentine tail. Their wings are membranous, like those of a bat. The heads of them are large and wedge-shaped like that of a crocodile or monitor lizard with a crest, horns, or antlers. They have huge fangs and possess particularly noxious poison; in some cases, they exhale deadly fumes or even fire.

Wurm: have thick, serpentine bodies with a head shaped like a horse or a crocodile. Some have horns, dangerously large fangs, and bright, wide eyes.